I'm not talking about hipster $$$ Australian made modular home builders (ie; Prebuilt & Modscape), I'm looking for the OzBargain home building alternative.
Show me your sub $100,000 Chinese built modular homes Ozbargain!
I'm not talking about hipster $$$ Australian made modular home builders (ie; Prebuilt & Modscape), I'm looking for the OzBargain home building alternative.
Show me your sub $100,000 Chinese built modular homes Ozbargain!
I found that they appear to sell modular or pre-fab homes on Alibaba.com if you can believe it.
Not sure I'd risk it though.
I would be glad if people had some ideas in this space too!
Try this one on for size:
Tiny House gives Queensland families new take on Australian dream
You can get help from Dave Cann - professional architectural engineer selling unique designed modular frames, rainwater storage walls.
Ever since watching Grand Designs I had liked the idea of a Huf Haus or similar - now you have taken that to a whole new level by introducing the idea of a cut-price Chinese version.
I too would love to see if there's any such thing out there but I would worry that it would be full of asbestos, dodgy wiring, lead paint and not up to Australian building codes.