People using private bins (industrial skips) as public dumping sites

Hi everyone,

To say the least, I'm quite annoyed as recently the amount of people dumping their crap in our industrial bin is getting (profanity) ridiculous!

We pay a few hundred dollars (can't remember the exact amount) every month (get it emptied 2-3 times a week). But no matter what we do people are dumping their sh*t everywhere! There's a used toilet sitting next to it, a mattress, rugs, shelving, tvs/tv boxes, dining tables and it's costing us to get rid of the crap. We have locks on the freaking bin but people just cut them off/dismantle the damn bolts. It's a freaking joke.

TL;DR people are dumping their sh*t in my skip and I'm annoyed because we have to pay to get rid of it.

Have tried to secure it, didn't work, they dump around the bin, so much so that it becomes a god damn hazard and the company that we hire won't empty it because they can't get to it.

I mean why don't people at least ASK if they can use it? If it's a large item then offer to pay a small fee/whatever it isn't free for us to empty it so why should the public get to use it for free? In fact, we barely even get to use it. It's a pain.

/rant over.

Any advice guys? Thanks in advance, and as always, I hope you're having a good day (at least better than mine) :)

EDIT: This isn't at my home, I guess I was so mad when I typed this I forgot to mention it's where I work not home


    • that sounds expensive to hire someone to stand out guarding the bin for a month

  • What do you throw into the bin? Is it a factory?

  • Maybe we should do another OzBargain social media campaign on the WA police FB page like this one?

  • +5

    Nasty solution # 19
    Coat the handle, lock, etc., with chilli oil. When the perp rubs eyes or crotch, karma will begin……….

    • Oh god, this can go so wrong, I'll mostly likely forget that I've put it on there and rub my own eyes :( I do really like that idea though

  • The Woolworths in my hometown had a problem with someone scavenging the expired bread (still wrapped in plastic) from their skip and selling it at the local market on the weekends. In the end Woolworths moved the skip behind a two inch thick 7 foot high steel gate and erected razor wire on top.

  • Irresponsible people are everywhere. Dumping your rubbish in someone elses property as well as throwing them everywhere on the streets are equally bad. I learnt not to throw a tiny candy wrapper on streets when I was small. I was educated by my parents as well as teachers at school. I used to carry the candy wrappers, bus tickets and all the rubbish in my pockets or bag until I go home and then empty them all the time from kinder time.
    In the area I live now, it's terribly bad people throwing rubbish everywhere on streets. Local Government finished their reconstruction in the town area and build car parks, nice benches, planted trees. Two days after opening the multi level car park and the new market, I saw rubbish in every single corner.
    The guys sitting on benches looking at the nice new look just drop the empty juice cups and food containers n the bench or floor and walked away. It was so painful for me to watch it. I decided to pick them up and drop in the bin placed by council just few meters away. The guys were proudly looking at me like they did something great and I had to pick up their rubbish.

    I am sure situation is same in most areas. You don't need too many people to make a place stinky and destroy the whole neighborhood. Just one or two wold be enough to destroy the peace of mind for many. Sometimes feel it's good to be insensitive to these issues but it's hard if you were brought up learning the social responsibilities. It's high time for schools to teach this for kids. At least we'll have a better, cleaner future.

  • Traffic Spikes, problem solved.

  • Instead of dumping your stuff in a bin, just burn it up.

  • Tyre spikes near the bins. Nasty.

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