[3DS] Super Smash Bros. demo codes available for select Club Nintendo Australia members

Nintendo Australia
Nintendo Europe
Nintendo America

Anyone else receive some (eligible recipients receive 4)? These Club Nintendo codes are unlimited in usage unlike normal demos and work with local wireless connections. Stuff from it carries over to the main game too.

The same deal is available from Nintendo Europe, while if you're with Nintendo America, select Club Nintendo Platinum members got 4 codes as well.

This demo has Smash mode with five playable characters (Mario, Villager, Link, Pikachu and Mega Man), one stage (Battlefield) and the ability to compete in local multiplayer matches with fellow Nintendo 3DS and 2DS owners who have downloaded the demo to their systems.

The demo will go to the eShop in one week's time, however that one has the normal 30 limited tries.

In addition, Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire will also feature a demo with unlimited tries and carrying over content.

Btw for your codes, here's how to recognise what region it is from:
A05U - Europe
A05V - North America
A05W - Australia

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    • The code could not be recognised.

      Seems like the code is from another region or incorrect. I tried on my Australian 3DS. Thanks anyway.

    • Not recognized by USA 3DS either. Cheers.

  • Anyone with a spare Australian code please please please send it to me at [email protected]

    Thank you to the kind soul that hopefully decides to!

  • Okay, since I don't expect to be receiving a code for nothing, I'll offer one of the following Steam games for a code:

    My terms are that I validate the code first before giving the game. I understand it may be hard to trust someone over the internet but I hope the fact that my account wasn't made recently (unlike a lot of the accounts that have posted in this thread) and the fact that I've posted several deals is enough for you to trust me. Send me a message if interested.

    • +1

      Managed to get one from a nice fellow who asked for nothing in return.

  • For future demos like this (as posted in the OP, Pokemon OR/AS unlimited demo is coming next), you should (if you haven't already) do the following:

    1. Register your 3DS on Club Nintendo (yeah, this means you might miss out on console registration promos like the one Nintendo EU is doing).
    2. Link your Nintendo 3DS to your Club Nintendo email.
    3. Subscribe to Nintendo's newsletters (most of them are ads, but every now and then…you might get something special).

    I'm pretty sure 2 & 3 must be done. Number 1…well, I haven't heard of anyone who hasn't registered their 3DS's Club Nintendo code and still received these codes.

    • I feel like another condition is that you must have registered something in Club Nintendo within a certain time period. The last thing I registered was Animal Crossing shortly after launch. I asked a few other guys I know who are also CN members and don't buy games often and none of them received a code either. Only one person I know who does frequently buy Nintendo games got codes.

      • Yeah, you might be right. I did register a few games pretty recently and I got the codes.

        • Wouldn't happen to have one to share with an an excited fan of ssb would you? xD

        • @trenthar: Sorry, gave them all away already.

        • @Ventak: That's perfectly fine, happy gaming! :D

  • If anyone has a spare key, it would be greatly appreciated

  • +1

    Sorry guys, just realised my settings didn't allow messaging. I changed it now so the first 2 to pm me will get the codes!

    • I PMed you :D (I'm crossing my fingers so hard it hurts)

      • +1

        Sent :) I didn't realise I got 4 codes, thought I only had 3… I still have one more to give away!

        • Are your codes Australian? If so can I have it? Please

    • +1

      Need to sleep… All my codes are gone apart from this one:



      • someone used it.

  • please pm me an Australian code!

  • Seems like I'm a bit late to the party with this one…

    I've subscribed before but haven't registered anything since pokemon X.

    If there are any codes floating around out there could someone please PM me? :)

  • Same here, if anyone has a code and can kindly give it away please let me know. Tried to check what the qualifying conditions are since I registered a whole bunch of games when Mario Kart 8 came out but apparently that still didn't qualify? sad face

  • +1

    Could somebody PM me a code please! :)

  • Anyone still with a spare code please PM with it. Pleasee.

  • doubt codes would still be around but if by any chance someone has any i would appreciate one

  • I would love a code if there's one spare

  • If anyone still has an Australian code lying around, I would love to have it and would be eternally grateful for your amazing deed!!

  • If anyone has any spares, please hook a fellow brother of super smash up!
    Can't wait to use Megaman, and smash potato (funny chicken sorta game) has got me pumped for Villager!

  • anyone have a spare code?

  • Lets play a game.
    I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 20, the first 3 users to correctly guess I will PM you a code!!


    • 7

      • try again!!

        • 13?
          How many goes I get?

        • @Mattzza: nope!! ummm lets say 6 tries! (you should change your settings so i can PM you)

        • +1

          @dpthomas94:6 tries? ok 2 4 10 12 16 18?

    • How do I do that?
      And okay that seems fair.
      Ummm my friend said 12 so I'm going to go with that.

      • My Account>Edit>Messaging>AllowPM
        Keep Trying!!

        • Thanks I've allowed it.

        • +1

          @Mattzza: Here you go! A05WPL1S1C964SX2

    • hope im not too late 5 , 12, 18, 4, 9, 7

    • 14

    • +1

      Bcuase Dpthomas94 is a new user he cant comment anymore so hes asked me to tell you to Pm him for the last code!

      • +1

        i cant pm anyone can u get the code from him and pm it to me T.T

    • -1

      2, 19, 7, 3, 13, 17

      I'm open for PM's right or not huehue

    • Have you got any left?!

    • 17

  • Does anyone have any spare Australian codes? If so I would greatly appreciate it if you sent me one.

  • +1

    Any one have Au Code? hahah hoping i can get one :s

  • im guessing no more codes T.T still; need one

  • +2

    I got one last code, it's for an AU account, I'll give it to the first PM I get.

    Ok never mind, it's gone now. Wow that was quick, less 5 minutes.

    • nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • I got 2 AU code if anybody still want it.

    • yes pls

    • Yes please!

    • sooo umm did i get it ? :D

    • Pm me if you have one! I'd greatly appreciate it!!

    • -2

      Hey dude. You seem like a pretty chill dude. How about giving me the code? Look at my name ;)

    • -2

      Ok seriously dude , i'm getting really desperate now. I'll do anything you ask now. Yes i will even suck your dick. Deal?

    • Ok, it's all gone now. Have fun people.

  • Some sites if you want codes would be:


    or just 3DS subreddit in general and


    Though you will have to wait for people to offer codes and ask for one :)

  • My best mates all are playing the demo and im left out :( If someone could PM me a code that would be amazing.

  • +9

    MEMBERS SINCE 15/16/17 SEPTEMBER 2014.

    Ya'll need to eff off.

    • -1

      Cheers mate.

      • Looking at you, code-seller! >:(

  • appreciate of someone can send me a code its for my 5 yr old who is playing ds a lot these days because he is recovering from surgery

  • I have a spare code - PM if you want it

  • If anyone has a spare code, could you PM me please? Thank you so much!

  • Could someone please send me an AU code! I have an CN and haven't received a code since the 12th. Please PM me or email me at [email protected] Thanks alot if you send me one! :)

  • Anyone with a spare code ? :)

  • I'd love a spare code if anyone has one!

  • I've been looking EVERYWHERE for an AU code. Not even the dead know this suffering. I almost had one, but was too slow by literally 3 seconds. Damn having slow internet.
    Please end my suffering.

    • +3

      buzz Please try again later.

      • What?

  • +1

    The demo is coming to the eShop for ALL users this Sat (20th Sept).
    This will be (almost) the same demo as the codes give access to - the only difference is this one will have the usual "can only play 30 times" restrictions that their other demos have.

    Edit: Source - http://www.nintendo.com.au/index.php?action=news&nid=3531

    • I think 30 tries with only 5 characters to choose from would be enough to make me want the game, but also sick of it lol.

  • -7


  • -5

    I am massive long time running Smash player and if anyone at all had any spare codes I would appreciate it so very much! Plz let me know!

    • Long time running smash player, short time running Ozbargain member. Longtime running code-seller, HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!?

  • As mentioned previously by Linkwick, you don't need to beg for codes any more, the demo has now been official released on Nintendo's eshop, go download it for free!

  • Got an email today with the free demo.
    here's the QR code for the demo http://miscpix.com/files/5/56680.jpg (scan it from the eShop app)

    Interestingly Nintendo are offering a free CD soundtrack for the game if you register with the 3DS and Wii U version.
    Which seems cool, but the games already have a sound test screen where you can listen to the music and record it if you want. So there's no practical use but it would make a decent collector's item.

  • Hello I am new here

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