I want to close the Bankwest transaction account now that I have received my FF points. However, I couldn't find anything about it on the website. Should I be closing it on the phone or at the branch? Are there any fees associated to it?
Closing Bankwest transaction account

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can u upload the proof?
I was not asked to sign a form. But I was given the 3rd degree!
Starts getting legally tricky. If, at the time of opening the account, it was clearly stated that you would forfeit the points, then that's the deal. If no such disclosure was made, then you have a case to say "no way, Jose"
If BankWest gives you grief, go to the Banking Ombudsman. Banks get away with too much and have to be kept honest…..On the phone they said just to call to close the account, lose the points within 12 months surely not?
What if you spend the points first?
QFF will put your points into negative
If it says that in the terms and conditions it still would be worth transfer the $2000 in and out for 12 months as long as you transfer it in and straight out when it hits the account.
I closed it yesterday over the phone
Did the mention taking back the points?
Yeh I would like to know as I need to cancel mine too as I got the points
I called them up just before and cancelled it over the phone, no mention of them taking the points back.
I called up and closed my account, they didn't say anything about losing the points
You have to go into a branch and sign a form… be aware the form you sign also says you will lose the 10,000 points if it has been within 12 months of account opening.