Moving out at 18?

Hey :).
I would love some opinions on whether or not i should move out of home. I currently live with my mum and her boyfriend (Dont get along with him well), they hint alot that i should move out, i would also love some independence and my own area. I work about an hour away full time in retail earning roughly around $630/pw (woo). I have a few expenses being car $192 fortnight and $172 per month for insurance.

Ive been looking around and found some decent priced NRAS homes about $250-$280/pw which i believe i could afford :P. This would mean im closer to work (not being stuck on the gateway motorway for 3hrs trying to get home) and i would be using less fuel! I was kinda interested in sharing a house with a friend or two but i would prefer to be alone.

If i do decide to move out what would i need and what other expenses are there, eg. utlities, internet and how much would this cost D:.
Hopefully this made sense

PLUS: turn 19 in November Payrise :)


  • +5

    "I have a few expenses being car $192 fortnight and $172 per month for insurance."

    I'd move close to work and get rid of the car or get an old clunker that doesn't need insurance except third party property.

    That is hellishly expensive insurance. What kind of car is it?

    • Ve Commodore :/. One of the cheapest i could find.

    • +1

      Youth pricing. Shame they're all tarred with the same brush.

  • +2

    You've come to the right place, here is my story..
    I'm currently 19, I moved out of home just after I turned 17.. I moved from Perth to Melbourne to study. I was lucky enough to have the help of my father + centrelink (at the moment I still get centrelink but I also have 5 jobs so.. ye).

    My current expenses are;

    • $540 a month for rent in a share house, so about $135 a week (remember the advertised price is not what you pay, i pay $117.50 a week but when it comes down to everything being charged on a monthly basis its $135 a week basically).
    • $35 for my phone a month, $25 a month for electricity, $15 a month for water, $15 a month on internet and $25 a month for gas (it would be a lot more if you were living with less people, theres currently 4 people in my house)
    • I have a motorcycle so I don't spend much on fuel, maybe $20 a month.
    • I generally live off about $110 a week in food/random small stuff.

    So basically I spend just around a grand a month on life.. Then theres random large costs such as rego/problems with your vehicle etc.

    So with $630 a week you would easily be able to live BUT.. I moved across the other side of the country.. you're moving locally.. I personally wouldn't move if I were you because you could save so much more money and be able to afford a deposit on a house or something. If you plan on going to study then I definitely would not suggest it unless you were eligible for centrelink.

    Also, you need to assess whether you are being immature or not.. I never would have moved out of home if I wasn't eligible for centrelink and my parents moved to Melbourne. I guess in a way if you are immature then you will mature quite quickly by moving out of home.

    On another note, do not move in with your best friends.. you'd be better off moving in with randoms. i don't care about whether you've known each other forever, you never know anybody until you live with them.

    Also, i cannot speak about the cost of rent/living in Brisbane.. If you are working full time though it honestly doesn't sound like its worth it.. Spend that money you would spend on going away or something rather than rent.. you will hardly be home during the week so yeah.

    You should be spending as much time living at home as possible in order to save your pennies..

    Also, why do you pay $172 a month in insurance.. just get a crappy car and get third party.. thats such a waste of money.

    • Great reply, First no i dont plan on studying, dosent really appeal to me :/. Quite happy where i am. I do think im quite mature and think it would suite me quite well, I just want my own kinda of man cave :). I guess i just want things NOW! Though this has been passing through my mind for a few months. Im also quite bad at saving, if its there ill most likely spend it though if its not dosent usually bother me (bills). I feel though as long as i stay home the more money ill spend on impulse buying eg. PS4's iPads and computers so on from OzBargain!

      Lucky im with AAMI!! When i first joined them they were charging me $172 a fortnight, i then rung up and they told me they dont even bill fortnightly…. They did this for two months. They surely did reimburse me though!

      • Jesus haha okay well yeah I'm sure you'd be fine.

        But yeah probably not the best idea to move in with friends. BUT if you realllly want to then move in with at least 2 other people. Living with just one other person has never turned out well from my experience because you have nowhere else to turn/anyone else to speak to etc.

        It also might not be as easy as you think to get a place as you have no rental history unless you just find a place on gumtree thats wanting another room mate. But once again I have no idea about what the rental demand is like in your area.

        As for living by yourself.. it would be expensive. Like for example, electricity/gas/water charge a daily connection fee kinda thing.. So electricity is around 80c-$1.20 a day.. Gas is around 60c and i have no idea what water is.. so half of my bills are usually the connection fee

        • Hmm, I guess i probaly better just stay put, dont want to be struggling like crazy just because i want my own box.. just wish i was alot better at saving
          Thanks for the information rambutann!

        • +1

          Easy.. just set up another account (get your mum to change the PIN/Password so you can't access it) and get Payroll at work to pay in 25% of your income to that account.

  • +1

    Get a smaller car, 18 year olds in v6 rear wheel drives are always going to be charged through the nose. I had my Dad insure my car until I was 25 and just had me down as a named driver. It was at least half the price if I did it on my own, only risk is if you do have an accident your dads insurance premium on his own car would go up. Living in Melbourne, id ditch the car and live near a train line.

    • haha im thinking about it, absolutely loved the ve ever since i first saw it(weird huh?), and just wanted it. Defiantly would be nice not spending heaps and heaps on fuel/insurance/rego. My mother would never put me down in her name. once i turned 18 she kicked me right off hers!

  • ""I just want my own kinda of man cave :).""

    Possible to put a caravan in your backyard? Instant mancave and privacy.

    • haha, Caravan would be darn expensive wouldnt it?

  • As most people have suggested ditch the car, get on train. Minimum saving $300 per month. If you really need a car maybe a smaller car like Toyota corolla, cheaper car and cheaper insurance.

    Definitely try to share the house, try not to share with friends if you care about your friendship (being friends is one thing, living together is another)

    • Alot of my friends around the same age are paying around the same amount :/.
      Thanks for the advice!

      • Doesn't make it right..
        Just makes them as silly as you are!
        No responsible adult spends 30% of their income on car repayments and insurance!
        (No offence intended, but seriously you're on OzBargain!)

  • A lot of things depends on where you are and what you are comfortable with. It's possible to get by at way less then $600 a week, but you would have to make some sacrifices. Things like selling/getting rid of your car altogether if possible, moving into a shared house $120-180/week near Brisbane(usually includes Internet and even ulitlities if you are lucky), getting real comfortable with the public transport system, etc…

    Even if you are not ready to lose the car, moving into a shared house with included internet, electricity and ultilities as a test could save you hundreds per week, unless you are deadset in having a house all by yourself (never share a house with a friend unless you are ready to hate their guts and prepared to simmer that hatred for months to come because you are dependent on them for the rent).

    Or, buy a tent, moves into the wood, survives on wild turkey and emerges only during full moons to raid the bins of Woolworths and Coles. Cost of living will suddenly become a non issue.

    EDIT: Sorry I pretty much repeated everyone else, should have read more into them before posting.

    • hahah this is excellent, I like the tent idea, Sounds like my kinda lifestyle!
      Though i defiantly couldnt drop the car, Car = my life !

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