This was posted 10 years 6 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steam - Capcom Publisher Weekend - 50% to 80% off


50% to 80% off Capcom titles.

sure there must be a bargain in there somewhere :)

Capcom Action Pack 80% off $17.99
Capcom Zombie Pack 67% off $29.99
Capcom All Star Pack 72% off $24.99
Resident Evil 4 / biohazard 4 50% off $9.99
Resident Evil™ 5 50% off $9.99
Remember Me 80% off $5.99
Resident Evil 6 Complete Pack 75% off $12.49
DmC: Devil May Cry Complete Pack 75% off $15.00
Dead Rising 2 Complete Pack 50% off $19.99
Resident Evil Revelations - Complete Pack 75% off $15.00
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack 75% off $17.50
LOST PLANET® 3 75% off $12.49
Lost Planet™: Extreme Condition 80% off $2.99
DmC Devil May Cry: All DLC Bundle 75% off $3.37
Devil May Cry 4 75% off $4.99
Devil May Cry 3 and 4 Bundle 75% off $7.49
Dark Void™ 80% off $1.99
Resident Evil 6: All Modes Pack 75% off $3.24
Resident Evil: Revelations - All DLC Pack 75% off $2.49
SSFIV:AE All-in Costume Pack (compatible w/USFIV) 75% off $3.75
Lost Planet 3 - All DLC Pack 75% off $7.17
Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6 75% off $9.99
Age of Booty™ 80% off $0.99
Onimusha™ 3: Demon Siege 75% off $4.99
DuckTales: Remastered 50% off $7.49
DmC Devil May Cry: All DLC Bundle 75% off $3.37
Dark Void™ Zero 80% off $0.99
Bionic Commando: Rearmed 80% off $1.99
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record 50% off $14.99
Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations UE 75% off $12.49
Flock! 80% off $0.99
The Bionic Commando Pack 80% off $3.99
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara 50% off $7.49

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Any bargains?

  • +2

    Remember Me for $5.99 looks good. 80% off.

  • +2

    Dark void zero 0.99
    Bionic Commando Rearmed 1.99

    Op please actually list a bargain next time.

    • done, sorry. listed them all.

  • Ultra….ultra….ultra…

    nope no ultra SF 4

    god damn it i knew it too good

  • +1

    I might get Ducktales for the nostalgia, it was $20 on the PSN last time I checked so $10+ off for me (although a different platform) :)

    • HAHA! I just saw this, it was an awesome game back on my Sega.

  • Resident Evil 4 is at a decent price. Fantastic game by the way.

    • Liam Neeson Punching Wolves review:
      In this game you play as Leanardo Dicarpo. Shooted zombies save little kawaii girl.
      No black people, only spanish. Not racist.

      I just lost it.

      Still, one of the reviews mentioned that despite having mouse support the game uses 'tank style' controls, in that if you pressed W to walk forward, Leon moves in the direction he's facing and not towards where the camera is pointing. That's a rather awkward control scheme and the reason why I don't think I can shell out even $10 for the game.

  • Damn Strider isn't in there either, been waiting for that to drop. Oh well, I'm sure I'll still be able to add to my backlog one way or another this weekend!

  • Onimusha was an amazing game when I played it in PS2. Wish they released Onimusha for PS3/PS4 now.
    I liked playing the Dark Void demo in PS3 some time back.

  • Lost void and lost Planet are good for bargain hunters. They won't get any lower. Onimusha and DMC 3 are bad console ports though, and don't even think about playing them with a keyboard.

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