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Cadbury Block Chocolate $2 - Reject Shop


Cadbury Block Chocolate 235g $2. Starts 6 September at the Reject Shop

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The Reject Shop
The Reject Shop

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  • looks good, under 1c/g

  • is this the old type of Cadbury?

    I thought all the new chocolate was 190-200g

    Great bargain either way.

    • I looked it up on coles.com.au. Seems 220g is the 'flavoured chocolate' (breakaway, caramello etc), and 200g for plain choc.

  • are these the palm oil ones?

    • +1

      Yea it is, that's why everyone is flogging them cheap, coz they're no doubt getting them WAY cheaper!

      Funny thing though, my sister is a Cadbury chocaholic from way back and loves this particular blend; whereas I'm not parochial but I find it tastes mediocre at best! No doubt sis is stocking up! ;)

      I'm with Lenneth on the palm oil thing, I see no ethical or nutritional reason why this abhorrent stuff should be in our food. I do see the fiscal one though, poor form Cadbury! :(

  • +1

    Be careful with discounted cadbury chocolate. Since the start of the year they replaced the cocoa butter in their choc formula with vegetable fats including palm oil. Not only does most of the worlds palm oil come from slashed rainforests but palm oil is a saturated fat and not very healthy for you.

    On the bright side, people power and lots of negative press has forced them to announce they will go back to the original formula but lots of this bad, different tasting chocolate is still out there.

    • This is "new coke" all over again…. they're only 20+ years too late.

    • it says tasmania only :/

  • +1

    If these are the old "paper wrapped" blocked, they may well predate the inclusion of the palm oil which will make them even better value, not to mention better tasting./

  • I bought some from Hornsby today. They only had a 3 flavours. Not my favourite, but they are OK. They are the older wrapped kind.

    • Do u remember what the flavours were?

  • i thought the paper wrapped ones were the pre-palm oil ones as opposed to the cardboard wrapped ones

  • Crap, I bought like 60 of these from a shop a few months ago from a reject store..

    Same Brazil nuts and desserts range…

    Anyone know if there was something up with red rock deli's cracked peppercorn?
    These were going for $2 each.

    BTW I'm in Sydney.

  • +1

    mmm cheap nasty chocolate. When I do indulge in artery hardeners I prefer top shelf.

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