Hi Folks,
I have a couple of $30 PRE-PAID NANO SIM for IPAD that are due to expire on Nov 7th. I would really like to use them when travelling over Xmas but wondered if I activate them before the expiry date can I then top them up to extend the 30 day expiry? also I only need one so can I somehow combine them to get $60 credit?
PRE-PAID Telstra SIM expiry dates

Lwortho on 30/08/2014 - 13:17
Credit roles over if you recharge before the the credit expires.
You can use creditme2u to transfer I think $2 a day but there is a small charge.
I think you can live chat them and ask for the transfer of credit. Make up some reason like family came here from overseas, they left, left over credit etc etc