After having many very cheap/second hand office chairs break on me I'm asking for Recommendations, It can be any design the only must is it has to adjust height (like every office chair) and be under $200.
Any help or links will be greatly appreciated, even better would be links to chairs you have bought and are happy with. Off ebay would be a big plus to (with the 15% deal atm)
Many thanks in advance Ozbargin
I'm a bit of a chair snob, but I was cruising ikea the other day and noticed:…
Sat down and was immediately sold for $99. I couldn't believe I actually lowered myself to buying a pleather chair from ikea for $99, but a month on I am still very happy with the comfort of this chair. Used in my home office 2-3 hours a day, still super comfy, has tilt back function which I enjoy when pondering the worlds problems.