• expired

Free Certificate of Identity, Issued by The Passport Office


Identity document normally issued to stateless refugees or those who have had their passport revoked by ASIO.

Yours free from the passport office! Catch is you can't actually travel overseas, only to Norfolk Island.

Apply from the post office or online like you would for a normal passport, tick the Certificate of Identity(Travel to Norfolk only) box. No fee payable!


Related Stores

Australian Passport Office
Australian Passport Office

closed Comments

  • +13

    but why?

  • This has always been? Not sure in the point of posting this on Ozbargin … Not a deal.

    Document of Identity
    - issued free of charge to Australian citizens who intend to travel between Norfolk Island and the Australian mainland only

    Certifcate of Identity
    It is issued to people who are:
    - not Australian citizens; and
    - about to leave Australia or one of its territories; and
    - stateless or unable to obtain a travel document from their country of nationality.

  • +9

    cool as this document sounds, I don't think we should encourage this frivolous use of tax payer resources!

    • +5

      It was inspired by the free Queen photo post.

    • -2

      You haven't heard of -periodic- HALVING of the License-fees (previously) paid by AU's Commercial TV Broadcasters (last time, about 1 year -before- the last C'th Election & effective just before thar Election, I think…

      "Don't forget, we halved your License Fees… Be kind to us, in your election coverage, now, won't you…?"

      (See my longer post, below…)

  • +8

    Profile pic explains all

  • Anything to do in Norfolk Island? How long does it last for?

  • +11

    This has been free since Lieutenant Philip Gidley King took control of Norfolk Island on 6 March 1788 with a party of 15 convicts and 7 free men…

    • +4

      Did they have pigeonbargain at that time ???

  • Perfect for terrorists disguising as refugees. Only time will tell when this country will be…

    • +4

      over run by fear?

  • +2

    Great for ISIS membership

    • +1

      If you join ISIS, you get screwed…

      • -1

        Young, dumb, and full of..

  • +1

    Is this a new way to dodge tax?

    Revoke Australian Citizenship. Get Certificate. No Taxes as you are Stateless?

    Eduardo Saverin renounces US citizenship ahead of Facebook IPO

    • +1

      You haven't heard of the tiny spec of (formerly) Aussie soil, in WA, that was made into another country, ie, by the Queen… quite a long time ago…?

      • +1

        No one actually recognises Hutt River Province - not even Australia.

        • Maybe so, but - having got their "virtual independence" - they can attract a few tourists, eg, doco-makers, who want to show & tell of AU's follies… (and/or or those of our Queen…?)

    • Tax is paid based where you reside/earn income, not who you are a citizen of*.

      • Some places will additionally tax you just for being a citizen even if you do not reside in that country.
    • +6


      • -1

        Something like $42 million was cut from AU's Commercial TV Broadcasters' ACMA license fees, by the halving, from memory, ie, in the most recent License-fee HALVING alone.

        Of course, ABC frames it in a pro-gov't manner, IMO: "New plans to boost Australian TV content"

        Nowhere do we read of all the countries who grant Radio hobbyists cost-free (even lifetime) licenses, while Aussie Radio Hams must find $72+ / year for theirs.

        We saw the gov't call in Microsoft, Adobe, etc. in to explain why Aussies should have to pay THEM more for their Software Licenses…

        Who will put C'th gov't's ACMA on the hot-seat to try to justify the punishing $72 / year license fees our Hams must pay or go silent… while our peers, elsewhere, enjoy the same cost-freedoms as out fishers & hobby boaters?

        • post left wing biased sources
          expect credibility

          Choose one

        • -1

          If you can't dispute facts & ideas with arguments,
          don't expect credibility by name-calling.

          It's not about "wings" it's about fairness.

    • i beg your pardon !!

    • Julian Assange, is that YOU ?

      • Assange is too busy releasing spyware.


        edit: by going to the link above you may well become a government statistic. You'll understand WHY once you read the page and see it's content.

    • +2

      You might have better luck posting this rant on Reddit.

      • -1

        There or any other similar Leftie circlejerk forums

  • What do you need to show as points to get this thing?

    It looks like it would be worth quite a few ID points itself.

    • -1

      Our people keep (separate) ID document files (eg, in display folders), &
      take their folder along whenever 100 points of ID may be required.

      So far, there's always been -more- than enough points in each folder.

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