Win a double pass to Sydney's Antique Fair
2 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 21/08/2014 - 17:48
Entry Requirements
The Australian Antique and Art Dealers’ Association (AAADA) Fair offers for sale the finest and most diverse range of fine art and antiques in one place, at one time at this annual event in Sydney.
The AAADA fairs are Australia's only international quality fairs and every item is fully vetted for authenticity and backed by the reputation of Australia's finest antique and art dealers.
Finance reporter Alan Kohler recently reported the rising investment value of the antique market (see attached).
With more than 40 exhibitors showing the best of their collections in an elegant and exciting new space
- The Kensington Room on the ground floor of the new Royal Ran ndwick Grandstand - the popular annual event is again sure to attract thousands, from the committed collector to the curious newbie.
The Fair kicks off on Wednesday evening 27 August from 6pm, with the gala opening night preview.
Double-pass only valid on 28.08.14
So we have to sign up to ticketwombat first, to then enter the competition? Can we enter if we sign up for the free membership, or do we have to sign up for the paid membership?
I'd really like to enter.