Why do you buy bottled water?

I'm curious to know why people buy bottled water. Do people think it tastes better? Do you live in a part of the country that has entirely unpalatable tap water? Do you have some libertarian/health objection to the state adding fluoride to the water supply? Do you think bottles of water in your fridge are more convenient than a jug of cold tap water?

I live in a part of the country that has perfectly safe, tasteless (a quality which one no doubt wants) tap water. I've bought a few Voss bottles because they are a good size and, being glass, seem to get water colder quicker and I can sterilise with boiling water every-so-often.

I added a poll with some common reaosns why people buy water, but if you have another reason please share it.

Poll Options

  • 3
    My tap water is unsafe, unpalatable, unreliable.
  • 2
    I live in an area which is prone to disaster; I buy bottled water for emergency.
  • 12
    I honestly think it tastes better.
  • 3
    My objection is for health reasons (e.g. I disapprove of the state adding fluoride to the supply).
  • 1
    I use it for guests.
  • 4
    I have it sitting in my fridge for convenience.


  • +4

    I buy bottled water in packs of 12/24 when they go on specials etc. And usually they last me anywhere between 3-6 months. At home, I generally drink boiled tap water. Not too sure if it's necessary, but that was the way I was brought up. I grew up in South East Asia, and the water there was unhygienic to drink straight off the the tap.

    I usually use the bottled waters for:

    1. When I'm in a rush to head out, and I don't have any boiled water to pour into my regular water bottle.
    2. When I have guests over. Sometimes when I have electricians or any tradies over working on something around the house, I like to offer them a bottle too.
    3. Empty water bottles make a great and cheap toy for a dog. I stuff them with food, and my dog loves the mental stimulation trying to work out how get the food. The water bottle is actually one of my dogs favourite toy, compared to a lot of more expensive toys that I've bought over the years.
  • +2

    Does it count if I buy bottled water, solely for the bottle, not necessarily for the water? For example, I buy bottled water so that I can re-use that bottle at home, like refilling the bottle with the filtered tap water then keeping it on my desk, or if i fill up the water in the morning then take it with me to keep in my bag when i go to university. Get what I mean?

    • Sure it counts :), that is what I did with my Voss bottles. I don't care about drinking Norwegian water, I just wanted the glass bottle to drink from.

      But can I ask, why do you filter your water? What do you find wrong with straight tap?

      • I don't know about Baz96, but I'm from Adelaide and Adelaide water tastes horrible, so I drink filtered just for the taste. However when I go to other states I either buy bottled water or bring a filtered bottle because my digestive system can't take the sudden switch back to un-filtered

  • +1

    Because I'm in Vietnam :-)

  • central coast water tastes and smells of chlorine

  • i only buy bottled water to keep in the car or have for going out or emergencies

    at home or work i use the standard filtered water

  • I think you need to add to the poll the option: "I don't buy bottled water". I don't buy them and drink tap water. I buy them when I need the container or when I don't carry water with me and want to drink.

    • +2

      Except the thread title specifically targets bottled-water drinkers.

      • Correct. Plus, I can't edit the poll now. I don't think it is worth bothering a mod over.

  • For the bottles. At home we have a triple filtering system. Now I live away from home I drink it straight out from the tap. However the fact that our filters at home need to be watched like once a week shows that the water is not that clean….
    But it's okay, a little bit of dirt won't hurt!

  • I buy bottled sparkling mineral water (1.25L). Coz still tap water isn't as refreshing when I'm dying of thirst.

    mmm fizzy water.

    I don't buy still bottled water though, so ignore this post. lol

  • I was going to say I don't, but every year or so I do buy a 24 pack on special, freeze them and use them as esky ice when camping.

    • I suppose you need to open each one of them up and tip some water out otherwise the bottle might crack open when you freeze it full.

  • I buy it for the bottle to reuse it

  • I just installed a new kitchen tap with dual filter water purifier (tap and filter unit cost $130 all up) and use re-usable drink bottles.

  • I would have liked to see the people who object on health grounds elaborate on why they think tap water is unhealthy or unsafe.

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