By all accounts one of the best quality panniers you can buy. Shipping is quite expensive but the base price is so relatively low it justifies it. You can combine with other things if you need too.
Ortlieb Back Roller Classics $118.73 + $28.99 Delivery - with Coupon Code SWEET16AU

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Do you need to buy additional pannier racks for the back of the bike? I have seen a fitting kit for ortleib panniers elsewhere.
I'm pretty sure any rack should work.
Look at this video to see how the mechanism works:
I bought two of these in 2007 and have ridden them to work and back pretty much every day since then. Still going strong and are still basically as-new. They are outstanding, simply one of the most well-made things I've ever bought.
If you need a good rack, this is great:…
If you don't mind black and the bike 24 logo, the bike 24 version is cheaper by about $10 with 28 Degrees CC (including postage and handling):;navigation=1;product=1…
P&H is fixed at bike24, unless you buy large bulky items such as wheelsets or bike stands, it'll mention the extra fee below the price in small text if set the country to Australia.
EDIT: if you don't want a messenger bag strap the back roller city is ~$20 cheaper than the classic at PBK:;navigation=1;product=4…