This was posted 10 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Need for Speed Rivals (PS4/XBOX ONE) AND Titanfall for XBOX ONE $19.98 @ DSE


Link to Titanfall
Need for Speed Rivals PS4…

Also these other games are the same price. Thanks Hilman

Battlefield 4
Killzone Shadow Fall…
FIFA 14…

Delivery $4.95. Also available for click and collect.
Great deal and I don't think it will last long

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • Nice find! Same price for the PS4 version also

  • +1

    Didn't see those thanks!

  • Ta

  • Nice find thanks bought both =]

  • Did they add a new sku for these items? bedcause most of these games are instock at my local, yet website says they are not.

    • +1

      since cant edit, got rivals for 10 for ps3. Had some dude getting grumpy that they didnt have NFS on next gen at the counter

      • A fellow OzBargainer no doubt. Rookie mistake not calling the store first though. Silly grumpy man

  • thankyou

    • +1

      Showing out of stock for NEED FOR SPEED PS4

  • Out of stock now

    Is Knack any good?

    • +3

      Poor reviews. I looked at it as well

      • -4

        Irish Slang; Relating to Knackers (gypsys); Something of terrible quality.

        Mick: Have you heard about that new game?
        Dave: Ah, don't bother… it's knack.

    • Its okay. SUPER linear and repetitive, but there are some good ideas. Hopefully they make a sequel and get it right next time.

      Probably would say to give it a miss unless you're really bored or have young kids.

  • Out of stock battlefield and need for speed … And also FIFA I think … Sigh..

  • Do a quick search for title, not the links. Still in stock at time of posting this ( maybe click and collect only?)

    • +1

      When you try to checkout then only it states "out of stock"

      • Not for me?

        • +6

          Then can you buy it for me?

    • Not bagging the links, but on my phone it showed an error, but when I submitted a new search they showed up again?

  • Best to hit the stores when they open maybe?

  • Finally a good price for Knack! I know its not the best but for $20 why not!!

    • Its actually a great game. ALso local co op is heaps fun

  • +1

    yay, ps4 killzone for $20…. excellent. was not in a rush to get it, this price point tho cant go past it. thnx!

  • +13

    For Xbox One users, FIFA 14, NFS Rivals, and BF 4 can all be downloaded for free if you're an EA Access member. EA Access is only $30 per year and also grants 10% off on EA preorders :)

    • I was gonna post this, you also forgot 6 hours of most prerelease ea games!

    • thanks l signed up.

    • +1

      Could u please give me the link to buy the membership? Thanks

      • +2

        You just have to search for EA Access through your Xbox One. I'm not sure whether you can become a member from your PC but I assume you can.

    • On the EA website it says EA Access is $6.99 per month?

      • that is for the monthly plan not the yearly plan

        • Thanks. Installed EA hub on my xb1, wants 39.99 for the 12 month subscription. How did you get it for 30?

        • +1


          Im a ps4 person, I dont have an XB1. I'm guessing other people are buying the 'US version'for cheaper?

    • 10% off on pre-order isn't such a good deal, especially when digital download versions in Australia are ridiculous expensive compared to DSE atm.

  • Knack, battlefield and killzone in stock Belconnen ACT for those nearby

  • +1

    Bah, had 3 games in my cart, trying to click and collect and chose a store that showed having them all in stock and it still wouldn't work.

  • i wasted lots of money on killzone and titanfall :(

    killzone is still available. fifa and nfs are sold out.

    • Yeah I was trying to get Rivals for PS4 :( Must have sold out before I completed the checkout.

      I try to click and collect. It shows me some stores that say are in stock but still won't let me proceed.

      • +1

        rivals gone for very long time. It states on the order page in stock but at checkout it states out of stock.

  • Reserved Need For Speed and Knack for $20 each at my local. Thanks!!

    • Can you still reserve? Thought you had to pay now

      • I called up. My local had one copy of NFS left. I'll probably change my mind on Knack when I go down there soon, bad reviews and should be on PS+ soon.

  • Not bad for a weekend order. Within a hr of payment!


    Your Click & Collect Order # is now ready for collection from:

  • Dammit Rivals X1 out of stock. :(

  • Thanks OP click and collected Knack and Titanfall from Glen Waverley.

  • Thanks, got bf4 ps4. Wouldn't pay more for it but it's a decent price. Was hoping to play destiny this weekend but it's been pretty disappointing so far!

  • Purchase Destiny and Titanfall from DS's eBay store tomorrow less 15% sounds tempting…works out to be $82.35.

  • +4

    Same price for Titanfall on the 360 too:…

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Scored 3 games!

  • -1

    NFS on PS4 out of stock online.

  • Thanks OP raced to my local store got NFS PS4 and Battlefield XB1. If anyone in SA wants Killzone, Dick Smith Westlakes had one copy left!

  • Remember to call around!! Both XB1 games were out of stock online, but just got them from Nunawading!

    Thanks OP!! :)

    • Managed to pick up NFS Rivals (PS4) at Nunawading also. This was around 10.30, and they also had XBONE version at that time, plus Knack and Killzone.

  • +2

    Got EB games to price match NFS ps4

  • Awesome! Wasn't going to get NFS Rivals for the XB1, but at this price I just had to buy! Thanks OP!

    P.S. Got mine at Australia Fair, Southport, still had stock in case anyone from the Gold Coast is looking.

  • any chance of Fifa14?

  • all gone :(

  • Thanks OP. I picked up Battlefield 4. Great price.

  • +2

    Man, what's going on at Dick Smith. They're having crazy gaming bargains lately. PS4+killzone+BF4 = $439

  • Brandon park and springvale still got some stock.

  • Went to pickup BF4 and NFS Rivals, but got Kill Zone as well because for $19.98, why not? Thanks OP

  • Out of stock :(

    • Call close stores and reserve.

  • Woden ACT store has mostly killzone for PS4. I got the last Need For Speed. Two Titanfalls and tonnes of FIFA for XBOX as at 11:00am Saturday.

  • Thanks op

  • Does anyone know if the Titanfall (360) servers are lively?

    I couldn't imagine this being the biggest version out of the three.

    • And with Destiny being fresh… I'd imagine it'd be fairly quiet!!

  • Thanks OP. Bought fifa & killzone. couldnt find any titanfall stock around my area :( If anyone buys multiple copies msg me as I would be interested in purchasing

  • +3

    Worth noting that ps3 versions of nfs, fifa 14 and battlefield 4 are $ 9.98. (In store)

    • do you know which ones may have stock?

      • Brandon park had everything ps3 in stock.

        • +1

          thanks got one!

  • +1

    Thanks for the post, got Killzone. Put that together with the white destiny/The Last of Us bundle from thursday and I snagged a great deal. Well done Dick smith.

  • i would get Killzone but i hear it's a ghost town online despite selling alot. I would recommend BF4 and NFS though.

  • Wish I had of checked earlier, good find OP!

  • Was about to order BF4 and Killzone SF, but BF4 was out of stock so I decide against both. Killzone SF is very multiplayer focused and I don't need another one of those since Destiny. Ended up 'saving' my money and buying one of these instead ;)

  • Called DS. They only had Knack which was $45 :(

  • Doncaster still has 2 copies of NFS on PS4

  • Knack and Killzone both on ebay store for 19.99+shipping costs. if you chance for tomorow, it'll be a further 15% off

  • Nfs rivals, bf4, fifa 14 on ea access so if people thinking of picking up a couple of those better off getting the subscription imo.

    Great prices tho and a shame as was planning on trading those games in :(

  • I grabbed the last copy of Battlefield4 (PS4) at DS Robina Mall (Gold Coast QLD), and they had no Need4Speed

  • Is anyone able to post receipts for click and collect orders? I'm looking to price Match Titanfall and NFS (either xbone or ps4). Thanks guys

  • Bought all 5. Got EB to price match from website on games that DSE didnt have in store at local

    • Would you be able to post a receipt?

    • dude, i find that near impossible to believe. i called two eb stores to see if they would price match and they insta said NO and one of the store even called head office and it still was a NO

      • Only bought knack from EB rest were available at my local DS. Happy to post Knack receipt if you are interested. I just showed the web page on my phone and he price matched on the spot.

      • I got EB to price match also, i bought NFS Rivals on PS4 at DSE Northpark (SA), it was the last copy. I was there with a mate who also wanted it so we went to the EB store across the road and asked them to price match, he called another store which had stock and matched the price, that was about 3:45pm.

  • got Knack - that was the only one I didn't have - Thanks OP>

  • Bought Knack. Cheers.

  • Have they send any pick up confirmation to anyone yet?

  • Got killzone and rivals ps4 from caroline springs store
    Had 24 copies of killzone left one of rivals
    Battlefield 4 & knack were on shelves, didn't ask their quantities though

  • Moonee Ponds is full of stocks

    • Knact,killzone, battelfield, nfs。For ps4 i mean

  • I just grabbed the last of Need 4 Speed and FIFA14 on PS3 at DSE Hurstville. They still had both games on XBOX360

  • +1

    Need 4 speed no stock in Wollongong

  • +3

    Free shipping for Killzone Shadow Fall on Dick Smith eBay store.

    • I'm going to go back in time and post this.

  • Titanfall was emptying out before Destiny was released… have got to do something to keep up the incoming cannon fodder :D got it for X360… same price. Got it for xbone already. It is super cheap :D

  • bought tital fall for xbox, but NFS said out of stock when i went to checkout (still said in stock on the main page) ah well…

  • Grabbed Knack and Battlefield 4 for $40. Wooo

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