Looking for a suitable desktop configuration at around the $800 - $1000 mark, can go higher.
I'm not looking for a gaming rig, but rather something that's fast for general activities, some gaming (though not hardcore by any standard) some photo editing, and the very occasional video editing. That being said, a half decent graphics card is still needed, probably no better than R9 280X
Was thinking of getting the SanDisk Extreme II 480GB SSD with mounts. Although what's the deal with the new M.2 form factor?
Old desktop had
* DVD Drive (Reusable)
* PSU (http://www.i-tech.com.au/products/143930_Powercase_PowerCase…) (Don't know whether it's worth reusing, since PSU's are cheap anyway)
* Motherboard (http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Detail.aspx…)
* Graphics (http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Detail.aspx…)both of which need replacing as they're severely outdated, particularly as I need SATA 3 on my motherboard to get the best out of the SSD.
* Processor was a first gen i3-530 that did its job well, but it's probably time for an upgrade. (http://ark.intel.com/products/46472/Intel-Core-i3-530-Proces…)
* Heatsink: Intel e41997-002
* Some generic case
Already have Windows 8.1 and all peripherals (That being said a new IPS monitor wouldn't hurt) and I will need a new case for the new setup.
Thanks all in advance! (I used http://www.logicalincrements.com/# as a rough starting point)
Don't bother with the M.2 ssd. They are just a different form factor (like msata) but can also supports pci express. A sata ssd will be fine for your needs.