Modem Selection

Hi all - After waiting FOREVER to be connected to the internet (long story) I am in the market of getting a new modem and looking at something good without breaking the piggy bank. These are the two I have narrowed it down to unless others believe there is something better for the same sort of dollars. In order of preference
1. Netgear d6300 -… - Aprrox $250 New
2. Asus DSL AC68U - - Approx $350 New

I am leaning towards the Netgear as it is about $100 cheaper and will more than cover what I am looking for in a modem.

Your feedback and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. If you poll other, please let me know of your choice in the comments section.


Poll Options

  • 0
    Netgear d6300
  • 0
    Asus DSL AC68U
  • 3


  • I like the Fritz!Box 7390 and costs around the same price. Also have built in VOIP which I use with netphone

    • Thanks! I am not really in need of VOIP. My main areas are ability to HD stream, Wifi range and speed.

      • And the Fritz does all those well. Voip is just a bonus

        • In your opinion (or backed reference) would you say the Fritz does them as well as or better then the other two? Do you have any links? This is what I've found so far and I presume it is the one you are referring to? -…

        • @Tuhan:
          The Fritz is a highly regarded modem/router.

          What's your line length and who is your ISP?
          As a general Rule, long lines, Broadcom chipsets are recommended, shorter line lengths Infineon (I think) or perhaps Trendchip (?) chipsets are recommended.

          and have you checked out the Modem thread on Whirlpool?

        • @scubacoles:
          I'm with Exetel and in regards to line length, are you referring to how far away from the exchange, or something else?

        • @Tuhan:
          Exetel on an Optus port or a Telstra one (you'll be paying $10/month extra if you're on Telstra)?
          Yes.. the length of the line from your home to the exchange.

        • @scubacoles:
          Exetel on a Telstra line. I'm approximately 2km-2.5km away from the exchange and currently (after tweaking my current modem to max capabilities) get up to 800kb/s download speed.

        • @Tuhan:
          Assuming that's 800kB/s, it sounds like you have a reasonable line , and you're in the range where Chipset wont make too much of a difference.
          Both your linked ones use Broadcom (more stable connection at the sacrifice of slightly slower sync by default but tweakable with DMT.Tool)

          Fritzbox uses an Ikanos - Slowest sync of all chipsets..

          One cheap suggestion to throw into the ring is the TP-Link W8980. Goes for around $100 yet has top end features.
          It uses a Trendchip (faster sync but worse stability on a noisy line)

        • @scubacoles:
          Ok great! Thanks for the Info - So out of all three which one would you suggest?

        • @Tuhan:
          Whichever one ticks your boxes at the best price and with the best availability..
          If you can get one from your local Computer Shop, at a decent price, then get it there.. Less issues if you get a dud!
          The W8980 is hard to go past for its Price:Feature ratio.

  • Thanks for feedback guys. I ended up getting the netgear d6300 and ended up getting it for $189.

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