
As a monthly subscriber, I am trying to find a way to pay less than the 11.99 they charge.

Any suggestion? Any way to get those gift cards for less than their face price?


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  • I would like to kow as well.

  • i am looking for something legit by the way - i know you can get some deals on ebay, but i am not really willing to get gift cards from overseas sellers that i have no idea how it was paid for.

  • Can't you sign up as a Filipino and get their pricing or something like that?
    Pretty sure I've seen that "hack" for one of the streaming services.

  • Also interested in this. There is a way if you are a student-but only if your a US student.

    Hopefully they change it for the rest of the world.

  • Why would you pay for spotify when you can get it for free with your playlist if you have it on shuffle.

    Never really understood…?

    • Probably because people like listening to songs in sequential order(albums).

  • are the gift cards on special? when they are i guess that will be cheapest way plus the family plan when it comes out

  • I just cancel every few months and resign up to their trial offers. I've done it a few times and not payed a cent. Takes 5 minutes.

  • Apparently ou can sign up with a new account and do the premium 30 day trial offer, turn your automatic clock off on your iphone and move the data into the past and your 30 days will increase.

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