Free Book - Lord, What Should I Do?

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Are you troubled by the growing complacency and corruption in organized religion?
Do you feel frustrated, neglected, and spiritually unsatisfied?
What should you do?

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  • +2

    Isn't this always free?

  • I don't know, should i get it?

  • Grow some.

  • +9

    Start my own? I suggest The Church of Eneloops.

    • +5

      That has both positive and negative aspects. Of course, you would be obliged to attend a cell group, which might leave you energised, or drained;)

      • +2

        Our electro-acolytes would always leave charged and ready to go for many months…

    • I like this idea better than what is on offer.

  • +14

    "Lord, should I post religious material that's free and always will be free on OzBargain?"

    "Thou shall not post free items that shall forever be free". - Scotty 3:4

  • +5

    OP, can I suggest a title change? "FREE fire starters and/or toilet paper with FREE delivery from the U.S."
    You might get deal of the month that way.

  • +4

    I just came here for the comments!

  • +1

    Proselytizing is not a bargain. Especially when it's always free.

  • +2

    I'm pretty sure this item is fake.

  • Oh really?

  • +4

    Religious material actually has a cost in lost critical thinking ability, so not free after all.

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