I just saw this come through on my email…
Purchase any product between 21/08/14 - 24/08/14
who can find the cheapest Item??!
I just saw this come through on my email…
Purchase any product between 21/08/14 - 24/08/14
who can find the cheapest Item??!
damn the $5 credit expired :( $12 for $25 hopefully..
ummmm… someone wasnt watching their free credit closely was they?
So you got $15 right after you sign up? I want to buy something over $100 if that works then I will save $10 (after paying $5 membership).
Nope I got $10 after I signed up and then I got a random $5 a week later which expired. It's still worth signing up to the sca club IMO. They always give out $5-$10 credit.
thanks, I will give it a try.
Note that your free credit will only be valid for 10 days after it is credited i.e. 26/814 to 5/9/14.
So they will effectively lure you into the store twice.
Still if there is stuff you need to buy, and you don't mind going in twice…
Already received around 5 $10 credits this year so had to go in each time when didn't need anything.
Getting harder to buy anything from them lol.
Maybe you can order online and choose to pick up in store.
When the credit is activated, go in store once to pick up the previous order and spend the $10 credit.
No need to go in twice. :)
good thinking! :)
To ABC really $50 value for free ..are you sure your one of us !!!!
Yeah have received $10 credit in April, May, June, July and August.
I'm not a high spender at SCA.
So what's the cheapest item? Car fresheners?? :)
Ha ha awesome.
those numbers aren't available in any Perth metro store i searched.
the Silver 4mm Rope for $0.45/metre
or 3pk disposable funnels for $0.50 :) http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-store/products/SCA-D…
The funnels are practical. Saved me a couple times filling transmission fluid (I want my trans fluid absolute clean).
So just order online on 24th, go pick up on 26th and grab something $10 after fake browsing the store half an hour to regain some dignity?
The club membership is so worth it. First, I got it for free. Then all these credits coming in. I mostly just stock up on SCA Concentrate Car Wash. Thanks again SCA! :)
How did you get it for free?
It was free when they first introduced it, can't remember for how long, maybe a month or so.
Thanks, I was just checking how late I was to the party, the following video uploaded in Sep 2012 means I'm 2 years too late.
Anybody know a way to view these sales BEFORE they start?
Subscribe to their email list?
I'm on the club plus email list and get emailed when catalogs have started. Never before
Have you check the date their email sent? Usually they send 1-2 days before. Depends on the promotion though. Credit promotions maybe on the day when it starts.
Ok, now i am thinking to grab 2 bottle of Shell engine oil, 1st for $16.90 then 2nd one $6.90, not too bad i guess but that's if they still have stocks…
is it my browser or what, every link above are broken except the "0".
I have to say this is possibly the best "loyalty" program I have ever joined, don't forget club membership also give you:
Club Price Promise
If a Customer makes a purchase on full priced item, and that item comes on sale in the two weeks following the purchase, they will receive the difference between the price paid and the sale price as a credit on their Club Membership
It doesn't sound that good, but since joining I've actually received 2 credits (one for armour all which went on sale the week after I bought it, and just today I received a $17 credit for ratcheting tie down straps which are now on sale but weren't a week ago when I needed them) - I strongly encourage any car tinker-ers or wanna be handy men who find themselves trawling this store often to join up.
Worth noting that there is a father's day catalogue out now with some decent bargains, too.
Get the flexifunnel for $1, at least it's not a throwaway: http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-store/products/Flexi…
Yes, but you have to clean it, much easier to have a disposable one (or the 3 pack for 0.50)
Ok. I went in today and bought a socket for $1 that I didn't really need. Look forward to getting $10 credit in my inbox shortly.
You could have ordered online and go pick up on the day you receive credits, save precious petrol
Nah that's okay. I was out and about.
The credit is in my account now.
The problem is they gave me $12 instead of $10?
I need to spend another two hours on what to buy with the extra 2 dollars.
did you buy something recently? perhaps it's normal credit from something that dropped in price after you bought it..?
nah, the balance is 0 when I placed an order last Friday. Otherwise, I'll save one dollar with the funnel purchase. lol.
someone at SCA must really, really like you then ;)
I didn't have any credit but now have a mystery $2.20 but no $10 yet.
@tdw: Now I feel like being really liked. I got $12 credit yesterday. Spent it. Today I got another $10 in my account. What the …? SCA is being so generous!
Just get the gripwell snap hook, or tape measure or teflon tape and get out of there! The longer you stay, the lighter your wallet will be
Has anyone received their $10 credit yet???
Today i went to picked up the oil i bought online and was planning to spend the $10 credit until i was told nothing on my card.
I asked that guy to check again he said "no credit mate." Then the other person said you need to spend min $20 to get that credit, i was like WTF…
Anyway, it might be a little bit delay otherwise im gonna complain! It's a fraud…
I got an email earlier saying I had my credit, checked and there was nothing there other than the mystery $2.20 I can't account for. Checked about 30 mins later and it was there.
I spent just $1 the other day so the staffer story about having to spend $20 is hogwash.
the credit is only there in one of my accounts so far.
and there are never any minimum spends to use your club plus credit.
Ok. You just remind me to sign up "a few" accounts.
Then SCA is so losing $$$ on me and you, lol..
i only have two because any more and it starts to get tricky keeping track of credits on each one, which card has been used at which store etc ;)
I made my purchase at around 9.20pm on Sunday 24th (as evident by paypal's email). But on my purchase history it is shown as being processed on the 25th so I still haven't got and might never get my $10 credit as the cut off was the 24th.
Call SCA.
I was told by the customer service that some people won't automatically get the $10 credit like me.
He fixed it up for me and got my credit in about 10 mins..
Have your card handy when you call :)
I sent them 2 emails through their "Get Help" link on their website and still no reply.
It's only $10 but I'm a bit peeved at how misleading the advertisement is considering I got the email for the offer, made a purchase before the specified deadline and still didn't get the $10 credit automatically.
@s331234: same story here, I thought I am the only one lol
moral of the story, ACT QUICKLY DON'T DELAY!
@chengjianer: thanks mate, will give it a try
Update: Contacted them and received my $10 credit, they even extended expiry to 15th of Sep. SCA customer service is great!
I got my $10 credit!
Thanks to the credit, 5L Edge 5W-30 costed me $28.78.
I got mine too =) sweet
So, I called them up and they said you had to be a member before the 21st to get the credit :(
I bought some items in store worth exactly $10 so it cost me nothing :)
I went in today and I have no idea what to buy.. ended up getting a spray bottle, some rope and a can of WD40 and it came to $9.95 lol weow free stuff
I paid $5 to sign up, got $10 credit.. Then they gave me another $5 credit.. I need to buy motorcycle oil which will cost like $17.. then i'll get another $10..
So I would have spent $7 and got $25. aw yeee.