According to AppShopper it was $499 at one stage. Not sure how much integrity that price holds. No reviews on this version or the 2013 version which is $249.
iPad only (thanks Slo20)
"Earn the returns your portfolios have been missing.”
If you think investment is easy, think again. Investing without risk management is like driving a Porsche without a braking system. A lot of people learn their lessons without a warning. See if you can answer the following questions:
“Does my investment diversified enough and properly?”
“Do I know when to sell and when to buy in rapid moving market?”
“Do I sell the losing stocks without holding them for too long?”
“Is the worst monthly expected loss of my portfolio within my risk tolerance?”
“First thing first, does it make sense to invest with the current portfolio?”
If not, Alpha-Investor is what you need. Alpha-Investor is first mobile MYOP (Manage Your Own Portfolio) app. It is a full-feature trading suit designed for serious investors and investment professionals.
Comments are gonna get interesting on this one…