Travel Insurance - Woolworths / Travel Insurance Direct / Southern Cross

Just want some feedback on these 3 and if anyone has had to make a claim.
Last 2 trips this year I used Woolworths, didn't have to claim so everything was smooth

This time round i'm off to Sweden for a few months .. Not sure how well these 3 guys hold up?



  • My family used Travel Insurance Direct few years ago on a trip to Japan, my daughter ended up in the emergency in Kyoto to have stitches on her head! Upon our return, the claiming process was quick and simple. We have been using them ever since. Highly recommended.

  • I used under 30's travel insurance, it went through one cover but it was way cheaper.
    of course this will only work if you are under 30 lol

  • Cheers for that.. Personally i wouldn't piss on 1 cover if they where on fire.
    Worst insurance I have ever used.

    For the record,
    I was working holiday in Canada, 2 months into it a family member was diagnosed with cancer and terminal.
    So I had to pack up and come home to Australia.
    Attempted to claim $1200 for my flight back home… spent 3 months of paper work and phone calls including letters from specialists stating the cancer was terminal
    Finally get a response out of them stating that sorry, but your visa would have required you to return back to Australia eventually.

  • TID paid for shredded tyre on rental no problem. Usually a 10% off code somewhere.

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