To Amex Chargeback or Not (DSE)

Hi all, I'm at my wits end and need some advice.

A TV I bought through DSE 20% off eBay sale has been with Startrack since Tuesday morning but they are yet to have delivered it. I called Startrack on Thursday asking why it hasn't been delivered yet to which the reply was "I don't know, but will have it out tomorrow".

On Friday morning it gets to about midday with no update to tracking so I call again, another CSR says its on the delivery list and should be out today. I wait till 3pm, no update, so I call again saying "look I'll pick it up", they say okay wait for a call from an investigator with details. I receive no call so I try again at 4:30pm to be told the same thing, to wait.

I purchased the TV on Monday 18th with delivery quoted as one week. I live 10 minutes away from the Startrack Sydney depot. I've tried calling the DSE number four times now but it cuts out after the message about "experiencing longer than usual wait times". I've emailed them asking to follow up but their reply was just the tracking information and a "sorry for inconvenience".

What would you guys do in this situation? I'm leaning towards AMEX charge-back since I have no faith in ever seeing the TV and Monday will be two weeks since purchase.

EDIT: TV arrived this morning. Seems like the facebook team made some progress. The driver told me the delay was due to internal policy for TVs over 50" requiring be transported on bigger trucks but this morning he received orders from management just to get it out. Still no explanation as to why they didn't organise a bigger truck to date. Thanks to everyone for the tips.

Poll Options

  • 2
    Call Startrack on Monday, request to speak to a manager and let them really have it
  • 1
    Call AMEX and request credit card charge back (paid through paypal though)
  • 19
    Stop being an over entitled cry baby and wait
  • 0
    Other, please suggest below.

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    • My problem with calling DSE is the call drops out before I speak to anyone, might have to try from a landline.

      I can take "sorry we lost the package" fair enough it happens but don't feed me lines of "It's coming tomorrow" then nothing happens.

  • +2

    Can you rock up at the delivery depot on Monday? (to tell them you wanna pick it up, not to abuse them for not delivering it lol)

    • Might be an option.

      Haven't lost my cool once yet at the 5-6 CSR's I've spoken to but this hasn't really got me anywhere.

  • +1

    It's sounding "lost" to me. A chargeback might make someone at DSE notice and query where it's at. Ultimately, Startrack see DSE as the customer, not you, so they are only going to care when someone from DSE enquires.

    • +1

      This is my thinking too.

      Just tried dick smith's 1300 366 644 number again, dropped out again while the machine was still talking. Calling from a landline this time.

  • +1

    Hi, The DS call centre is shut over the weekends. According to there website they are only available 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday. You could try private messaging on FB??? the team seem to resolve customer concerns pretty quickly..

    • Noticed that after I called, didn't a message to say call centre closed.

      Cheers will try the fb crew.

  • Go to the DSE store you purchased the TV from and ask to speak to a Manager, explain your grievance and how you are looking to do a chargeback if the TV doesn't arrive in 2 days. If purchased online try to find details of management online to do the same or try their facebook page.

    • It'd be awesome if you could buy stuff from DSE on eBay then just pick it up at the store. No waiting or postage etc.

      It'll be another 20 years before they even consider linking those systems.

  • +1

    I fought and fought more with DSE over a TV from an eBay sale that wasn't dispatched for a fortnight, and can empathise with your frustration. They told me the order was cancelled, after promising for weeks to dispatch it. They eventually relented and arranged for me to be sent one. Five minutes after getting the tracking number, a TV arrived at my front door that they had no records for.

    Being honest, I called them and told them the situation. When they ran the tracking number, they told me it wasn't a TV being delivered on that consignment (!!) and that I didn't know what I was talking about (!!!). Based on this attitude I wouldn't have done any more to help them get it back, but someone higher up called Star Track and got the parcel diverted back to them (after it'd gone from QLD to "Out for Delivery" in the ACT).

    Long story short: DSE is completely hopeless. If you whinge enough they might send you a second TV while the other one is chased up.

    … one other tip is that the Facebook private message staff are a ton more helpful than the phone & eBay CSRs.

    • This is what I'm scared about. Don't want some long winded issue, would rather just cancel order/charge back and get money and go to bricks and mortar store or a online store with a better reputation.

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