tldr; gave car to wreckers five years ago in lieu of fees. Were the wreckers legally allowed to do this?
Ok, I used to own a 92 Q series Silvia that got damaged in a single vehicle accident in Algester, Brisbane in 2009. The cops ordered the wreckers to move my car an impound lot in a nearby suburb, despite the fact that it was closer to tow the vehicle to my own home. The charge was $210 for the pickup plus an extra $180 or so for clearing the road (despite the fact there was very little debris). The next day I went back into the wreckers and the lady there offered me the option of giving them the damaged vehicle instead of paying the fees they were charging. The total fees came close to $500. They would then auction the vehicle off to recover there costs. The previous night the car would turn on, but since going to the wreckers, it wasn't even doing that. I think the battery may have been disconnected. The car also had a twisted wheel, one door had a large scrape as it had landed on that side. Engine was okay as far as I could tell. At the time, I felt it would be too much to fix, say another $700 - $1200 plus another tow back home. I decided to let it go. Looking back now, was this even legal for the wreckers to offer this to me? If not, is there anything I can really do? I have thought about letting the police know that their contractors are offering this option, in the hope that other people don't fall for this.
So, this has been keeping you awake at night for the last five years………surely you have moved on.