
I am trying to set up a Citibank Plus account ie I want to deposit money into Citibank, but was refused an online application on the basis that one of my ID's couldn't be verified. I gave them my passport number, medicare number and drivers licence but still they want me to go to Australia Post and have a face to face ID done. I refused, on the basis that, in Australia I'd only have to take my passport to get an account. After all, I am putting money into their bank, so I really don't understand. I'm a normal person - never been to jail - haven't had a parking ticket in 10 years. Got picked up for speeding about 5 years ago. So what's the deal? Has anyone else had a bad experience with Citibank. I'm considering going to the Financial Ombudsman on this one.

Can anyone advise a really good travel card to get - I'm going to Austria, Germany, Scandanavia, Russia.


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Citibank Australia
Citibank Australia


  • +11

    How is it a bad experience. Just because you didn't get your way. I signed up a while back but I think I had to do the same. Can't see the Ombudsman being interested in your gripe. Oh, you wanted to know the best card for overseas transacting………Citibank Plus.

  • +1

    Gotta say I agree with sraymond - your post seems a bit of an overreaction.
    Yes, Citibank can sometimes be a little difficult to deal with in the set-up. I didn't get my application processed online either and had to take some stuff into a branch.
    No big deal.
    As for involving the Financial Ombudsman - do you really think that they are going to be overly concerned that a bank wanted additional id? Its hardly a scandal, is it?

  • +5

    there are laws that require banks to verify your id. go to the post office and get your identity verified. simple.

  • +5

    To open any bank account in Australia, you need to do a 100 point check Wiki.

    A passport, on its own, is not enough.

    Whilst it's a bit of pain that Citibank couldn't verify everything on-line on this occasion, (once all ID's had to be face to face) Citibank must comply with government requirements.

    Don't miss out on a really good travel card, for the sake of popping into the Post Office.

  • +3

    You joined Ozbargain today to post a stupid invalid gripe?? Grow up!!

  • -1

    Citibank are very painful to deal with. Suck it up, you're not paying them a cent.

  • +4

    lol. Ombudsman.

  • Agreed OP overreacted. Take the Id to get checked in person or go to anther bank if you don't want to.

  • Yep definitely try the ombudsman

  • I had quite a few bad experiences with citibank.Recent one ,I applied for a credit card. I had no debt whatsoever. i was refused the card because of my indebtedness and other commitments.I have no dependents no loan. I live on my own.

    They couldn't add my wages properly. They have got some very clever people working for them! Go to ombudsmen.

    • They couldn't add my wages properly

      But it's you who completes the application ! No use blaming Citibank on the information you provide to them.

      Besides, the thread is about Citibank Plus - Not a Credit Card.

  • +2

    If Citibank bugs you, vote with your feet and go elsewhere with your business…..
    I boycott lots of businesses that have annoyed me over the years and I take delight in telling my friends how bad they are. In this category are businesses like Harvey Norman, Brakes Plus, Simply Energy, Telstra, Living Social, ePacific, etc. Ultimately consumers have the power.
    My policy: "If you want my money, be nice to me".

  • HI, just my two cents worth of input here! If you turn up at PO or PO agent w the drivers license, they verify online that they sighted you, you should get it approved. I advise you to avoid the Citibank card for use in Europe, if you want a card that will work 100% all the time! Son just returned from Europe on 10 countries tour, reported that people in the tour could not withdraw money with the Citibank Saver Plus card in certain countries they had to use backup source. I would use something else,in our case we were glad we went by a bank Travel Card, which at least worked 100% of the time, altho you have to swallow their extra charges. URghh. I am sure there are other card options if you want to avoid bank travel cards if not too late to investigate. Speaking of lousy service w Citibank, the PO agent mistyped his wrong birth year, did not correspond with the driver license detail,no contact from Citibank to tell us of the error which was holding the approval up, 5 wks later we called, was shoved back and forth from operator to operator, no one wanted to own responsibility altho they realised the holdup was due to mistyped birthdate, they could see it on screen. They then noted the correct birthdate, told us we would get the card within 5 days, 3 weeks later, no card. Had to chase up again, finally card arrived the afternoon after he flew off. Much too late. If you ever get into trouble w their card overseas, good luck should you need to contact the call service centre in Manila!

  • I have found the 28 Degrees Mastercard great for overseas - never had a problem, even in countries like Zambia and Sri Lanka. No fees on foreign currency purchases but now there are fees for cash withdrawals (used to be free). Suggest you use the card for purchases and then carry some foreign cash for the little payments. This card does not charge an annual fee.

    • 28 Degrees is fine as a credit card, but no good anymore for cash - they now charge withdrawal fees.

      I don't know of an alternative to Citibank Plus for cash overseas.

  • Thanks for all your comments, however, I opened a Commonwealth travel card and a NAB travel card with only one ID (mattgal), and I was dealing with people online in Australia. I guess maybe that's what the real problem is - I also had a great deal of difficulty understanding the customer service people that I was talking too. I guess the bottom line is that I like to do business in Australia. Don't you?

    sraymond and blaircam - I find that on forums though some of the comments can be nasty - is it because we aren't talking face to face. If you live in Adelaide, South Australia I'd love to meet.

    Thank you disableduser for your comment - I've read on other forums that Citibank don't perform very well in Europe.

    Blaircam - it is a big deal to go to a PO if you don't drive and use a walking stick, and in this age this transactions should be able to be carried out electronically.

    Shadow 54 - I went elsewhere. If someone I'm offering to do business with can't do it my way, then I always go elsewhere.

    Thanks shadow54 and slickmick re 28 Degrees - will also give it a go, although I'm now with NAB and Commonwealth.

  • Thanks kobrien456. I told my daughter about Citibank and she lives in Melbourne. There is no branch in Adelaide is it is all online-this is where I live. She went to a branch in Melbourne, on my advice, and for ID gave her drivers licence plus one other (I think her Medicare card). Online I gave passport number, medicare number and drivers licence and apparently one of these didn't clear through - I suspect it is my passport as I had to do a name change because I was divorced (complications with Australian Gov), but Citibank still had 2 forms of ID, so as far as I'm concerned it is their loss of about $20,000.

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