This was posted 10 years 5 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

iPhone 6 Plus 128GB from $70/pm 24 Month Contract @ Virgin Mobile


Hi All,

Came across this site that compares all the carriers for the new iphone 6. Think ill be moving from voda to virgin.

Link has all the other plans for other carrier. Im leaning towards the 128gb plus myself.

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Virgin Mobile
Virgin Mobile

closed Comments

  • +3

    guess. .. This is the best deal for a yet to release phone….. I'm in :)

    • +24

      Dear iPhone 6 users: Welcome to 2012!

      In 2016 they will have features android users have now in 2014

      • -3

        Like malware and random crashes?

        • +8

          My iPad air crashes more than my nexus 7.

          People are being silly if they are trying to suggests 2012 era phones like the note 2 are comparable to this.

        • +5

          5 years of Android and 0 malware.
          5 year old Android phone works fine, 5 year old iPod touch takes 30 seconds to open music.

        • +3

          @KorupTx: before they realised ios7 my ip4 was working fine, now it is very slow and battery doesn't last long.
          Just telling the truth, please do not neg me thanks fanboys

        • +6

          to have malware on android you literally have to attempt to put it on android yourself… google has inbuilt app checking by default

        • +5


          Same, my iPad crashes more often than my Android devices. I think it has something to do with Apple's penchant for cheaping out on RAM.

          The new iPhones still only have 1GB of RAM which is just absurd. Enjoy waiting for all your tabs to load iPhone users.

        • +1

          Android apps neither 'flow' as smoothly as iOS nor do they integrate well.
          I've had Andoid for more years than iPhone.
          Currently using 5S

        • +10


          I've had Andoid for more years than iPhone.

          That probably explains your poor experience, you've been using a Chinese counterfeit of Android.

        • -2

          I love for you to show proof that android phones all come with malware and random crashes

          gets tin foil hat ready for this user

        • +5

          @Ronnnie: iOS doesn't throw an error when it crashes which leads everyone to think that it doesn't crash as much. In reality, iOS has more crashes and hangs than android.


          Or just Google iOS vs Android crash statistics.

        • +1

          @KorupTx: Good malware goes undetected ;) So you can never be sure

      • -3


      • +1

        You're so smart. Go troll elsewhere.

        • +8

          How is it a troll when he's stating a fact. IPhone users always in denial.

        • +6

          @Davo93: Because whether MegaCorpPhone A had a feature before MegaCorpPhone B is irrelevant to this bargain. Stay on topic or stay quiet.

        • +4

          @Davo93: The only thing missing from your comment was "I'm not racist but…"

        • -4


          Almost gotta do a disclaimer under every post as it's pretty much standard to whip out the race card asap these days. Political correctness is the easiest way to shut down a legitimate argument.

        • @Davo93: Davo, what do you mean by merely observation? How can you justify that you are correct? Have you done study on this?

      • +11

        Not an Apple fanboy (or even planning to get an iPhone 6) but I'd argue that Apple is more known for improving (some might say perfecting) existing technologies than coming out with a bunch of wacky buzzword ridden features.

        • +5

          Apple pay will probably be much more successful than google wallet. Google has had years headstart to implement a system.

      • +3

        Yeah NFC that did not have a use until now is the correct and good time to use….

      • +6

        So picking out about 10 features will prove the phones are the same? Some of these aren't even correct. Cloud photo storage? Quite clear this has been around before the iPhone 6. You would be living under a rock if you haven't heard of the supposedly 'iCloud-related', "The Fappening".

        There's so much more of the iPhone that the Nexus 4 lacks. Not even going to bother with detail but just to state some obvious ones - Fingerprint sensor, Siri, AppStore, etc. These all work so seamlessly on the iPhone, even before the 6 and 6+, and are a few of the many reasons why people choose the iPhone.

        Sure, NFC payments came late to the iPhone, but has any other phone really made it big with that? I honestly don't hear much about people actually using it as a method of payment. And with little doubt, iPhone will be the ones to, almost certainly, successfully encourage a world-wide adoption of this technology.

      • +1

        smug android users lol….oh the irony!

      • -5

        There's always a few jealous droid-trolls trying to prove their Samsung devices are far superior & therefore everyone must hate on Apple and convert.. At the end of the day, Apple lovers will continue to buy Apple. You can keep your dated plastic two year old Nexus as long as you like.

        Here are some cheap Nexus 4 replacement parts for your old phone ->

        As for this iPhone6 deal, I'm sold!

        • +6

          Yes because all 'droid-troll's are only using Samsung.

          Stick with watching your Apple evangelical religious event once a year, buddy.

        • +3

          May Jobs have mercy on your soul.

  • It'll will be on backorder for at least a month i reckon

  • +15

    Ridiculously good value from Virgin this year, doubt you'd find anything close when going outright with a similar sized data plan. Add in the interest savings, and you've got yourself a killer deal.

    • -7

      It's not good value at all.

      It's easy to find better value, even going on teh identical Virgin plan will save you $70 per year.

      See my post below.

    • +1

      A deal for a very expensive phone…

    • Sorry, but "BangBang" and "Virgin" don't really go together. lol

  • +2

    Virgin is so cheap…

  • Also has Optus network better than vodafone

    • +7

      Maybe in some places but not all.

    • +4

      depends on where u live/work. i'm actually switching back to vodafone after 2 yrs with virgin. Calls dropping all the time since moved into a new house despite "full coverage" on their coverage map, virtually zero data connection, whereas using my parent's vodafone sim i can have decent reception + LTE.

      • +4

        That's true. Remember, coverage and congestion are two seperate things. Virgin (Optus) isn't very good at managing congestion, IMHO.

      • YES!~ My friends are switching back to Voda in Melbourne. Optus gets really poor reception in some place (near Richmond in Melbourne) and you barely make the phone calls using Optus.

        However, some of them are using prepaid so it's not on a 6+ offer.

    • +3

      I've found the Voda network to be far superior in my area (inner Melbourne). Their 4G network is great. Whereas I can barely get a bar of signal in my building on the Optus network and their 3G speeds are insufferable (Voda's H+ far better).

      • +13


        • -8

          This is bs… It wasnt a deal when I posted. Look at the first revision. It was a link to some comparison site and a statement "I think I'll go with Virgin"

        • -3

          Well done hero. But, 'a comment a deal don't maketh'.

        • -3

          You just don't get it people.

        • @Shonky: build a bridge and move on

    • +4

      Haha you're so kooky

      Actually, I don't get it

      • -2

        IPhone 6 has the same specs as the nexus 4.

        • +17

          Except for the software…

        • +6

          I think you don't understand how hardware and software interact.

        • +1

          Except nexus 4 camera is very bad, or cheap build quality

      • +1

        Lol thanks. I should've post that before I commented -_-

  • +1

    From the $300 call credit, I believe it is on the $30plan + $40 repayment.

  • +6

    How is this "cheap"?

    According to that site, an iPhone 6+ 128GB costs $1249 outright.

    The cheapest Virgin deal is $1,680 over 2 years. So that means $431 for the calls, or $35.92 per month

    For $35.92 per month you get 2.3GB of data and "$300 worth" of calls.

    And that data is only if you switch - the plan itself is only 300MB of data per month (laughable).

    So, what you ned to compare is the VALUE of that $35.91 per month.

    Now, even at VIRGIN that is a ripoff… you get that EXACT SAME plan for $30…

    So, just on that alone, the best Virgin iphone plan is ripping you off by $142 ovr the contract.

    And remember that only Apple sells the phones outright at full price, which is whaty I have used in this comparison.

    And if you go with Live Connect, Aldi or some other reseller, you can save significantly more than that on your call costs.

    This is NOT a deal, irrespective of those people where who are mathematically challenged and think that they are getting a phone for free.

      • +118

        I think you've screwed your calculations Ilama. You divided $431 by 12, where you're actually supposed to divide it by 24. So it's $18/month, not $36.

        • +70

          YES I DID. Cannot correct it now, so will have to wear the ridicule LOL

        • +5


          So all you need to do is present us with a better plan with the iPhone 6 plus 128gb.
          You are right it's ozbargain not ozdeal, if this is the cheapest plan with the iPhone 6, it's a bargain.

        • +4

          Yes massive fail….

        • +6

          @Aceboy884: The massive fail is the 11 up votes llama received…

    • +2

      Agree with what you said.
      However this does seem to be the cheapest plan available and not everyone can afford an upfront payment of $1249, so this could be a viable option for them. Just sayin'

      I personally wouldn't take the plan cause duh, it's more expensive.

      • +2

        This is supposed to be a BARGAIN website. This "deal" is not a bargain.

        not everyone can afford an upfront payment of $1249, so this could be a viable option for them

        If they don't have $1249, then they certainly don't have the $6 to $20 per month that they are over-paying by getting into deals like this.

        Furthermore, you are locked to a carrier and a contract.

        Note - my calculatons above have an error.

        • If they don't have $1249, then they certainly don't have the $6 to $20 per month that they are over-paying by getting into deals like this.

          But $20 a month for 2 years is only $480, which is less than $1249 :) They may not have over a thousand dollars in funds to spend on a phone right now, but they can still have an extra 20 a month.

        • +9

          It's like you're technically recognising you made a mistake but not adjusting your views because of it.

          Outright: $1,249.
          $30/month contract for 24 months: $720.
          Total without the deal: $1,969

          Contract: $70/month for 24 months
          Total with deal: $1,680

          You're paying $289 total or $12/month for the option to change providers easily in the next 2 years.

          And yet you say:

          If they don't have $1249, then they certainly don't have the $6 to $20 per month that they are over-paying by getting into deals like this.

          Which makes no sense. It costs less in the long run including no $1,249 up front.

    • +10


      Not 35.91

      • +6

        24months* not 25.

        • +4

          431/24 = 17.96

          so willbaba probably just made a typo. still cheaper than vaya :P

        • tyypo

        • +1

          @Astro551: vaya is $18 a month unlimited text, $600 calls and 1.5 GB data

        • +1

          They will cut off 3 months if u upgrade too so ull only be paying 21 months.

        • @clarky: That is true, you don't get the unlimited text and half the call credit. Although you do get a substantial more amount of data and Virgin doesn't MB bill iirc. So I guess it depends on what you prioritise

        • @bao28: Can you expand on that? Couldn't see it on the website. 3 months free? Thanks

        • If you upgrade to another 24 month contract, providers are happy to sign you up to your next 24 month contract at your 21st month. therefore making it 3 months saving. Doesn't work if your changing providers.

      • +2

        YEP - My mistake and I cannot edit it due to replies.

    • +4

      Do the math again please.

      • +3

        Virgin total cost for iphone 6plus 128GB = $1680 ($300 for calls and 2.3GB data usage)

        Outright iphone 6plus 128GB with eg Vaya $18 plan over 24months = $1249(outright) + $18*24 + $20(sim delivery) = $1701 ($650 worth of calls and 1.5GB data usage)

        This is not a perfect comparison but thats some math to help to make an "informed" decision.

        • So for everyone's sake it's 2.3gb every month for 24 months right?

          Last time Vodafone did a "hello 2gb bonus" it was only for the first month or two or something lol

          300mb is torture so I wanted to be sure.

        • @jaero115: No, not for 24 months. It's for life as long as you don't change your plan.

        • +2

          the problem I have with vaya is that they charge in units per MB whereas most other phone providers charge in units per KB. In other words, 1.5GB might sound alot but its probably only worth 200MB.

    • Lol Aldi.

      That's funny.

    • +22

      I love how you call people mathematically challenged while you cant do simple division. Good job sir

    • +1

      Try it at $17.96/month

    • +1

      Surely to switch from another carrier all you have to do is buy a $2 SIM card then say you are switching, if you somehow a new user or don't want to port your number.

    • +4

      I think you should delete this comment, it's misleading. If your maths is broken, it actually invalidates your argument.

      There are also scenarios where these deals work out ALOT cheaper. E.g My work has a bring your own device policy. That has great tax implications as I can claim a component of my phone costs as a tax write off (say 50%, depending on the proportion of work:personal usage). This would be extremely difficult to do if you purchased the phone outright.

      If you were paying any kind of loan at 5% interest, it should still make more sense to go on a plan.

  • +3

    I ordered a 128gb space grey iPhone 6 yesterday from virgin for 71/month. The extra capacity really makes sense- $88 over the life of the contract vs $129 retail. If you're sinking > $1300 into it, you may as well spend the extra and never have to think about capacity again (can't wait to load it up with TV shows/movies).

    The $40 plan was the best for me, $450 of calls and 2.5gb. I couldn't really justify the extra $4 p/m for 500mb data and $50 calls on the $50 plan. But over the $30 plan, I could justify the extra $4 for $150 calls and 200mb data. Virgin have done really well with their offers, let's hope they deliver on their promise on a launch day delivery at my work :)

    I struggled with colours a bit- the 5/5s looked best in white or gold. With the bigger size of the iPhone 6 and no white glass panels on the back, I thought gold looked tacky and the silver just too big of a slab of shine. Not to mention the white antenna lines look like they were done with bathroom sealant. That left the Space Grey, the antenna lines are not as blatant. I also like the fact the that when the screen is off, there is no panda look, just a stealthy black slab.

    I was considering the plus, but one video turned me off it - "the jeans test". Can you have the phone in your pocket and sit down? Nope, you'd need to take the phone out. Once you've added some kind of case it's going to be worse.

    • +5

      "I was considering the plus, but one video turned me off it - "the jeans test". Can you have the phone in your pocket and sit down? Nope, you'd need to take the phone out."

      Really ?? I have been using Samsung Note's for the past 2 years, which have a 0.2" larger 5.7" screen, and have never had any problem with it in my jeans pocket sitting or otherwise. Can even take it out of jeans pocket while sitting.

      Maybe if you are into "super-tight skinny jeans"…

      • +2

        I do wear skinny jeans sometimes and I'm not a giant person (5'10" and 67kg). It just seems that the size would annoy me more than any real world benefit I'd get. I had no problems with the iPhone 5 screen and still getting quite a bump in real estate.

        Can you take your phone out of your pocket while you are sitting down? Or do you have to stand?

        • +4

          Already answered above "Can even take it out of jeans pocket while sitting." which I did a few mins ago while sitting eating sushi at the mall, after picking up a $20 copy of Battlefield4 for PS4 :)

        • -2

          wow, does anyone on OzB eat? 67kg for a 5'10 guy is anaemic and weak!

          I am starting to see why some folks are pedantic about a device being 30 grams more than another! lol - when XX grams makes up a decent proportion of your body weight!

          try putting on 10kg of muscle, girls guys lol

      • Or maybe a TightArse?

    • Yes I think the space grey will sell more than the others this time

    • +1

      I have no problems with a 6.4" Xperia Z Ultra in my pocket..

      • +18

        Is that an Xperia Z in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

    • -7

      @Mouthful Cool story bro

      • +3

        Thanks for the psychoanalysis "Davo".

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