World ending 31/12/2037 - what is google not telling us?!?!?

so i thought I'd play with my china droid phones calender.

I noticed that the calender only goes until 31/12/2037!

my workmates phone is the same.

is 31/12/2037 the date for the end of the world?!?!?!?!?!?


  • +2

    Makes sense to me.

  • Mine has scrolled well past that.

  • +3

    World is not ending - but your phone might be in 2038 :-)

    It is probably related to the Year 2038 problem

  • So that's the reason why both Google and Apple are pushing 64bit mobile phones…

  • +1

    on the brighter side of things.. there would be so many freebies and deals as we edge closer to that date! #campingozbargins

  • Google are the Illuminati that control the minds of the human race. I have been bangin on for ages. Build a bomb shelter, buy heaps of tin food and get radioactive proof clothing cos they are serious.Abott wants to warmonger cos of some ISIL youtube vids. We are cyborgs now and the microsft drones are only the beginning.

    • +2

      Build a bomb shelter, buy heaps of tin food…

      You could just re-used that shelter you built 14 years ago that didn't really get used. The food might have expired though.

  • Meh. I read the year 2037 and thought "so what? we'll be dead by then".

    Then I realised I'll only be 50 that year. That's scary. 2037 sounds so far into the future. Really really far.

    I need sleep.

    • Me too….only 50….runs off to find a spot to build a fallout shelter

      • Me 3 :P

        Maybe we should pool all our money and build a shelter for 5o year olds :P
        (could be willing to negotiate other ages tho :D)

        • What about us 60+ folk?

          Most of us won't use it for as long unless you young un's turn it into a crypt.

  • +1

    My windows phone had scrolled way past that to 2345+

  • +1

    My Nexus 5's calendar stops at 31/12/2036. I feel gypped!

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