This was posted 10 years 6 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[GMG] Top 50 Games on 75% Sale + 20% Voucher Code

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

GMG is having a sale on the Top 50 games on PC. If you use the offer code, it's an additional 20% off.

20% off code:

Another 30% off code for Australians

The following prices may be in US. My GMG is in pounds sterling for some reason. Can anyone help me confirm these prices are correct?

Prices are in USD unless otherwise stated. The prices are also BEFORE the 20% discount code.
50) Eve Online $4.99
49) Sid Meier's Pirates $2.49
48) F.E.A.R. $2.49
47) Crusader Kings II $13.59
46) XCOM: Enemy Unknown $7.49AUD
45) Borderlands 2 $13.59AUD
44) The Walking Dead $4.99
43) Left 4 Dead 2 $4.99
42) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 $4.99 [US Only]
41) Empire: Total War $4.99
40) Left 4 Dead $4.99
39) Age of Mythology: Extended Edition $10.19
38) Total War: Shogun 2 $7.49
37) Portal $2.49
36) Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut$4.99
35) Half Life 2: Episode Two $1.99
34) Sid Meier's Civilzation V $7.49
33) Batman: Arkham City GOTY $4.99
32) NBA 2K13 $7.48AUD
31) Sid Meier's Civilzation III Complete $1.99
30) Thief II: The Metal Age $1.74
29) Deus Ex: GOTY $1.74
28) Tomb Raider: GOTY $7.49
27) Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY $4.99
26) Fallout $2.49
25) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY $7.13AUD
24) Return to Castle Wolfenstein $2.74AUD
23) Dragon Age: Origins $4.99 [US only]
22) Magicka $2.48
21) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell $2.49
20) Fallout 3 $2.69AUD
19) Dishonored $9.98AUD
18) Thief: The Dark Project $1.74
17) Rome: Total War $2.49
16) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas $3.74
15) Company of Heroes $4.99
14) Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings $4.99
13) Grand Theft Auto III $2.49
12) Mass Effect 2 $4.99 [US only]
11) Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons $14.99
10) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City $2.49
9) Sid Meier's Civilzation IV $7.49
8) BioShock Infinite $9.99AUD
7) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim $4.95AUD
6) Portal 2 $4.99
5) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion $9.99AUD
4) The Orange Box $4.99
3) Half Life $2.49
2) BioShock $4.99
1) Half Life 2 $2.49

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • +1

    Good to see no minimum spend on the 20% off code…happy days :)

  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[46] $4.99 comes up as $9.99 and then $8 with the voucher.

    • Sorry those were American prices. My GMG is in pounds sterling for some reason. I've been trying to track down the Australian prices.

  • Is it just me or does the offer code not work for Borderlands 2?

  • +1

    Good first post op! Civ 5 for $7.5 and Skyrim for $5 look like good value. Does GMG offer mac versions too?

    • +1

      gmg offers steam keys so as long as steam supports it.

  • I bought the whole GTA collection for about $5 from a previous GMG sale. So I guess, wait for another GTA sale if you wanna buy any gta title from the list.

  • Good find :) Signed up with them but haven't receive email to activate my account yet :(

  • +6

    Skyrim for $4 omg

  • +4

    Highly recommend everyone to get Crusader Kings II. Make sure you watch some youtube tutorials tho :-) there is no other game where your inbred hunchback possessed genius of a brother attempts to assassinate you to claim the throne and succeeds because your jealous ambitious wife helped out as she was pissed that you were having affairs with your strong maimed battle-commander cousin.

  • +17

    These games are price gouged:

    Game US GMG AU GMG
    5) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY $4.99 ($3.99 with voucher) $9.99 ($7.99 with voucher)
    8) BioShock Infinite $7.49 ($5.99 with voucher) $9.99 ($7.99 with voucher)
    19) Dishonored GOTY $7.49 ($5.99 with voucher) $9.98 ($7.98 with voucher)
    20) Fallout 3 $2.49 ($1.99 with voucher) $2.69 ($2.15 with voucher)
    24) Return to Castle Wolfenstein $2.49 ($1.99 with voucher) $2.74 ($2.19 with voucher)
    25) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY $6.79 ($5.43 with voucher) $7.13 ($5.70 with voucher)
    32) NBA 2K13 $4.99 ($3.99 with voucher) $7.48 ($5.98 with voucher)
    45) Borderlands 2 $6.79 ($5.43 with voucher) $13.59 ($10.87 with voucher)
    46) XCOM: Enemy Unknown $7.49 ($5.99 with voucher) $9.98 ($7.98 with voucher)

    On the other hand…this one game's regional price works in our favour (only by a few cents though):

    Game US GMG AU GMG
    7) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim $4.99 ($3.99 with voucher) $4.95 ($3.96 with voucher)

    Although it's probably better to just wait for a sale on the Legendary Edition and get that instead.

    Also of note are that these 2 games have been switched:

    Game in US GMG US Price Game in AU GMG AU Price
    21) Crysis: Maximum Editon $7.49 ($5.99 with voucher) 21) Splinter Cell $2.49 ($1.99 with voucher)
    22) Battlefield 2 Complete $4.99 ($3.99 with voucher) 22) Magicka $2.48 ($1.98 with voucher)

  • How many times can you use the same coupon code? Can't seem to get it to work after used once.

    • I've used it twice now. You might need to refresh the checkout rewards page … or if you have GMG credit, try shrinking the "Account Credit" tab so that you only apply the voucher.

  • +1

    Dishonored GOTY looks the goods.

  • +10

    Hate it when I already own the games, but want to buy them again because they're so cheap.

  • I created an account, and verified it, but I can't see how to specify a referer/get the 2$ referee discount? Or did I need to do that when signing up for an account?

    • You get the $2 credit after you make your first purchase over $2.

  • +9

    GMG has released another 30% off code for us Aussies:


    Makes Skyrim $3.49 USD :)

    • Thanks, that's awesome, makes Dishonored GOTY $6.99.

      • No probs ;)

        Pretty sure you can use GMG credit with that code too…bonus!

        • Doesnt work for me, oh well just bought like 5 games. But still fml couldnt find the code on the website.

        • @Playdium:

          Only works with games that have ANZ or AU in the title

        • @ohhidayo:

          Hmm, didn't seem to work for me with Skyrim.
          Oh well, $3.99USD is still good :)

    • The DLCs addons don't have any DRM, so you can obtain them from "unofficial sources' and still use them. They are only 2 or 3 files each from memory. Definitely purchase the base game though, it is cheaper than the much older Bethesda games like Morrowind (why?) I believe SKSE (req for many mods) only works with an unmodified exe.

      For mod suggestions try:…

  • +3

    If you login to GMG using a proxy you can add the uncensored version of L4D2 to your cart and enjoy the full gore version the way it was meant to be played.

  • Does purchasing The Walking Dead include all 5 episodes as well? Or do you have to purchase those episodes too?

  • Dishonored out of stock :(

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