Cheapest vs Most reliable mobile carrier in NZ

Continuing on from my previous question, what is the cheapest carrier for phone and internet? I'm looking for one with cheap international calls. As a tourist, Im also interested in the equivalent of Telstra in NZ - coverage wise. Can anyone recommend good carriers from their experience?


  • Skinny!

    They use the telecom nz network and their rates are awesome. We used them all on a roadtrip over the south island and they had great coverage.

    Also they do either weekly combo's or monthly ones, so if you're only in NZ for a week they end up being really cheap — though the monthly combos include free calling to oz, see:

  • I had a 2 degrees sim and I don't remember a time that I didn't have reception and I traveled to some pretty rural areas of the south island. I only had this for emergency situations though and i therefore didn't even put credit on it..

  • We just used $5 Vodafone Au roaming when we did South Island early this year. We didn't expect to get any network in the middle of the hills & forest, but otherwise we were quite satisfied with the service

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