I have the impression that the ozb community is really good with IT stuff so your help would be much appreciated!
Last night I was playing an online game (Tera) when it froze. So I used task manager to End Task. That was when all hell broke loose! Couldn't log back on saying it couldn't reach the servers. So i checked my other online games LoL and Dota 2 and they weren't working either. It wasn't just my computer, so I know it's something to do with my router. Could also not access Clash of Clans and kik on my iphone but whatsapp/facebook/snapchat was still working. I've tried resetting my router (twice) and called up Optus but they weren't much help and told me to call the IT guy (but being a frequent ozber I refuse!).
Is it time to get a new router or something? I'm currently using a Netgear CVG824G that was given by Optus.
A few interesting points
1) It's not limited to device; ie both your iPhone and PC are effected
2) It's not limited to a particular company; ie LoL (Riot) and Dota2 (Valve)
3) Normal browsing and services still work
I would definitely raise the issue with Optus again; point 1 - 2 rule out your devices and point 3 rules out the router.
As a further test I would try a few more online games (ie does Steam itself load?)