OzBargain $1 drink Wiki

If you had bad luck and did not bring your own cold drinks from home. Then you might have to buy drinks outside. Would pay $2+ for a cold can of drink/ bottle of water. Me personally never!!!

With summer coming up i suggest we put together our collective efforts to put together a list of places where we can buy $1 COLD DRINKS/COLD BOTTLED WATER etc. I think there should be a secondary list at the bottom to include those store selling drinks up to $1.20 each.

This list should also be helpful when your visiting another state or a suburb you are not familiar with. There is no reason why you should not be entitled to $1 COLD drinks wherever you are.

In general the drinks should be purchasable for $1 with no conditions attached such as the requirement to buy a meal.


EDIT: I've created a spreadsheet you should be able to comment or post here and i'll update the wiki.

Feel free to make suggestions such what to name the project. Cheers.


  • wooh, ive never seen a drink go for $1

    • Took only one minute to google. $1 drink at laundromat 5min from Brisbane central.

      I'm sure there are heaps of places throughout the city, most may simply have a sign and do not advertise on the web

      • Not sure about driving 5 minutes away to get a can for $1 is all that good ;) Even then, city to KP isn't the most convenient for city worker.

        Good idea though

  • Any Maccas should give you a free cup of cold water with ice even without a meal ordered.

    Embarrassing to order, yes, but I've done it. Once.

    Well, my boyfriend at the time did it. He said they had to oblige (whether or not this is strictly true, I cannot say, but he used to work there as a teenager… so who knows). We got free large iced waters. mmmm refreshing!

    • Yes but they give you something that taste distinctly tap water. I haven't done it recently but i have done it around 5 times without ordering anything must have been years ago.

      • +3

        I can't fathom the idea that you just got a free cup of iced water, but are disappointed it was only tap. Would Evian be ok, or are you a voss only person? For your free water!

        • lol i expect it to be like filtered tap water. But hey thats why i stopped asking.

    • The same applies for any pub. You could easily just walk in off the street and get an ice cold glass of water without them even batting an eyelid (unless you are under 18).

      • Thats because they legally required to have drinking water available for free if they serve alcohol, not their store policy, but a law. McDonalds on the other hand, actually aren't legally required to give you free water.

        • Thats because they legally required to have drinking water available

          Yes but its only for horses

      • Maccas would be far more convenient for most people than pubs, but yeah, pubs would apply as well for sure.

        Maccas would give you the water in a plastic cup though - so you can take it away. Pubs will invariably give it to you in a glass so you're forced to drink it on the spot. Also if you've got kids with you, a pub isn't going to be as do-able. Also the trading hours of a McDonalds are more convenient than most pubs… and there are more McDonalds around than pubs (well, depending on where you are I guess).

        • +1

          i always ask my pub to add a little whiskey to my free water.

  • Frozen coke at HJ
    Some Asian grocers sell a can for $1-1.50

  • I also noticed there is a list of $1 drink machine/fridge in Australia called the "The $1 Can Project".

    I think i've used the $1 machine at Marrickville, NSW its design is unforgettable lol.

    In Sydney CBD alone i think there is at-least 3-4 places that sell $1 drinks.

    The convenient store near the long tunnel in central station sells $1 drinks for starters.

  • +3

    My kids know they are out for the day when we share a 2L flavoured milk. Always cold, and half the time we can find one in the supermarket marked down cause near use-by. We carry cups, of course, but have been known to buy the 25 pack of plastic cups for a dollar to avoid the shame of 6 straws if we are going to a picnic or event. We obviously pop the left over cups in the glove box for next time. A friend washes hers after use, but my kids tend to lose/destroy/filth-ify them, so we rarely reuse.
    If it is just Dad and the kids though, swig from the bottle son!

  • tobacconists often sell $1 cans of drink.

  • Priceline have $1 bottles I believe.

  • Just an update currently cheapest cold water is found @ Wynard Coles hotfood counter.


    Latest update

    Wynard - Coles Central - 0.75c 1.5Litre Spring water
    Newton - Charming World Grocer - $0.99 375ml Coke, Diet and Zero
    Bondi Junction - Premium Junction Outlet - $1 500ml water

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