Can't access online game servers but can browse the net.

I have the impression that the ozb community is really good with IT stuff so your help would be much appreciated!

Last night I was playing an online game (Tera) when it froze. So I used task manager to End Task. That was when all hell broke loose! Couldn't log back on saying it couldn't reach the servers. So i checked my other online games LoL and Dota 2 and they weren't working either. It wasn't just my computer, so I know it's something to do with my router. Could also not access Clash of Clans and kik on my iphone but whatsapp/facebook/snapchat was still working. I've tried resetting my router (twice) and called up Optus but they weren't much help and told me to call the IT guy (but being a frequent ozber I refuse!).

Is it time to get a new router or something? I'm currently using a Netgear CVG824G that was given by Optus.


  • A few interesting points

    1) It's not limited to device; ie both your iPhone and PC are effected
    2) It's not limited to a particular company; ie LoL (Riot) and Dota2 (Valve)
    3) Normal browsing and services still work

    I would definitely raise the issue with Optus again; point 1 - 2 rule out your devices and point 3 rules out the router.

    As a further test I would try a few more online games (ie does Steam itself load?)

    • I am able to log into Steam and Orgin!

  • Sounds like a port issue, in which case either uPnP somehow got disabled on the router, a rule on the router is blocking ports, or something at optus end.

    I'd check upnp settings on the router, then if it looks ok reset the router to factory default settings. Make sure you write down the optus connection settings so you can put them back in.

    • uPnP setting is checked and I've also reset to factory defaults twice but still nothing!

  • Try resetting your router to factory defaults and re-entering your username and password. I would also have a look to see if there is a firmware update available for your router and if it is then perform it. Those mobile apps you listed also operate over HTTP traffic so it seems your router or ISP is dropping non-http traffic.

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