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40% off Second Pair at Sunglass Hut

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I just recieved an email from Sunglass Hut offering 40% off a second pair, the link includes the code for online purchases (not a referral code) or you can use 2PR in store.

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Sunglass Hut
Sunglass Hut

closed Comments

  • +2

    Good deal, but it would still probably be cheaper to buy the glasses from framesdirect.com. For example, Ray-Ban RB2132 cost $239.95 from Sunglass Hut but only $107 from framesdirect.com.

    Luxottica (the owner of OPSM, Laubman and Pank, Sunglass Hut, etc) has a monopoly on the designer frames in Australia so they're ridiculously overpriced.

    • I made an order from Frames Direct only a few days ago and they now no longer ship Ray Bans directly to Australia apparently - Though even using a freight forwarder it is still much cheaper than buying locally from Luxottica's Australian retail stores.

      • +1

        I just received a letter from Luxottica the other day and they said in it that from very soon they will be moving their Australian distribution operations from Australia to China. Which is not great news for any retailers dealing with them!

        /end rant

      • Yup, just browsing on Framesdirect, every Raybans's page has a disclaimer which says;
        "Due to manufacturer's restrictions, Ray-Ban products cannot be shipped to Australia"

      • Yeah you're right, they must have changed their shipping policy recently. It's still worth paying the extra for a freight forwarder though. I purchased a pair of Ray-Ban prescription glasses last year from framesdirect for $350 less than what they would have cost at OPSM.

    • This. Luxottica is also the manufacturer of most designer frames. They could easily sell them for less if they chose to.

    • Is this the full sunglass or just the frame?

      • I momentarily had the same though, but check the listings, it shows the frame colour and lens type.

  • I'd never heard of framesdirect, so, thanks, looks like a good place to buy from in the future.

    Just for a comparison:

    Oakley Straight Jackset Black/Black non Polarised
    Sunglass Hut $209
    Framesdirect $139

    Buy two pairs
    Sunglass Hut $209+$125=$334
    Framesdirect $139*2=278

    So, if you need two pairs and buying local with local support matters, it may be worth $56?

    Framesdirect has a much better range of frames and lenses, for the Straight Jacket anyway.

    • (OPSM also "owns" Oakley, for what it's worth)

    • Yeah framesdirect may not be worth it for all frames. Postage is about $20 too so Sunglass Hut is pretty good value for those particular ones. Although, I used to buy all my glasses from OPSM and never really needed local support.

  • The F&F offer is usually 30% off the total if you buy two pairs I think… if you're not desperate for sunnies now might be worth waiting?

  • Just an fyi: Sunglasses Hut give 50% discount coupons for friends and family to employees if you know anyone that works there. Their GP% made on sunglasses must be huge!

    • Does that include prescription sunglasses?

  • I will look in to this, cheers. I was just about to try on some sunglasses at the weekend and order on OSPM with the 30% off https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/157227

    ALso, worth noting that this Frames Direct has 10% off your first order..

    RB3025 Ray-Ban Mirror Aviators
    OPSM - 199 (+30% off)
    Sunglass hut - 249 (+40% if buying 2 pairs)
    Frames Direct - 139 (+10% off)

    RB4165 Ray-Ban Justin
    OPSM - 149 (so 105 delivered if you just want one)
    Sunglass Hut - same, but better selection
    Frames Direct - 95, plus take 10% off for first time purchase, that's cheap. Bit worried after what someone said up there about not posting ray-bans to aus?

    I've just noticed that Sunglass Hut said 'Selective sunglasses', so that might throw a spanner in the works for me.

    Can anyone vouch for the shipping from Frames Direct, times wise or cost?


    • Has anyone had experience buying from Frames Direct?

      Ray Ban can be manufactured in Italy or China (the frames), so could this be the reason why its heavily cheaper than other stores? Has anyone bought Ray Bans from Frames Direct before?

      • Has anyone had experience buying from Frames Direct?

        Ray Ban can be manufactured in Italy or China (the frames), so could this be the reason why its heavily cheaper than other stores? Has anyone bought Ray Bans from Frames Direct before?

        Frames Direct is legitimate. They were the first online glasses store and are owned by Essilor (which is the largest producer of ophthalmic lenses in the world and supply lenses to OPSM and Laubman and Pank). I've compared my Ray-Ban RB6248 from Frames Direct with the ones in OPSM and they're identical. OPSM and Sunglass Hut are overpriced because they have a monopoly on the Australian market.

        Can anyone vouch for the shipping from Frames Direct, times wise or cost?

        They use iParcel which costs $20. The shipping time can be hit or miss. All the orders I've received from Frames Direct have arrived in 3-4 days. However, I've received packages from Amazon sent via iParcel that have taken 2-3 weeks to arrive. I'm not sure if this is just a coincidence or if Frames Direct uses an express service from iParcel.

        • -1

          I'm not saying they are not legitimate. Ray Ban for example manufactures in china as well as Italy from my experience of looking at their products.

          A business can still be legitimate if it sells Ray Ban made in China. Usually, these types of glasses are cheaper ($100-$200) as oppose to Ray Ban that are made in Italy.

          A poorer quality product will sell at a reduced price.

          This would be a very good deal if they are made in Italy for example, and not China.

          Just wanted to see what others got, china or Italy. Makes a difference.

        • @bargin424:

          I really doubt that there's any difference in quality between glasses manufactured in Italy and China. Apparently all the Ray-Ban RX frames are made in China anyway.

        • @bargin424: I believe that there are NO Ray-Bans made in anywhere other than China these days, which is true for MOST frame/sunglass manufacturers

  • +1

    to add to this, buying 2 pairs of sunglasses at $150 = $240 total cost, $120 per pair.

    The same $150 pair through the OPSM 30% off sale is $105 per pair ($210 total cost).

  • Was so hoping Maui Jim's were included… says not as second pair! Good post OP otherwise

  • +1

    I bought a pair of sunglasses Versace to my wife at iframes.com.au here the results:

    Sunglass Hut $340 + Shipping

    Iframes $199 free shipping.

    FramesDirect $200 + shipping.

    No way I'm going to pay $140 more for the same sunglasses at Sunglass Hut.

  • Ah yeah, i forgot about iframes.

    RB3025 Ray-Ban Mirror Aviators
    OPSM - 199 (+30% off i.e. 140 if paying for just 1)
    Sunglass hut - 249 (-40% if buying 2 pairs)
    Frames Direct - 139 (+10% off)
    iFrames - $169 BUT an Aussie site so no problems with shipping

    Most of the $150 Ray-Bans are $120 on iFRames, but OPSM still comes out top with the 30% discount.

    iFrames also has 20% off 'luxury' - Fendi / D&G / Cavalli plus free next day shipping

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