PS4 Dualshock 4 controller's $69 each starting tomorrow.
This is the cheapest you can find right now for the white dual shock 4 which releases with destiny tomorrow.
PS4 Dualshock 4 controller's $69 each starting tomorrow.
This is the cheapest you can find right now for the white dual shock 4 which releases with destiny tomorrow.
Wish they still had their super cheap Nintendo stuff (they've only got CoD:BO2 & ZombiiU for Wii U as well as all those Wii Skylander packs that nobody wants).
now all we need is a $10 off for $50 spend haha
Currently the same price at Target, all colours. Picked up the red one.
They were $54 last week? (the black ones)
I might grab a red one at $59 though, if the code works tomorrow.
Great seeing dick do 69 deals.
Just seen the white one at Target today. And it looks amazing. Same goes for the console which looks slick,
Dick Smith, the new place to get all your PS4 related items - consoles, games, controllers.
Really good deals recently.