• expired

iHerb New Australian Post Shipping Service Starts from $3.60, Allows up to 10lbs and $120


New! Australian Post Shipping Service

Australia Post — $3.60
Direct shipping through Australian Post
Takes 5-8 days for delivery, with tracking number
Up to 10 lbs. (4.53 kg.) and $120 in value.

September, 2014 - We are happy to announce the availability of direct service through Australian Post. How it works: We ship your packages from our warehouse to Sydney, Australia, and then Australian Post completes the delivery. We expect that within the next two months, we can deliver packages to our customers in major Australian cities within 3-4 days. This shipping method includes order tracking through Auspost.Com.

For first time buyers,feel free to click my referral link or a random one to have $5 or $10 off.(For order above $40,you can have $10 off).

Referral Links

Referral: random (346)

New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

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closed Comments

  • Shame they took away the free shipping option that was there for a while. Even if it took quite a while, it was a good choice when you didn't need your stuff so urgently.

    • +1

      I think this option is better,low fee with tracking number,much safer!

    • Do they still offer free shipping from time to time?

  • +1

    It's not a flat rate, this - http://www.iherb.com/Healthy-Origins-Organic-Extra-Virgin-Co… costs $12.50 to ship via the Australia Post shipping.

    • Yeah,you are right.I correct my title.
      It seems start from $3.6 for the first pound.

    • Neat that's the brand I buy.


  • +1

    Thought somebody was jumping on the medicinal marijuana bandwagon for a second there…

  • Tried some 3kgs worth of creatine monohydrate and got Auspost delivery for $20. How did you get $3.60?

    • and DHL international express would have been $8

  • +3

    Just want to comment on their customer service.

    I bought a bunch of stuff in one (some creams, foam roller, supplements etc). Anyway, during shipping one of the creams decided to go volcanic and coat the other items in goop. Not their fault, I guess it could have been packaged better, but I received a full refund on everything damaged ( I refused them to refund some of the supps in boxes which were really only cosmetically effected). Top stuff.

  • +1

    lol DHL international express ($8 up to 8 pounds) is cheaper on most larger items

    And they used to already offer $4 on smaller items. Now they have taken the $4 up to 4lb option and replaced it with more expensive Aust Post ….. Did Vitacost buy iHerb :s

    So where is the bargain here

    I honestly trust DHL global mail ($4) more than Australia post

    • DHL mail is delivered by Au post with no tracking when it arrives.High report of missing.It happened to me once.

      • +3

        An example here for 3.32lb

        • Australia Post — $11.00
          Estimated Delivery Date: September 29, 2014 - October 02, 2014

        • DHL Express- International — $8.00
          Estimated Delivery Date: September 24, 2014 - September 26, 2014

        DHL is cheaper faster delivery - no bargain here .. time to move on

        • When I saw the rate,I thought it was flat rate.Otherwise,I would not post it.Now,if your order is below 2lbs,Au post is better option.

        • -2

          Eastern Culture

          For smaller items this is a saving. Plus this is good news as they will also be setting up a local warehouse.

          AND as a fellow referrer who posts a lot of iHerb deals, I think its extremely poor form to vote down another referrer.

          You have a strong posting record for referral deals, let others post theirs. While you may not think its a great deal, its still a deal for some.

          I think you should remove your negative vote.

          I've voted positive to offset this poor form. If you remove your negative vote I'll reverse my positive vote

        • +2


          It's a 40 cent saving for light items, versus many dollar increase for the majority of other items. On average, the postage cost for Australia has increased quite a lot with this change. It's not a bargain, and should be negged.

        • @sparkles:

          My point with EC is that of the past 15 deals of Iherb posted here, 9 of them have been made by EC. So let others decide like you if this is a good deal or not.

          The rates that were available by iHerb in the past - Global shipping are now not available so comparing rates not available is a mute point.

          Personally I dont think this is a deal, as this is just an information piece about shipping. Its not a time limited deal, its permanent. Just like someone posting that DS has now free shipping. To me it belongs in the forums and I have asked the mods to look at this.

        • +2

          Free shipping would be a bargain and worthy of a deal.
          Certain specials are a bargain and worthy of a deal.
          Comparitive cheap prices factoring in postage are a bargain and worthy of a deal.
          OP has presented none of these.

          An increase in shipping for the majority of orders is not a bargain and not worthy of a deal. This is just a postage hike (and a sizeable one at that) masquerading as a reduction. iHerb worded their email like it's some amazing delivery improvement but the fact is, for most orders this won't be a positive outcome.

        • i buy from vitacost and it is a pain to buy in bulk to just max out on their flat rate first tier postage.

  • I ordered something the other night around 10 pounds, and DHL was cheaper by quite a bit.

  • Do they sell NZT-48 ?

    • search their site

  • $3.60? Looks like it's a saving of 40 cents from when I ordered last. Not exactly a big saving to warrant such bargains.

  • +7

    This is actually the opposite of a bargain. Postage has actually increased for items that aren't featherweight.

    Example: a box of Quest bars used to ship for $4.00. Now is $9.70 or $8.00 via DHL. Postage has doubled (or more). Definitely worth shopping around now for the best deal by comparing iHerb and Vitacost.

    • Yup agreed.

      Used to buy Quest bars exactly the same manner, almost better off buying direct from Quest now.

      Sad days.

  • +1

    Saw this the other night when putting in an order…for me to ship my goods using Auspost was WAY more expensive than using DHL which often comes here super quickly. Not seeing a deal/bargain here at all :|

  • Saw the AusPost option on my most recent purchase, however it was MORE expensive than DHL and the estimated postage was LONGER. DHL is great, I have ordered on Monday and received Friday sometimes, super quick. I wouldn't use AusPost for delivery.

  • New freight charges from IHerb definitly not a bargain, i have been ordering from Iherb for a few years now, always through the 4LB $4.00 deal and yes most orders took 17 days to get to my door but i have never missed a thing, and now the same order would be roughly twice as dear so no not a good deal anymore, not surprising since they involve Australia post.
    Why not give the choice of the old way(longer time and no tracking $4.00 up to 4lb) and the new way(shorter delivery time + tracking 4lb around $12.50) that would be fair and those who are in a hurry to get their stuff simply pay more for the freight while those that plan ahead still benefit from one of the main reason for choosing Iherb, great shipping fees.
    Ok there are lots of other resons to choose Iherb but freight was one of those.
    Also why is Iherb blocking certain products that are available here through health food shop, Manuka honey for exemple, half the price from Iherb(the one from NZ, the same we get here in stores), i know they say it is australian customs but how can they justify blocking from one door and letting come in an other? And the list of banned products is very long, i can't get MSM from there anymore ect…
    Anyway cheers to all and the best of health

  • Yeah, no deal. This will make many of my orders more expensive.

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