Budget strategy of 40 job application per month, no income support for as long as it can be avoided. Child care support that may prove net negative real income.
All the above, combined with the worst unemployment figures for 12? years, tells me that there will be an argument that there is an over supply of labour (the goods). This will be evidenced by the increased job application received by businesses.
As shown in farming, with a glut of any product the price (wage paid) will fall.
What do the Ozbargain community say to this - with oversupply of labour as shown by (the engineered ) excessive called for and unrequested applications for 'a' job, the government will need to bring about the reduction of the min' wage (yes and the next few pay rate levels), American style internships (free labour), to tempt businesses in employing extra staff.
From past life experience I have little faith in the real outcome as 'BIG' business is short term profit driven rather than wealth driven (my def/as the sum of profit, growth, and community good with a view to longevity!)
Are we or someone we know going to be stuffed or am I wrong?
I had a weird headache reading all of this, I think you had too many brackets :((((