PlayStation 4 deals?


pounced on the PS4 deal and now looking at upcoming games.

Two specifically; Fifa15 and NBA 2K15.

Where is the best place to preorder, has anyone got a better suggestions such as waiting for actual day and buying etc?

I also wanted 1 game now to get me through to those dates? Was thinking Fifa14 or NBAK14, but might go a shooter or action? Suggestions?



  • Infamous second son and killzone shadow fall are good recommendations (ps4 exclusive) but destiny is coming soon so you may skip killzone. Iam sure dicksmith will have new FIFA and NBA 15 between 50-60$ as pre order making it the cheapest way to get it locally.

  • I think Killzone is worth it just to sample the awesome lighting effects! It really is quite a beautiful looking game. Maybe also because a friend bought it for $20 :D

  • I have fifa14 for ps4 if you need it :) - got it from my sony soundbar box and i dont have a ps4

    • -1

      you can send it over to Perth and I'll give it to a friend so I can whoop his ass when I'm at his place :)

    • Let me know price. I'm in Melbourne of you would rather meet. Or price including postage.

  • I wouldn't bother buying FIFA14 or NBA2K14 if you are going for the new versions. I did and I don't play them.

    The best game I think I may have ever played is 'The Last of Us'. I didn't play it on PS3 but it got great reviews and now it looks amazing on PS4. Watch Dogs is also a brilliant game I may even like it over GTA5.

    Infamous second son got great reviews… but I don't play games without at least some sort of multiplayer element as once the single player mode is finished there leaves very little reason to play more. And I never play single player anyway (except Last of US & Watch Dogs).

    I played Destiny beta and it was a great FPS and 4 friends bought a PS4 on the weekend just to play it when it comes out next month.

    Drive Club will cover my driving game needs in October, FIFA15 for sport, Mortal Kombat X for fighting in December then The Division & Evolve next year.

    I've ordered games from: have some of the best prices even with delivery, especially unique items. Note that some games don't get delivered to Australia. I even have The Order 1886 collectors edition on pre-order (clicked order by accident) which was actually a bargain. have great deals, especially on pre-orders and accessories. They even offered to price match an item I felt was over priced and knocked almost $15 off. used to be a great place to order games but nothing I have wanted has been priced to beat the above 2 places.

    Dick Smith do great pre-orders. I got The Last of Us for $50 but games never come with pre-order bonuses like other stores.

    But to be honest the best option would be to sign up for a US PSN account and buy the digital versions of the games. That way you don't need to worry about Discs and US store always gets the bargains. Most standard edition pre-order games are around $60-70 or cheaper with playstation plus subscription. Download speeds are slower from the US store but don't worry about multiplayer you still play locally. If you already have an AUS PSN account its fine to setup up both to play games purchased by either account but you'll need PS Plus on the US account if you want to save on games. I'll let you research that more online.

    Hope that helps.

  • TLoU is great. Infamous also is great. Diablo 3 is amazeballs.

    • Is Diablo 3 any better than it is on PS3 and PC? I ask not to be the usual cynical prick that I am; "It's the same game with an unnoticable graphics update", but because it seems to be scoring way higher than the PC version and some reviewers are revisiting it just to do a specific review on the ps4 version. Isn't it the DLC that was released last year? D:

      Also, I will stop being a cynical prick when Team ICO's pre-sequel comes out (Hate that word, but Gearbox has made it a thing now) that's been in development for 82 million years, potentially Order 1866, Uncharted 4. And.. I dunno. There's more things……. Octodad? Why did Insomniac betray us, Sony?

      • Never played it on them but according to fellow users at WP it is far better than last gen on PS4 and as good as the PC version running on Ultra settings but with better control using controllers (something the PC crowd are crying out for to Blizzard) and without any bugs. The current gen versions will also receive new updates as the PC version gets them whereas the last gen will not get them at all.

        • The pc crowd do not want controller controls. They make certain classes quite a lot harder and change how they should work.

        • @RI4V4N:

          I'm just saying what I have read in a few articles regarding the matter. Could you explain how it makes some classes harder though? I can't understand how and have read everywhere that this game is much better now it has controller support.

        • I actually heard that the controller is better, back when the ps3 version came out. But I played it on PC so I wouldn't know.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: sure. Firstly the game is actually made easier because the controller changes the gameplay and makes it less precise.

          Secondly with long range classes such as the witchdoctor, you cannot control exacltly where you want your spells and placable aoe to go.

          The thing you may have heard that people like is the action roll, but its really just to make the game easier again for the controller because its just far too imprecise for some of the bullshit aoe present in d3.

        • @RI4V4N:

          So the game being made easier makes the classes difficult? I am using WD and I have to say I'm pretty good at hitting what ever I want with exception of it'll always hit the closest enemy immediately in the direction I'm facing. Then again that is probably a good thing having very little armor I don't want anything to get too close.

        • @Where's_That_Cake:

          No, the game is actually scaled to be easier overall, to combat the lack of precise control.

          I didn't say anything about it being hard to hit, I mean there is no option, on the control, to use placeable aoes etc, which is why they have changed how the game works. The abilities do not work the same way on the console versions as on the pc.

          I'm not saying one is better or worse, just that due to how the game was designed on pc, unless they not only changed the controls, but also the entire game, it wouldnt work just adding a controller mode.

          When the ps3 version came out, most people praised it due to the loot 2.0 system, which was far better than the stupid random shit on pc, but the pc recieved all of that and more in the major content patch prior to the expansion release months ago.

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