This was posted 10 years 6 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Eagle Boys Pizza - Classics Only $3 Pickup, 4-5PM AEST


Just got a 'sneak-peek' newsletter from Eagle Boys outlining todays 'mad minutes' offer.

Unlimited $3 Pizzas, Choose any from the classics range.

Deal only available between 4:00pm and 5:00pm AEST, today only.

NOTE: According to the email you can set a later pickup time, just complete the order in the given time period.

Keep Calm and Eat Pizza.

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Eagle Boys Pizza
Eagle Boys Pizza

closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice, although this page shows the code as "MAD", and the starting time as 4:30pm?

  • +13

    Would help if all the stores didn't close down.

    • +4

      If they are forced to sell at these prices, I'm not surprised.

    • Yeah, all of the ones around me closed. Don't have a choice but to go to another pizza chain

  • Is it all stores?

  • +1

    Ive never tried this mob, but my instant thought is, they mus use the cheapest of the cheap quality ingredient to offer this price

    • +4

      Eagle Boys Pizza are better than pizza hut and Dominos, but are not as good as your local gourmet pizza parlour.

      • Are you crazy man, they are closing down cos they are garbage pizzas, and because of what Dominos has done to the pizza market, but mostly cos they are yuck!

      • Last Friday I had to order Eagle Boys Pizza because my local Domino's are being upgraded and oh boy, that was an awful pizza. Without saying that Domino's makes good pizzas, they are a lot better than Eagle Boys in my opinion.

  • 4-5pm? bit early for dinner….i know thats why they do it though.

  • +1

    Are these large pizzas? How's EB compared to Dominos? Any comments?

    • -2

      I thought both were terrible, their ingredients are so sparse it is a joke. Last time I got pizza I spent a bit more and got pizza capers (about $10-12/pizza). I think 1 of their pizzas has the same amount of topping as 3 eagle boys pizzas.

    • +1

      it tastes better than instant noodles and bread.

  • Their pizza's are normally awful, but at $3 its worth a chance

    • +13

      not sure where u get yours from but every time I've had them they have been better than dominos or pizza hut.

      • +1

        Yeah I'm sure there are good eb stores out there, my local one is crap. My local domino's is crap too, my local pizza hut is ok.

    • Totally agree, $3 is still very cheap, but they will be gone soon enough.

      • What I find funny, Smurfinaus claims the pizza's are so great, better than the other chains, yet couldn't even plus the deal at $3/pizza. I only gave this deal a positive, because I can't ever remember seeing pizza's from a chain pizza store at $3/each. :)

  • Can't complain about $3 half of a giant sandwich.

  • +1

    According to their countdown at their site they will 'reveal' the offer at 4:30pm

    • +1

      there is a link revealing todays offer :)

  • -1

    according to there website it's only avalible for 29 minutes not an hour like this post says.

  • +3

    Lol c'mon guys, what do you expect for $3, seriously!! haha

    • +1

      My expectations are low, so I better not be disappointed :D

  • +1

    can you order online?

    there pizzas are 10x better than dominos and pizza hut (really fresh)

    • anyone?

      • +1

        Yep - you can order online then specify a time / day to pick it up.

  • +1

    VIP Members get a 30min head start so we can order from 4pm not 4:30

    Well i thought we could, but been trying for past 10min & still not accepting the MAD code :(

  • If we only have to order within that time, can we arrange for pick-up tomorrow?

  • +1

    There's 1 Eagleboys store in the whole of Perth metro area that is open at 4:30pm AEST, and if anyone is wondering it is in Wanneroo.

    All other stores are closed until at least 4:00pm AWST.

    Bit of a time zone fail by running the promo in AEST instead of at 4:30pm local time in each area.

  • +1

    +1'd the deal even though I've never had Eagle Boys.

    $3 for a pizza to use as a base to add other stuff at home ain't a bad deal :P Jazz it up yourself with whatever you've got in the kitchen.

  • +1

    Does anyone know if they have any outlets in VIC ?
    Their store-locator says they have none near post code 3000 (Melb. CBD).

  • +2

    Even when I ordered a pizza in normal price from Eagleboys, It was the most disgusting pizza I've ever eaten in my life. I couldn't even finish two pieces of it, and the leftovers are thrown away. ewww.. the was not a beef at all. it was like cheapest sausage mince you can taste.

    • -2

      Yeah these $3 pizzas aren't as good as aldi $3 frozen pizza's lol

    • I know man! I recon the ingredients they use are partly recycled plastic and partly butcher floor scrapings.

    • So you return it and get your refund.

  • +1

    Promotions such as these with only a small time frame run the risk:

    1. Stores swamped with (often large) orders
    2. Unable to process orders in a timely manner
    3. Dissatisfied customers

    Hopefully their marketing people have thought it through.

  • ANyone tried the Pizza Pies?

  • +1

    If you place a order for pickup today and put the code VIP in it does bring the cost down to $3!!!

    but doesnt seem to work if you change for pickup at a later date :(

    • +2

      sweet VIP works as we speak… ordering before the mass comes lol

      dinner and lunch tomorrow sorted haha

  • +1

    i used the code: MAD

    It only work for pickup anytime today, not another day.

  • Dinner sorted! ordered and pickup @ 7PM

  • Order 8 pizzas for 6:30pm pickup - haven't had Eagle Boy's in 20 years so I'll be keen to see what it's like. Thanks OP.

    • +4

      And my purchase qualified for the Amex $5 back for over $20 spend at small local business deal - bargain!

      • 7 pizzas would have been the better value. $16 for 7 pizzas: great deal.

        Ps. Am I invited to help polish off those pizzas?

    • So… how were the pizzas?

  • +1

    Wouldn't you know it. My local: "This store is currently not accepting online orders".
    I give them a call and the guy says that their server has gone down due to the volume. I said can i just order over the phone and he says 'no, it's only online'.

    Probably the only store in Aus with this issue!

  • +1

    ordered online 15mins later ready in store no lines.. 2 pizzas $6 bargain!

  • Ordered 4 for a 7pm pick up.

    Can't beat lunches at uni for $1.50 a serve!

    Thanks, OP. Never would have known if you didn't post.

  • Had a nice $3 hawaiian on the way home, thx OP

  • Damn I missed this. Hope everyone enjoyed their cheap pizza :)

    • +1

      I'm pretty sure there will be a comparable deal every day for 2 weeks so don't worry

      • Sweet as! Will keep a look out

        • Yeah the store manager at the store I picked mine order from claimed there's excellent deals for next two weeks. 1 a day, so keep an eye on their countdown everyday if you are interested. :)

        • @Ronnnie:

          Yeah - looks like the next one is two pizzas and a garlic bread pizza thingy for $10:

        • @Ronnnie:

          guy at the store i picked up said sometime this week will be free delivery and something else

  • Crazy price. Nice site thought. For the web geeks, click on view-source on their home page and have a look. Simple but clever idea…

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