Looking for a new extra cover...

Im curently thinking of switching health funds for extra cover, unfortunately i cant seem to find a better deal than what i have now.

Im currently paying about $26 per month, but the main problem is the dental annual limit is very low and i have to pay a gap of $50 per year (for 2 checkups in a year). I get 80% of optical up to $170 and i can also claim up to $40 per non-PBS script after the contribution charge, these 3 are the main things im interested in. Im on GMHBA now and they are currently paying $125 for preventive dental, with a $200 annual limit.

Im looking at www.privatehealth.gov.au but i dont see anything offering better value that what i am on now, the closest is HIF which will pay much better for dental so i end up with no gap, but their optical benefit is terrible ($90, and my glasses typicall cost $200 if bought online due to how expensive lenses are). So in total i would end up paying more of a gap.

Would anyone happen to know of a better deal somewhere? Im surprised by how god awful most extra cover is. Look at this : http://www.privatehealth.gov.au/dynamic/download.ashx?id=SPS…

$35 per month and you get less than a cheap $25 per month extra that other companies are offering. I dont get it. I also saw a cover that only gave 50% back but was $60 per month. That was even crazier.

I also dont get the point of super expensive cover that has a huge gap. You cant possibly get enough of your premium back, and extra cover is for routine stuff like dental and optical…


  • +1

    " also dont get the point of super expensive cover that has a huge gap. You cant possibly get enough of your premium back, and extra cover is for routine stuff like dental and optical…"

    You are not supposed to it is a business set out to maximise profits…..:)

    • Not necessarily, there are several not for profit insurers.

  • They are all pretty similar.

    One thing you could do is ask your dentist if they are (or find a new one that is) a 'preferred provider' with a health fund. Some offer no-gap check-ups or smaller gaps.

    • They are already a no gap dentist but they dont restrict themselves to any health funds. A typical scale and clean costs $200+ on average, my cover pays $125 and they don't charge a gap. They charged a gap on my second visit because i hit the $200 annual limit though.

  • bump

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