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US $0.99 Customised Mousepad with Free Shipping @ ArtsCow

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Been a while since I've seen this posted here so I thought I'd do it.

ArtsCow sales customised stuff and prints, this particular deal has been very popular in many places for its $0.99 custom mousepad bargain. I've ordered playing cards, mousepads and photo prints from them in the past and have been happy with all of my purchases.

After you've created your desired mousepad and added it to your cart, simply enter the coupon code during checkout (use the normal checkout rather than the PayPal checkout to enter the code, you'll still be able to use PayPal as payment later).

EDIT: I forgot to note that the coupon works for only one mousepad, each additional one is $3.99. It's also per household so creating many accounts to take advantage of the deal multiple times is not recommended … you'll probably have your orders canceled.

I'll also leave these other coupons in case somebody might want to use them:

Use this coupon code to purchase ornament at only $0.99 with free shipping

Use this coupon code to purchase cosmetic bag at only $1.99 with free shipping

Use this coupon code to purchase 6"x6" or 7"x5" photo book at only $1.99 with free shipping

Use this coupon code to purchase watch at only $3.99 with free shipping

Use this coupon code to purchase phone cover at only $6.99 with free shipping

Here's my referral link for people who don't mind them: http://www.artscow.com/?Ref=1456885

Referral Links

Referral: random (3)

Referrer gets 20 points for registering & confirming new account, and 10 points for purchases from referee.

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closed Comments

  • +24

    I can vouch for the quality of these mouse pads.
    A++++ would 99c again.
    In fact I will 99c it right now

    • +2

      I will second that! I've got 2 of them now and very happy with the print quality aswell as the actual mouse pad itself.

    • Hell yes. These are just great for 99c, my one is still in decent nick months later.

      Haha i just got another, completely for free as I had $1 cash credit from recommending someone else to buy a 99c mousepad

      • :o how?

        • +1

          if you go to your account, there is a refer a friend thing. If you give the person the 99c mousepad copoun, you get the equivalent of $1 worth of credit when they use it

        • @Pacify:

          I think that's the old system, right now I'm only getting credit for the referrals (10 per registration).

          I can redeem the credit for things, 100 for a mousepad to 1200 for a bikini to 1400 for a skater dress.

        • Ah, well that sucks. The old system was pretty awesome haha

  • +7

    Thanks mate, made myself a round Captain America shield mouse pad :)

    • +1

      +1 also. Regular customer.

      Some other online places may be cheaper from time to time, but AC has never let me down.

    • +1

      This image might be useful.

  • Bummer, no case for HTC One M8.

  • +1

    Thanks just made a fire emblem exalt mousepad for kicks.

  • :D I got a tiger one before it looked epic will get another right now :D

    p.s is this from same company as last time?

    • +2

      Lmao… How does anyone know where you bought it from last time?.. :)

      • As in the exact same deal that was on Oz Bargain :P


  • Thanks!

  • +1

    I ordered one

    Game of thrones of course

    • haha same, i just got a Targaryen one to compliment the stark one i already have

  • Thanks op :-)

  • thankyou, got one,tried to get a 2nd and it said IP address already used.

  • I've been able to make various mouse pads using my PC as well as using my phone via 4g. You may need to make a new account for it to work

  • Keep on getting "1 low DPI images!" when I try to checkout. The image is 1920x1080 and I made sure it was 300ppi. When I load the image in, it's shrunk so it's tiny on the mat and I have to stretch it to fit properly.

    Any Advice?

    Also, is it all the mouse mats for 99c or just the first option? When does this coupon expire?

    Thanks ladies and gents.

    Edit: Nevermind - I was having trouble because the choice for backgrounds is a low dpi…very odd. Fortunately my own image fills it and I resized it to correct format of 800x950 and fits beautifully.

    • Real 300 dpi means that there is 300 pixels per 1 inch of width or height. There is a setting you can change in the metadata, but you also need to have an image of the right dimensions for the target size. Wallpapers look fine on a standard computer monitor, but print at poorly as A4 size due to lack of pixels.

      • I know man - my image was 300 DPI, but I worked out that the issue was the background image they provide on their site - I went with the matte black plain colour - is only 72 DPI, which their system flags as too low…very odd. Anyway, managed to fill it all with the image which has a black background based on my favourite game…


        • dpi is pretty much a meaningless setting on a digital photo (there is no dots and there is no inches). You could have it set to 1 and it will look identical and should work exactly the same.

          If they say they require 300 dpi they really mean they require 300ppi (pixels). If you were printing a 3in x 3in square photo then you would need an image of at least 900x900 pixels. Whether the dpi setting on that 900x900 image is 1 or 1000000 the picture is still the same.

        • @Duff5000: I mispoke - I meant PPI. They're nearly interchangeable, but not quite. My understanding is that DPI has to do with the physical printer and PPI is the image file.

          And dude, as I have said, I know that 72ppi is for screens, but around 300 is recommended for printing. I'm a photographer - I get large prints of my work all the time.

          I am telling you, it was the fact that the site had such a small res for their background, that their system spat it back up.

  • +7

    got a pokeball one made with a round pad. lol

    • That's a great idea! Thanks!

  • -6

    Thanks, bought 10 for $41, saved over $50.

    • -2

      Why all the negs?

  • I have a separate issue - one I'm sure we have all faced at some point…I can't find where to enter the coupon code :(

    Any help guys?

    • +4

      After the first step from the shopping cart. On the right.

      • Right you are! Thanks man - there always has to be one, eh?

  • thanks got my Wonder Woman mousepad finally :)

  • +1

    Awesome post OP, thanks mate, I'll use your ref code.

  • Anyone got ideas for pics to use? Something safe for work, and cheers you up.

    Ps: i got calvin and hobbes last time. Loved it.

    • +1
      • Nice. Thanks.

    • -1

      Anyone got ideas for pics to use? Something safe for work, and cheers you up.

      Surely most peeps would be using an image of someone/ something real in there lives (son/daughter/wife/work-mate/pet etc.) and creating a funny pic derived from it using photo-shop (or one of those zany "distortion" apps on phone these days maybe…). You know, your wife likes whales so you photo-shop up a cool image of her riding a whale, your son likes dinosaurs so you photo-shop him into a landscape with a dinosaur, etc… Otherwise, why bother with the 'customised' part of it, if you're just going to use a generic type image… 99 cents is cheap I suppose, but you may as well personalise the product in some meaningful way. Each to their own of course, I don't mean to be telling others what they should do.

  • anyone tried to apply the coupon to the watches? ive tried but the price does not change, still getting $24.99? I tried other watches also and same prob with them :?

    • -1

      Deal is only for mouse pads?

      • no read what else the Yanofiles said, you can get other stuff like phones covers. I got an Iphone cover and the coupon worked for it (6.99) But I want to get a watch and it doesn't work? correct me if im wrong, thanks.

    • I think it's only for these watches: http://www.artscow.com/photo-gifts/photo-watch

      I tried it and it worked for some of these.

      • Yes, thanks for that, you are right. I also emailed them and they replied with that link saying that it only applied to some watches. So yea. But thanks for letting me know also. Appreciate it. cheers.

  • hi anyone can help? when i entered the coupon code it comes as -Special Offer: $1.99 for first 6x6 & 7x5 photo book, additional $4.99/each with free shipping. This coupon code applies to all cosmetic bags available here. but on final stage shows same amount money around $32 with shipping, so shoul't be $1.99 for photo book? Thanks

    • omg that is good…

  • I got the mousepad with a lovely picture of My Little Pony cupcakes.

    Yes THAT cupcakes. >:)

  • Is this the Same deal as the previous 99c mouse pad deal?

  • +1

    ordered one with Bruce Lee! thanks

  • Thanks OP

    Got a horror icon collage done

  • someone else want to post their coupon code so we can share the love?

  • -1

    +1 for cheap mousepad but making us install Microsoft silverlight, Really!?

    • you dont have to? i dont think so… :?

  • The only thing stopping me from buying one is the fact it's in USD.
    If I buy a mat through PayPal, will it automatically convert the dough or will my bank card (visa debit anz)

    • +2

      to my understanding paypal sorts out the dough pretty well.

      • Thanks mate

  • +2

    paypal converts, adds on 12c for the trouble, then your bank charges you an international transaction fee.

    • use 28degree CC?

    • Avoid PayPal conversion then you'll only pay one fee, the bank's.

  • A+ Quality!
    I bought one couple of years ago for the same price and still using it in great condition.

  • My third one :) I grab one every time I see the deal, totally worth it!

  • -1

    I have a question about copyright. If I send Arts Cow a copyrighted image (like a footy-club logo, a frame from a recent movie, a Disney character etc.) to make me a mouse-pad out of for 99c, and they dutifully do so, am I breaching copyright when I send them the image, or are they breaching it when they sell me the product (i.e. when they make money by selling me something with an image on it that they don't have the rights to use), or are we both?
    I reckon that someone in that scenario must be, otherwise I could just see an expensive limited-edition mouse-pad, make a high definition scan of it, and send it to AC to create me a knock-off, for 99c. Surely that would not be "all good" as far as copyright goes? Or is there maybe something in their TCs that precludes the use of copyrighted images, and throws the onus back on me not to send them one to use? Dudes are apparently getting mouse-pads containing images that would definitely be copyrighted, which is why I'm wondering…
    I'm certainly not suggesting anyone (or AC) is doing anytghing morally wrong here, cause it's just one mouse-pad, and no one (including AC!) would be making any money out of it.
    But how about if you got AC to make a golf umbrella with a few footy players' images from a certain club on it, and the logo smack in the centre, then you sold it on ebay as a "one-of-a-kind" or a "limited edition"? Would the cops bust you for "on-selling" it, or could you claim that actually, the original offense was committed by the person/entity that sold it to you?
    Of course I'm not planning to do this (I don't need the money, or have the time or the inclination, and anyways I like Arts Cow/their stuff/deals), but I'm just interested in the theoretical legalities of it. It'd be great if someone with a bit of actual legal knowledge in this area could offer an opinion… also, experience has taught me that innocent questions such as this often attract a wave of negs on this site from peeps who misinterpret the question as an intention to do the wrong thing, and I just disregard them… so "neg-away", if it makes you feel better, it's water off a duck's back.

    • I believe it would be their fault.

  • I'm not an expert (no where near) but I'm assuming it works the same way as it does with YouTube.

    EDIT: Was meant to be a reply to @GnarlyKnuckles …

    • I'm not sure what you could possibly mean by that Y-Fly, cause it's totally different; no money changes hands via YouTube, and no tangible product is involved.

  • Amazing deal.

  • Thanks OP

  • This sounds amazing! I made a Doctor Who one with all 13 Doctors! Can't wait to receive it!

  • Great deal… +1 to the OP ;)

  • has anyone received a dispatched email? Ordered on the 27th and yet to hear anything further

    • +1

      Yes I have, had to wait a few days but it came.

      • +1

        thanks, received this arv, all good

  • +1
    • Nice, I got my Pokeball (idea suggested above I believe) one today as well.

  • Got mine today, the mouse pad has excellent quality, size and fast shipping. Worth every cent.

  • received mine, maybe shouldve used a less detailed picture because the quality is bad. Also have alot of excess border that wasnt trimmed off.

    BUT……. 99c, good enough

    • what resolution did you use? surprised how well mine turned out, iirc mine was 1920x1080

  • +1

    hmm mine arrived but the picture is of batman… did not order that

  • Well…mine's taking a while.

    • Received…well worth 99c but…eh.

  • I have been using my mousepad for quite awhile now and realised that the bottom part of it is starting to fray. Is anybody experiencing the same issues and should I contact them for a replacement?

    • Mine arrived frayed…I just accepted it for 99c - isn't affecting me hugely.

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