Now Im not gonna say anything against the "Global Work and Travel Co"
That is not my place, However I strongly encourage you to look up reviews.
If you are looking at the "GET IT ALL!" package that includes:
"Guaranteed 1st job opportunity before arrival^ "
And you think that you have read the fine print of the "^"
"^We guarantee that we’ll offer you your 1st job opportunity before you arrive, or within 5 days of included accommodation, otherwise we’ll extend your accommodation at our expense until we have done so. Please refer to service agreement for terms and conditions of this program."
You really then need to look at what they define as a "job opportunity"
This is from subsection 8 of the service agreement.
"8. A job opportunity is defined as: A) A job offer or employment contract issued to ME by at least one employer, or B) at least one employer is interested in interviewing ME either via telephone, Skype or in-person, or C) an e-mail or SMS message to ME outlining at least one job vacancy with at least one potential employer that invites ME to express MY interest by either 1) responding to GWAT within a defined up with for an interview for ME."
But I very strongly recommend you spend a few minutes looking at the reviews of this service and the claims against the company before deciding to spend your hard earned cash with them.
wow man, receiving an SMS from a "potential" employer is not a job. I wouldn't trust them, you're better off just going over there and applying for a job.