Recommendations for well built enterprise notebook (but buying 2nd hand)

So my poor Compaq V3000 has died after 7 long years of service. Tried to boot it up but got 3 beeps indicating GPU failure.

I'm now after a lightweight business notebook that I can take traveling. At first I thought about getting the Dell E4310 for around $250 via eBay as I have a spare battery for it, but it's also a pretty old model and I can't stand the touchpad.

Anyone have any suggestions for a 2012~2013 era business type laptop? (e.g Travelmate series, Protege series, Latitude or Probook series) and where to buy from in Sydney?
At least Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge, not fussed on the screen size (can be 13 to 15 inch) but has to be sturdy.


  • Lenovo ThinkPad X230 $449 Delivered from Lenovo Outlet? Ivy Bridge i3. Yes sturdy :)

    • Was a good deal but out of stock unfortunately :( Good suggestion though, thanks.

  • Try dell factory outlet for the Latitudes

  • GPU just needs reballing? I've fixed various graphics issues by reballing GPUs on 5 laptops. DIY is totally possible (nothing to lose anyway).

    or are you happy to upgrade and let dead laptops lie?

    • So how do you do that? Is it simply a case of putting the motherboard in a warm oven? I've come across a few machines that I could have probably done that as a last resort…

    • I don't have a solder gun, don't know how to solder either.

      • you only need a heat gun. [here] is a youtube clip of how you do it. basically strip down laptopo until you expose the GPU. surround the gpu with aluminium foil to protect thE rest of the MB. apply heat gun to gpu. place a small piece of solder on the GPU to monitor the heating. once it melts you are nearly finished.

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