This was posted 10 years 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Starcard: Save 4c/L on Premium and 2c/L on Regular Fuel + No Monthly Card Fee @ Caltex


Hi Guyz,
My first ever post on any forum just because i love coming here & really appreciate peoples effort on this site
I found this deal pretty good specially for those using Caltex sites to fill cars and in store purchases without spending $30 or more @ supper markets.

Save 4¢ per litre on Caltex Vortex Premium Fuels (Vortex 95 and 98 or Vortex Premium Diesel)
Save 2¢ per litre on regular petrol and diesel
Save 5% on selected in-store convenience items*
Low $2.95 monthly card fee

Got Special code to save on monthly card fee of $2.95 For life time CODE 33528. To apply the card simply visit


Related Stores

Caltex / Star Mart
Caltex / Star Mart

closed Comments

  • +5

    Professor Shmahoo has done the math, and to counteract the $2.95 per month fee, for regular fuel, for a saving of 2c per litre, you need to be buying more than 150L of petrol per month to make this worthwhile, and then you are bound to buy it from Caltex sites.

    I don't rate the 5% off in-store purchases, because I don't use that, but each to their own.

    Congrats to the Poster - I think it's a great deal if you routinely use premium fuel, and/or drive a lot and use a lot of fuel.

    Remember, YMMV.

    • +7

      Did you miss the part where the fee is waived for life?

      It still doesn't suit me though as minimum top-up is $200. That's money better left on offset account.

      • +1

        absolutely I did - thanks for pointing that out!

        Good to know

      • It doesn't say on the flyer but if you use this special code 33528 u will be waived from the fee for the lifetime..

      • It still doesn't suit me though as minimum top-up is $200. That's money better left on offset account.

        please explain in more details :)

      • That's money better left on offset account.

        at around 5%, that's costing you about $10 per year in lost interest…

        • jv is spot on.

        • about $10 per year in lost interest

          you mean extra interest he's paying? being offset account, he has less to offset his loan ergo more interest

        • problem is if you are in savings or worse everyday a/cs you get much less interest

          i fill my tank weekly and these days $200 does not go a long way
          so it is not over 1 year but weeks rather if you drive a lot.

  • Hmmm can you link it to a CC instead of a bank account, so that way I can earn FF points 'topping' this card up ??

    • +1

      Sorry Mate tats only Bank Account just confirmed with them

  • +1

    even always premium fuel like myself, gotta fill 75 L before getting any profit out of it, i use approx 20 L a week, so apparently the company has done the math for us n made it not easy to benefit

    • +1

      Yes but if we just do bit of maths for 20L/week u still get something back Premium Fuel Average $1.6*20L=$32 with 4C Off saving $1.28/week $5.12/Month $66.44/year and trust me with saving of $66.44/year you can buy lot of stuff with the help of :)

  • Wouldn't be as good as 5% off for ing paywave/ discounted ww gift cards.

    • It is actually more savings with 5% off (e.g. using current unleaded price, $1.30/L x 5% = 6.5c/L savings).

    • Nor as good as 2% either unless I'd account 0.8cL a saving, only I don't
      really buy here so neatly avoid disguised increase :')

  • Sounded good until I got to the part of the application where the minimum opening credit was $200 and it would top up $100 every time I reached $75 based on the minimum estimated usage of $200 a month. I don't spend that much on fuel unfortunately but good for people who do!

  • +1

    without spending $30 or more @ supper markets.

    that fact is though that most people do spend $30 or more at supermarkets…

  • Can you use this card at Woolworths Caltex? Just making sure is all.

    • +2

      Yes you can but cannot use the shopper docket with it.

      • +1

        Well, not much point then.
        You usually have excess 4 cent discount shopper dockets and it's one more way for hackers to get your bank details.
        [Oh yes I know, they are VERY confident about their security….blah,blah,blah]

  • had some thought and decided not to neg Coz it's your first post and I don't know if you went for it or not but it seems you must sign up for their roadside assistance please tell me otherwise If I'm wrong otherwise please mention it in the title Thanks

    • Anyone can confirm?

  • +1

    no lpg wtf

  • Imagine all the lpg users they could reel in with ?[1%].
    /or not

    • +1

      Coles applies shopper dockets to gas, I recall I had some for $0.20 off per litre.
      Most Woolies/Caltex dont have gas up here so they dont in my experience.

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