This was posted 10 years 5 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Man of Steel Blu-Ray / DVD and Cape $5 @ BigW


Might not be as good a deal as the $7 3D offer from Big W a few months ago, but still a good deal.

Walked into my local Big W (Nambour) at lunch time today, noticed a stack of Man of Steel blu rays on a clearance section, with a bunch of other dvd's, the attendant said they had a heap to clear for $5. Scanned at the checkout for $5.

Sorry about the receipt image, didn't print that well at checkout, but rest assured it is $5. And my kids love the cape!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Stil, it's only five bucks.

    • Yeah, I obviously still bought it!

  • +5

    You don't see many people wearing capes these days. Until now.

    • +1

      OzBargain meet-up uniform is sorted then

      • +2

        I thought the uniform was suppose to be made of eneloops!

    • +2

      Historically they've had a tendency of not enabling the wearer to fly…

      • +1

        Nah, the flying part works, just go to a tall building and jump.. its the landing that is the problem, for that you need his boots - wait for that in the sequel.

        • its the landing that is the problem,

          You killed him?

          No I shot him. Bullets and the fall killed him.
          (Collateral, 2004)

  • +2

    +1 for the cape

  • +8

    I refuse to even think of that awful movie as Superman. They should pay you to watch it. Without going into spoilers I found the Jerk of Steel to be a monologing thieving twit who stands back and lets people he cares for be harmed. And I found the look and feel to be obnoxious. Not every superhero needs to become a melacholy brooding emo/goth jerk. I wouldn't wear that daggy cape if you paid me. In the words of Edna 'E' Mode "NO CAPES!".

    If that offends you and you liked the movie, each to their own. It's just my personal opinion of it. The irony of this world is that the only Superman that matches the one from my childhood memories broke his neck and then died from complications of a bed sore:(

      • +3

        Thanks Max. I have them all but if I didn't that'd be a good buy. I see it even has the Donner cut of 2. I usually like to watch 1, 2 and 3, rarely 4 and again Returns doesn't do it for me. (The twist in that turns him into a deadbeat!).

    • +3

      And now with the sequel they are most likely gonna ruin batman aswell

      • -3

        Nolan already did a good job of that. Thank goodness they didn't get to do the dark version Wonder Woman.

        I like to be able to tell my heroes from the villians. If I wanted reality I wouldn't be watching a movie about people with superpowers.

        • +6

          Actually I would disagree with that. I thought Nolan's version of batman (dark knight) was the best one so far. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    • +1

      THANK YOU!

      Glad that I wasn't the only one thinking that this ver really wasn't up to scratch.

    • +4

      I came out of the cinema very disappointed.. I would pay to unsee it, even.

      • I tried to keep an open mind and treat it like an alternate reality Superman and I still hated it because I hated him. The character was awful and did despicable things. Not to mention how he won at the end. Who ever heard of a Kryptonian who could be defeated like that? Which part of Super don't they get?

    • -4

      Everyone has an opinion.
      But (profanity) me this was the ultimate Superhero movie.
      Males wet dream! If you disagree? Well sorry but you might be a homosexual and not even know it ;)

    • +1

      You haven't been reading DC's new 52, reboot of the DC universe, then? The new Supes is more emo than previously, the Man of Steel does actually reflect the comics, even his outfit sans red diapers.

      You're not a Marvel fanboy in disguise are you?

      • You're not a Marvel fanboy in disguise are you?

        You say that like The New 52 has gone down really well with the DC fanboys.

      • Well then thank goodness I don't read the comics because it sounds like they've ruined them too.

  • +1

    How can a movie be ruined? Is it going to go stale? It's entertainment, if you are not entertained. Don't watch it again. Better to have something IMO then nothing.

    • +2

      A movie can be ruined in the same way as a cake can be ruined if it's cooked with the wrong ingredients.

      Oh and I'd rather something THAN nothing. Something THEN nothing is awful, as you end up with nothing.

      • You don't eat the movie. You watch it to entertain you. Sometimes I go to the Footy and my team gets smacked. Did I enjoy it? Of course not, but it still was entertainment.

        That's just my opinion. :)

        • So you didn't enjoy it but it was entertainment? Google the dictionary definition please!

          noun: entertainment

          the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
        • @syousef: The aim was originally to entertain. Anyway, each to their own, I see it as a glass half full. I'd rather something then having an empty glass and not even having the chance to experience it.

        • @Danstar: But what if the glass is half full of spoiled milk?

          You went into it not knowing what was in the glass, but you're a glass half full kind of a guy so you thought the glass would be at least half full of milk. But once you downed the glass you discovered it was half a glass of left out in the sun for a couple of days milk.

          Do you still go "at least I got to drink a glass of milk!"?

        • @tantryl: Yep. Cos it could have been half a glass of the best milk I ever tasted :)

        • @Danstar: Cool. So you don't actually care about the quality of what you consume in any form, as long as you have high expectations. Interesting.

        • @tantryl: Not when it comes to things that are meant to entertain me…

        • @Danstar: You only care that it's meant to entertain you, not whether or not you were entertained by it. Got it. All entertainment is equal.

        • @tantryl: I just find to amusing people seem to take it personally when a movie isn't to their liking

        • +1

          @Danstar: I really enjoy discussing what worked and what didn't in a movie. That's a big part of the entertainment for me. People who get upset because I can happily talk about the bad points of a movie (which I may or may not have liked/loved) and they think it means I'm insulting them if they liked it are pretty funny too.

        • @Danstar:

          I don't take it personally. It's a bad film for most people ;-)

    • I'd rather nothing than ruining a good character. There's plenty to do with Superman without turning him into a vulnerable monologing theiving emo who'll let people he loves die. The Superman presented didn't represent anything good and didn't deserve to win the battle.

      • +1

        It's a movie….

        • Which is why I'm just venting on an Internet message board…all I've said is I hate the movie and don't want to buy it, not that we should start a cult around dislike of the movie.

  • +4

    Children's cape?

    Damn it.

    • Adult hanky

  • Oh sweet! with out a doubt best Superhero movie ever!
    Epic battle Males wet dream right here.
    Epic in everyway

    • +2

      Yeah two dudes in spandex going at each other for 45mins doesn't really cause nocturnal emissions for me.

      Not judging. Not judging.

    • +1

      I think you need a girlfriend :S

  • Got the same deal at Warrawong, NSW. I think my bf and I got the last two copies from there tho. Here's a photo of my receipt in case its needed.

  • +1

    They had plenty of these at the BIGW in north lakes (4509)

  • Is this nationwide? A lot of people here seem to hate the movie, but let's remember the cape is only $5 with a free coaster.

  • +1

    Anyone have a picture of the cape? Not being a smart@ss, just curious for my son.

    (cue the crowd: "For your son. Uh-huh. sure") :)

  • Scanned at Big W Blacktown @ $24 and didn't have a cape sticker on it either.

    • That's because only the cape bundle is $5

  • 20+ copies at Pakenham scanning at $5 all with children's cape.

  • +1

    The receipt's a little hard to see, but did you buy a MASK and a CAPE in the same transaction walder?

    Not going to have much time to watch the movie if you're up late fighting crime.

    • …gotta keep the public guessing on which super-hero I am.

      The Spiderman mask is for my nephew for Christmas (on clearance special of course), it's even got lasers. With the Big W clearance on toys, and the Toy World specials of late, it's been a good to get in early for presents.

      • Spiderman has lasers?

      • That isn't that horrible toy with the lasers on the face mask for shooting at people and a warning not to look into them is it???

  • 10 of these left at Marion, I Brodened the rest of em.

  • Got one at Warringah Mall they still have 1-2 there.

  • More than 10 still available at Belmont WA.

  • My wife bought this for me. The cape doesn't fit me. :(

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