This was posted 10 years 6 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[STEAM] Counter Strike: Global Offensive US$7.49 (50% OFF)


Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Daily Deal at $7.49 (Usually $14)

For those who missed the steam sales (like I did)


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closed Comments

  • +1

    Usually at that price, you'll get the complete set of Counter Strike during Steam Sale =)

    • +2

      Nope, the last two times it was on sale it was $7.49 (including summer sales)

      This was because of community outrage of hackers and smurfs buying multiple accounts to ruin games.

      • oh well,,maybe im the last one who got the CS Package when Steam had it for $7.50.. I enjoy playing it,,! Please add me on your friends list Steam name "angelkulit0253"

  • Worth every cent. The game that saved the series after the shitty CSS.

  • +2

    i hate when counter strike is on sale, that means there will be more cheaters.

    • dont worry valve will release the ban wave when the sale is finish !

    • theres so many already you probably wont notice the new ones from this sale.

  • I paid full price for this game an it's he best money ive every spent.
    for a simply game like it is it's lots of fun.

  • Oh no. Now we'll have more silvers joining the ranks.

    • +2

      Me? There's only one of me around here!

  • -1

    Great game but the whole micro-transaction aspect disgusts me. But don't worry, that has nothing to do with gameplay.

    • Great game but the whole micro-transaction aspect disgusts me.

      I think it's great. In CS all that matters is skill, you don't get an unfair advantage for buying skins or spending thousands of hours on the game. If the micro-transations make Valve more money, I'm all for it. I just wish they would invest more into this game.

      • You might be right, but they lay it on a bit thick don't you think. Can't even join a game without being prompted to buy a coin of some sort.

        • +1

          the coin is operations maps, those maps are designed by players and a certain amount goes to them. The coin is unnecessary, finding games for the operations takes a while and most of the time players will go back to the traditional maps to play. Also it's up to you, if you do choose to buy it, go for it, I made back the money by selling gun skins and cases from drops.

        • GL getting free maps/content in this day and age

        • @suchsavings:

          I don't expect it for free. I payed for the game and as such I would expect at least a fraction of the same map diversity that's available in Source and the original cs.

  • Gonna give this a shot because it seems worth it from these comments. Thanks!

  • +2

    Hands down the greatest FPS of all time, followed by BF4 and UT3. No game ever made head shots as fun and legendary as CS. GO is very close to 1.6 in mechanics, so hardcore fans will rejoice, but my favorite version will always be Source, probably for nostalgia as Half Life 2 and Source where the first time a game had blown me away.

    • +1

      that neg vote was prolly because you mentioned the abomination that is bf 4 lol

    • +1

      I can't even comprehend how you can put 'greatest fps of all time' and 'BF4' in the same sentence. Replace it with Quake! ;)

      • +1

        Whats wrong with BF4? As long as you play in hardcore mode it is just ridicoulous how much fun you can have with such a diverse array of well balanced weapons in a team death match. Only the respawning locations can be bad sometimes.

  • Absolutely amazing game! Too bad the sales will mean more smurfs and hackers :(

  • Anyone plays CSGO Zombies?

  • -1

    I don't think this is worth it. It was like $3.79 USD on sale. And i'll probably get negged for this, but I can't exactly afford to pay $14.99 USD for a single game… Just a note to others, WAIT FOR SALES.

    • I'm 80% sure it won't go that low for a long long time, even during the recent steam summer sale it only went down to 7.50 because valve realised if they make it $3 too many hackers buy copies and it (profanity) the game up

    • I play hepas of TF2, so I'd rather trade for a copy then buy =P
      It's 'cheaper' when you don't need to pay actual money for it =)

  • For anyone who might of missed out CS:GO available here for 11$ :…

  • im the best

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