Hey all,
Staying at the Amora Jamison this Friday night and leaving some time on Saturday to return to Canberra.
As far as I'm aware parking was $50 or something last time, just wondering if there's anywhere close by that's cheaper for the overnight park - or it aint happening in the city?
I checked here for some carparks first.
You could go to Wynyard Lane.
Entry after 6pm, leave before 6am.
Or maybe Australia Square.
It is $15 after 6pm till closing.
However they close at 12:30am and don't state what the overnight charge is.
I would suggest ringing both of these places and finding out all the conditions of parking.
Also I would try ringing the Jamison, and see what other options they might know about.
(Or park for free at a train station and train it in).