This was posted 15 years 6 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Maglite LED 4 D-Cell at Coles Supermarkets for $39.00 Started 27/08/2009


3 Watt LED, adjustable focus, genuine Four D-cell full size Maglites! Even includes Four Duracells!

These usually sell for about $75-80, and it wasn't so long ago people were snapping up the old incandescent lamp Maglite 3 & 4 D-cell units for about the same price.

I'm surprised it's not up already, I thought it was a good buy, I almost paid $29 for an LED upgrade for my old Maglite, so I grabbed one. I hope you guys like this one too! Cheers! :)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good price, if you can find one in store?

    If you can't find it in the catalogue on-line, try this…

    When you follow the link from StewBalls above, look under the heading "Brands" on the left, then select "More" Next, choose "Maglight". It's on the "Gift's for Dad" page.

    • Thanks man, I couldn't find it before.

  • nice, is it in a lot of stores? the only problem is the monstrous proportions of the thing.there are AA powered led torches almost as bright (if not as bright) for half the price. not maglite though of course

    • +2

      It's the, erm, attitude adjusting feature of those proportions that make it quite appealing to some! ;)

      Also, those four D's will power that LED for a long, long time! :)

  • For anyone in the Newcastle NSW area, I was in the Wallsend store tonight and they had at least a dozen left on display at the end of the aisle at the back of the store up near the frozen food & milk! ;)

    Yeah, sorry about the link, HDD crashed & lost my scanned image, having real trouble linking to the right catalogue page off the Coles page, but Bob's advice will work a treat, cheers mate! ;)

  • -3

    A much, much better deal including delivery to your door for under $15:

    5 Watt Luxeon Lumiled 3-AAA MXDL Flashlight


    5W LED Flashlight (3xAAA)

    • +2

      you dont know what a maglite is do you :)

      • -4

        I think Jabba the Hutt has it sussed…

    • and cant be comparing electrically unregulated torches to regulated ones. ppl pay a lot for something that stays uniformly bright and lasts longer

      though yes i'm with you that dealextreme have some good led torches of more usable size.

      if this deal was an AA powered maglite for around $25-30, i'd be crawling all over it.

    • I noticed the deal for the Maglite and I would much sooner buy a Luxeon / Cree in place of it. If you want an excuse to carry around a baton then a Maglite is a good choice. If you want a powerful torch without the bulk of a mag light then lots of the Cree / Luxeon's on DX will leave a mag light for dead for light output and fit in your back pocket. My friend was shocked (and disappointed) when his 3Watt Maglite was outperformed by my 3Watt Cree headlamp purchased from DX at a 1/4 the price he paid for the mag.

      If you want to spend $40 on a torch get a MC-E powered torch on DX. There in another league to Maglites all together. A MC-E torch on Medium will make the Maglite look inferior. On high, There a weapon for blinding people with.

      The Maglite still has the advantage of being a legal baton. When I used to get pulled over by the cops and they would see the 5D maglite on the door they would ask me what it is for with a disapproving look. I said "It is a torch. You use it to see in the dark" with a your are stupid look.

      I also find my Maglite too expensive to run. D cells are not cheap and rechargeable D's are expensive. You usually don't have other devices in the house you can steal batteries from either. A torch that runs on AA's on the other hand are easy to find a device to steal good batteries from.

  • Its a nice price for a led mag :)

  • Costco has the 3D LED mag and a AA LED Mini Mag, duracell batteries and a holster for $50

  • +1

    Don't you need a membership to get into that?

  • Is the 3 watt Maglite pretty bright?

  • +2

    Maglite is yesterday's torch, now outshone buy better-designed, more advanced products from companies like Fenix. The main reason to buy a Maglite nowadays is if you need a torch that's good for whacking people on the head.

    • +1

      Words of Wisdom

      I've had mine sitting on a shelf without batteries ever since I first heard of DealExtreme.

      • It could keep my 5D company as well. The days of needing to whack people on the head are gone for me. I want a torch to fit in my pocket now.

      • I'm keeping my old maglite. Maybe one day it will get a 30W LED Li-Ion conversion (e.g. triple mc-e)
        It'd have to be something like 30W to justify such a big heavy case.
        (Either that or for hitting people, as mentioned above.)

        Kai (not DX) have some D-sized Liion cells that would do the job.

      • +2

        What is a good general use torch to grab from dealextreme around the $30 mark? Prefer something with batteries that are easy to get a hold of but there are so many choices on dealextreme its hard to know what to get.

        • +1

          After a some research into best*bangs/bucks, I got the following in last week.

          UltraFire WF-016 SSC-P7 3-Mode 800-Lumen LED Flashlight with Assault Crown (takes 1x 18650) @ USD$31.50

          I also got the UltraFire 3.6/3.7V Battery Charger @ USD$12.30

          And TrustFire Protected 18650 Lithium Batteries (2500mAh 2-Pack Blue @ USD$8.18

          A little over your target price, but at 800-Lumens it's a small blindingly powerful flashlight, especially in strobe mode.

          A lot cheaper but also recommended is the TrustFire F20 Cree Q5-WC 5-Mode 230-Lumen Memory LED Flashlight @ USD$13.99.
          It takes just 1x AA or 1x 14500!
          At 230-Lumens, this is probably very close to the most powerful single AA battery flashlight available.

          • @Horizon: The 800 lumen seems a bit optimistic. Can you put a multimeter in place of the tailcap and see how much current it draws?
            Comments at the link say 1.3A, so that's maybe 400 lumens from a P7, minus losses in reflector & lens ?
            Still very bright though. I guess the Mag does well under 100 lumens. They'd state a rating if it was any good.

            • @freddy: You wrote: "Can you put a multimeter in place of the tailcap and see how much current it draws?"

              I've just now had a chance to do that.

              Using a UNI-T UT60H DMM and a freshly charged 18650 at about 21ºC, I measured a max of 1.444A (aka 1444mA) at the tailcap, within the first minute.

              BTW I was surprised at the difference in current after giving both the battery and torch contacts a quick clean with a rubber: over 100mA! A lesson to be learned there…

              I haven't had a chance to look up the conversion & do the maths yet but may have more time a little later.

          • @Horizon: Trust me, don't trust the name TrustFire and Ultrafire. Get the Romisen and you will be happier with higher quality torche.

          • @Horizon: Look champ, you're comparing apples and oranges! You might as well recommend 7" EEEPC's to everyone looking for laptop! And yes, your comparison IS that facetious! :p

            The Maglite is a BRAND NAME unit, QUALITY built for a purpose that you either have or don't! No, it's not the torch for everybody! I've done security work for years, I KNOW what brand I'd trust day in, day out; and let me tell you, it's not your $10 fly-by-nighter plastic jobbies pally! ;)

            The point of this bargain is that it's a GENUINE PRODUCT available for those WHO DO HAVE THE USE FOR IT at less than half the usual price, end of story! As someone else pointed out, you really DON'T know what a Maglite is, do you? ;)

            • @StewBalls: Please don't shout champ. The Mag was one of those cool must-have gadgets back in the 80s, but time moves on, and they are belatedly playing a half-hearted catchup.
              If you want a US brand, try SureFire. I have an old but well used Mag and mini-mag abandoned in a box somewhere. Doesn't everybody?
              If you want a legal baton, that's fine (well its not really, but that's another argument). If you want a torch, this is a brick.

              • +1

                @freddy: I only shout to get salient points through to thicko's! :p

                It seems you're another one who doesn't know what a Maglite is, it's NOT a gadget, it's a well engineered professional flashlight! That's why it's STILL the No.1 choice for law enforcement professionals around the world, and backed up by outstanding warranty service! You guys only think they're playing catchup coz your flimsy gadgets are flavour of the month with brightly lit toy seeking children! ;)

                Now, I know you kids are really stoked about your little plastic gadgets that do pump out a lot of light with those 3 AAA cells they drain in 30mins, but some of us want a REAL torch that will survive a few knocks! You say you still have yours, I guarantee you won't still have this cheapo dealextreme junk in as many years!

                As for the baton theory, yeah, you seen the news recently; I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six, champ! :)

  • Yes, but this is 4 D size torch. It will last and last especially good in the emergency situation. I have over a dozen torches in my collection from Surefire, Novatac, Fenix, Wolfeyes, Nitecore, Led Lenser, Zebralight, Princeton etc.. This maglite is a very good price for what you get.

  • Just for a reference price wise, check out the 'King Of Knifes'.…


  • Seems like a lot of people want to hit others with their torches! Maybe Mag should bring out a baseball bat with an led on the end. They'll sell lots! ;-)

    • They have, and they do; well sort of, the 6 D-cell! ;)

  • Anyone tried these rechargeables?…

    I've got eneloop in the AA size, would love to have an equivalent in D with high mAH output.

    • Never tried them but you also need a good charger. I decent charger is just as important as good batteries. If you are not sure if you have a good charger it is most likely you do not.

  • For any interested parties, just picked one up from coles in Innaloo (Perth,WA)… There is now only 1 left, so get in quick! And it is in quite a tricky spot to find, not located near the other torches.

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