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Brand New ADSL 2+ Peak/Off Peak Plans from TPG


Plan ADSL 2+ Monthly Access Charge Monthly Usage Quota (Peak + Off Peak) Shaping Speed IPAddress

Super Fast Standard /75GB $49.99 75GB2 (35GB+40GB) 64k/64k Static

Super Fast Medium /90GB $59.99 90GB2 (45GB+45GB) 64k/64k Static

Super Fast Heavy /150GB $69.99 150GB3 (65GB+85GB) 64k/64k Static

I got it from this dealer .It is very flexible no need to give credit card details to any one or no fuzzy customer service fone calls .We can check whether we qualify with our land line number and we can do the whole process by ourselves.Easy peasy.NO HAZZLE.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Be careful of the change of peak/off peak time when you upgrade.

    For me (59.99 per month), the off peak time used to be 1am-9am, the new one is 2:30am-8am

    • +2

      The Off-Peak times are horrible but they compensate for this with more peak time.

      • Zing :)

      • I assume you meant "peak quota" not "peak time"?

        • I did mean peak QUOTA but it ended up being funnier saying time by mistake.

    • There's a setting in utorrent that lets you schedule your download times. That's what all of us use the off-peak bandwidth for anyway :P

  • Same with the 49.99 one :(

    8 hours with 15GB less or only 5.5hours with 15GB more…can't decide lol.

  • tpg changes the plans so frequently…..

  • What speed are these "super fast" plans? I thought ADSL2+ was up to 24Mbit but I could only see a max of 8Mbit on the website.. but maybe I wasnt looking in the right place..

    • +1

      ADSL2+ speed depends on the distance from your exchange. 24Mbs is the theoretical max, real speed varies from house to house.

  • Just switched from old 150GB (40GB/110GB) plan to new one. More on-peak vs 1 hour less off-peak is fine by me!

    • I"m thinking the same…

      did u have to sign up for another 18 month contract?

      • if u have finished ur old plan u dont need to restart the 18 months again…

        cant remember for if you already are on a plan… might be a charge to change plans though…

        it tells you about the costs before u accept the final changes anyways…

        • Yes, out of contract, one free downgrade every 6 months; in contract, $59 for downgrade.

          • @excite: How is it a downgrade? 150GB(40GB/110GB) for $69 to 150GB(65GB/85GB) for $69?

      • I don't think so but better confirm with them

      • If you are withint the contract you just continue as it is, for example you already 5 months on the contract and you have 13 months to go so you only continue for another 13 months not 18 months.

        I just took up this with the 80gb voip (upload and download counting) from my old 50gb voip. After I check my upload usage, I didn't use a lot so might as well upgrade to 80gb.

  • +1

    Do they count upload in the quota?

    • +1


    • +2

      for the VOIP they do
      "Super Fast 80GB with VoIP:"
      "Monthly usage quota combines upload and download."

      • Phew didn't see that they counted upload for the VOIP plan.. Was about to sign up for it. Thanks for the info :)

  • What is the performance like through TPG ? What are some of your typical download speeds for larger files like torrents ?

    • not to bad when i was DL torrents at first it was really good and was getting about 400-500KB then it was crap for everything couldn't get above 50KB, then i stopped downloading then later it went back up to 400KB (my connection max) probably a coincidence though.

  • I love u tpg

  • I get great speeds with TPG.

    these plans look great, very useful considering I'm capped at the moment :D

  • isn't the optus $99 plan with unlimited phone calls to everything except overseas and 1300 numbers and 20 gig adsl 2+ a better deal?

    • +2

      No because you only get 20gb per month. These TPG plans are geared towards users with usage of 75gb and upwards. TPG rules.

  • nice, downgraded and got more MBs! :D

  • +1

    I'm assuming you'd still have to pay for phone line rental with these plans? I don't see how they're better than the Exetel offerings @ $55 per month for 12GB+60GB with NO line rental and a cheap as voip phone. http://exetel.com.au/a_plan_pricing_adsl2.php

    • +1

      Yeah TPG's naked plans are quite bad:

      and you still get really bad Off-Peak times.
      Exetel is great for this (even after the switch to 2am instead of midnight).
      Exetel also offer more peak GB's than most TPG plans.
      What Exetel lack is Peak time but 24 GB is still good for me at least.

      • the only problem I've started to see with exetel is throttling off peak before 12pm - i have dl's running at 11:59 at 70k, which jump to 500k at 12….making me seriously consider changing….

        • Are you sure they throttle it? I remember reading that it's a result of sudden increased demmand when the off-peak hits. If you go into your user settings there is even a fair use or similar option that allows you to choose to have your connection given speed proirity if you promise to not download much…

    • +1

      Or if you want a land line included, from Exetel for $55/month you get the phone line and 8Gb+60Gb http://www.exetel.com.au/a_plan_pricing_adsl2.php. Other plans with higher data deals are available.

  • Nice plans, but they're still not going to entice me off the grandfathered 200gb (60gb/140gb) plan!

    • how much u paying? $79.99 or 89.99?

      I'd rather use the extra 10 bucks to get a seedbox :)

      my seedbox costs me about 10 buux a month and it downs at 6000 kbps and ups at 3000-5000 kbps which saves a lot of time downing from torrents as i can max my line all the time.

  • Which seedbox you are using? $10 a month?

  • +1

    TPG do not service my area, they really suck for W.A. in terms of coverage from last time i checked, only do like 3 suburbs (adsl2+, normal adsl they cover ok)

  • Incentive to change

  • 20GB more and 2.5 offpeak hours less, fine with me :)

  • I've actually downgraded as the lower plans are all I need now given that they upgraded the lower priced plans to more quota. My concern that is the quality will drop. I average 10.21 Mb/s down and 0.82 Mb/s up with a 22ms ping. There was a time when I achieved less than half that for about 3-4 months.

    Having said that my speed also used to be higher. Has anyone else noticed a deterioration in the performance?

  • +6

    I know I'll get buried here, but this isn't a bargain. What's next, submitting the Deal Extreme index page? facepalm

    Maybe OzBargain needs a News section, a la Digg.com, because with the grocery bargains lately and this, we're getting a bit off topic imho.

    • +1

      You do raise a valid point i daresay, i guess its getting to the point where any new offer or deal could be posted up here even if it isnt that special of a bargain or a exclusive offer but rather just the usual way of life..i.e. technology getting better hence lower prices for similar services or products.

  • Agreed

  • It was only a few months ago their $50 plan changed from 50gb to 55gb and made the off peak times better. Now they update again to 75GB but make the off peak times not as good again.

  • The offpeak times are ridiculous. Pretty much equates to misleading prices if you ask me. For the example, the $49.99 plan should just read as a 35 gb plan, not 75. In comparison, Optus Offpeak times are 12 - 12. (I know Optus plans are worse value, I'm just comparing their offpeak times).

    • Optus is good value- well for me and my 3rd month free anyway :)
      The "only" reason I'm with Optus is their cheap price at (less than) $45 per month with a good off-peak time.
      I guess looking at it, 12/24GB is not that good.

      TPG's Super Fast Standard /75GB $49.99 75GB2 (35GB+40GB) 64k/64k Static is much better.
      Time to switch ;)

    • My ISP PacNet has offpeak from 8pm to 8am and all weekend.

      Plus they take a long time to throttle, which means you can do some damage with a 20mbit connection at the end of the month :DD

      • ^ how much do you pay though..not having a go at you but..

        I looked up the pacnet site and

        • 5GB+10GB @ 20mbps is $74.95
        • 10+50GB @ 20mpbs is $99.95..

        We are talking about pretty much half price here.. for more quota. I guess you get what you pay for.
        I have no troubles eating up 35+35 in a span of 6/7 hours a day. Schedulers are win! =)

        • -2

          Should have mentioned I'm not in a TPG covered area, so I can only get Telstra resold ADSL2, ie PacNet et al.

          PacNet are very cheap by Telstra resold standards…imo

          I pay $99.95 for 20gb/75gb, then throttled to 128k. Get an extra 30GB if you pound the torrents on your last day :)

          • @[Deactivated]: So in other words you were bragging about a much worse value deal?

            • @harthagan: I was mentioning the off peak hours in passing. I wasn't claiming it was a better "bargain".

              Sorry if people got that impression…but that said, it is one of the best deals for those that don't live in a "city area" to get TPG.

              edit: actually now that i think about, i'm not sorry. TPG's offpeak is at unusable times, so this practically makes this a 35GB plan, with a poor ISP and poor customer service. I recommend my ISP to all, and yeah I do consider it better value than the submitted deal (for ME at least), and the customer service is up there with the best I've ever had (the core of their service is selling to businesses, so fast customer service is a must). Not to mention they actually deliver their advertised speeds…all day.

  • +1

    Can anyone tell my how reliable and trustworthy is TPG as an ISP?

    I've never even heard of them to be honest.

    • i can only speak from personal experience, which has been pretty good (3years now). i'd say maybe once a year you'll find the connection drops out, possibly because of interference from an electrical storm.

      i only had a bit of problem when first signing up - there was a line problem that took 1wk to diagnose, but turned out to be telstra's problems, who took another week before fixing it up.

      i'm in sydney metro btw

  • +1

    Inlaws on TPG. Seem to have intermittent problems using megaupload, rapidshare etc for many years now… I thought static IP would be unique but seems to say your ip already in use or limit used. Had changed our password with TPG a coupla times. One period we were eyeing usage carefully and we're abit suss… but seems better now. Help Desk not too helpful or quick off the mark with issues. response to usage was somehting like Internet noise.
    ADSL2+ Speed fluctuates significantly. Sometimes it just really drops down to a standstill (even after rebooting modem and checking signal level)…maybe too many people oversubscribed on the TPG pipe out from local exchange. This is from Inner Sydney experience. Hope it helps.

  • I'm with TPG, have been for several years — speed is always reliably good, albeit a few hours a months of downtime on average, although that could be telscum's copper wiring causing issues.

    my main gripe is that they pretty much never improve the deals for ADSL1 and never bother with upgrading their exchanges, so I'm stuck with forking out $70/mth for 10Gb, which is utterly shite when you compare it to this offer!!

    bottom line, check if TPG has ADSL2+, if not give them a miss. it's a good deal if you do a lot of big downloads and can schedule them for offpeak. if you tend to do a lot of streaming video, you'll chew through the quota in no time — in that case optus would prob. work out to be a better deal.

  • the speed is very slow 64k up and down. Not much more than fast dialup

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