iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus?

If you're going to choose which new Iphone to buy, tell us which one you're going to choose and why. Otherwise, which one would you choose if you had the chance to pick?

Pros of iPhone 6:

  • SIZE! (MUCH easier to one hand)
  • Cheaper
  • Thinner by 0.3mm

Pros of iPhone 6 Plus:

  • Bigger Battery
  • Bigger Screen (can be a con as well)
  • 1080P display = More PPI
  • OIS


  • +3

    well obviously the nexus 6:P nah but if i was gonna buy one it would be the 5.5

    • +3

      +1 for Nexus 6

      • Let's just hope the Nexus 6 doesn't have a gimped battery or budget camera like the current N5 does.

        • +2

          And isn't named or sized accordingly. I just want a normal sized phone, damn it.

          Supposedly Google is making massive changes to the camera API's in Android L, so hopefully it shouldn't be a problem. A lot of the N4's and N5's problems seemed to be in the post-processing, IIRC. L is also providing battery enhancements in the dev previews, but I'm not holding my breath on this front.

          Edit: forgot what thread I'm in; apologies for continuing an off-topic Android discussion in an Apple thread, folks.

        • Nexus 6 Will run Android L which will have Project Volta and that will be much much much more battery friendly. And the camera on the current Nexus 5 isn't that bad, besides how long it takes to autofocus sometimes…

  • ofcourse 6 plus. you dont want to be inferior with other android phones, right?
    but wait.. iphone 6 resolution of the screen is?? sad…

  • +1

    All I know is the iPhone 6+ will definitely sell much better in Asian countries. A lot of Koreans and HK'ers will probably attest to this as a phablet serves as a perfectly adequate all-in-one computing platform for which you can game on, and browse the internet all day and still have enough battery juice left to take calls.

    You could also argue that the correlation between mobile phone usage and the usage of public transport is also positive (eg. to get around in a highly populated country like Korea or HK you'd most probably travel using public transport rather than drive, so that leaves people with time to catch up on gaming and watch TV on their smartphones, hence the need for a bigger screen.

  • I still don't see the point of phablets. I enjoy one handed use and I'm thinking 4.7" is too big now. I struggle to see many differences between the 5s and the 6 models other than size and processors. Very underwhelming keynote I reckon but thats just my two cents. Waits for the isheep to show up…

    • +3

      "these are our best iPhones ever"
      I would expect them to be

      • +1

        Yes, it would have been odd if they released something that wasn't as good as iPhone 5.

      • Maybe he does mean ever…. as in any others in future are just crap to steal your money :)

  • Bigger than Bigger… is that actually their slogan for the iphone 6? Who came up with that? A 5 year old?

    • Austin powers… yea baby!!

  • Sorta outta topic.

    Anyone know the cheapest way to get their hands on one of these???

    other than the RRP on the webstore.

  • +2

    cheapest way is theft. the price is theft…

  • -6

    What I don't understand is the constant bickering you see from Android users on Apple related blogs/articles/posts.

    Do Android users just constantly search for Apple related articles online so they can complain and say how much better their Android product is?

    You never see an Apple user on a Android article complain about how their iDevice is better.

    I have no brand loyalty to either platform, but I constantly notice so much negativity from mainly the Android camp.

    It's a free world and it's great to have a choice. Choice makes these companies compete against each other to produce better products for us the consumers!

    • +1

      You don't have a clue how frequent Apple users are trolling androids forum, do you? Both Android users and Apple users are bashing each others every day, even on Windows and Blackberry articles.

  • @ozeebee, "You never see an Apple user on a Android article "complain about how their iDevice is better." - ahh yes you do - that and "android sucks, it's laggy etc etc, Samsung copying apple", the list goes on - it's a 2 way street; same with pc vs xbox vs playstation.

  • I have switched from Apple to Android for 4 months. There are Pluses and Minus. Android is good, alot of flexibility BUT since 4.4.2 kicked it. It's annoy the shit out of me. No more flexibility, which is something Android users is proud of, no apps can write to SD card. Example, if you put video files on the SD card, cant hide or put restrictions on it. There are apps out there works partially, but once u turn off/reset the phone, it unhide itself etc. Whatsapp notification doesnt work in blockmode, i googled, and found something about the ways Whatsapp notification works is different, therefore doesnt work in block mode.

    I know Rooting the device then anything is possible, but that is not the point.

    In sumary, if you want something easy to use, polished, work out from the box but with not fully customised=Apple. If you want flexibity(may be not anymore, since 4.4.2 released) get Android.

    My 2 cents

    • As a Nexus 5 owner who has been consistently upgrading as soon as their available for their device from 4.4 to 4.4.4, I can say that this is definitely not the case. My Nexus 5 Running 4.4.4 is working perfectly, although running a custom ROM and custom Kernel may be the reason for how well it runs, it truly wasn't that difficult to do.

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