• out of stock

Tacx Shiva Astana Water Bottles 500ml or 750ml for $2 Delivered from COTD eBay


Update: $2 Tacx Water Bottles with free shipping still in stock.

Good quality water bottles from a well respected cycling company who makes these bottles for professional cycling teams.

Good reviews from the same water bottle in a different style here: http://www.wiggle.co.uk/tacx-shiva-pro-team-750cc-water-bott…

Excellent article I found earlier on Ozbargain about getting into cycling too. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/108672

I also recommend the BSc GEL Lemon Limes for $3.30 delivered


Happy cycling!

Original Deal which is now out of stock was for 2 x Tacx Shiva Astana Water Bottles 750ml for $2 Delivered

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closed Comments

  • +1

    woah nice find!

    • +1

      Glad I could help, I ordered a few as I find the 2 x 750ml size to be perfect for longer rides. The 500ml is just too small I reckon.

  • +3

    good find.

    Dont' forget, if you're after gels and bottles these are a good option 9 gels + 4 energy mixes + 3 salt tabs + powerbar + water bottle + protein powder:


    • Iso gel x 2
    • Iso gel plus x 1
    • Energygel x 2
    • Energygel plus x 4
    • Energysource sachet x 2
    • Energysource plus x 1
    • Energysource X'treme x 1
    • Protein Recovery x 1
    • Zero Sachet x 3
    • Energy bar x 1
    • 750ml bottle x 1

    Free shipping from CRC at the moment, see this deal for more

    • +2

      I ordered some of those HIGH5 Energy Gels, hope they are good. This pack looks great for sampling stuff :D

  • +3

    Hah, just sold out. I put in 1 then went to payment page. Thought I'd buy another so went back to change it to 2. It then warned me there wasn't enough, so I changed it back to 1. It then said it sold out.

    Tough life.

    • +1

      Don't be greedy!

  • It says coupon not valid when I try to redeem it.

    Edit: Soldout.

  • Just bought 2 yesterday from CRC for 3.99 each!!! But just bought another 2 here. Thank you!

  • Out of stock now? :(

  • +1

    2 of the 500ml ones for $4 delivered, no complaints here! Nice bargain.

  • Just ordered 1 of the 500ml ones with the free shipping code but still got charged the full $9.87 by Catch of the Day.. Even though PayPal and eBay both said the total cost was $1.99 (and that I had saved $7.88 delivery cost).
    Anyone else find this? Or was I too late to the party and got charged the normal price?

    • Worked fine for me.

      Ordered 3 bottles one of each team they had.

    • Now my paypal email receipt says I paid $1.99, but the app says I paid $9.87.. Now I'm really confused.

    • Yes - bought a couple. Paypal transaction showed a bottom line total of $3.98 after free shipping voucher was applied. Emails from ebay & paypal both confirm this, clearly showing a removal of the $9.00 postage.

      However looking at my balance in paypal, $12.98 was removed.

      Time for some emails….

      • If you look at the transaction closer, you will see that a $9 Discount has been applied by Ebay related to the Free Shipping. Make sure you entered the code at checkout too.

        • I entered the code at the checkout, have evidence from both PayPal & eBay receipts that I was to be charged the discounted amount and that $1.99 was to be charged to CotD via PayPal.

          What the email from PayPal says:

          Tacx Shiva 500cc Water Bottle - Lotto
          Item number 371093614092 $1.99 AUD 1 $1.99 AUD
          Shipping and handling $7.88 AUD
          Insurance - not offered ——
          Other discounts -$7.88 AUD
          Total $1.99 AUD
          Payment $1.99 AUD
          Payment sent to paypal@catchoftheday.com.au

          I've just looked at my online PayPal account, and it says:

          Item total: $1.99 AUD
          Shipping: $7.88 AUD
          Seller discount or charges: $0.00 AUD
          Total amount: -$9.87 AUD
          Fee amount: $0.00 AUD
          Net amount: -$9.87 AUD
          Date: 12 Aug 2014
          Time: 00:58:18 AEST
          Status: Completed

          So go figure..
          Sorry about the essay of a post. Either I'm missing something very crucial here (which considering I'm running on very little sleep wouldn't be a surprise), or something isn't right about whats happened.

        • +1


          Look further below in paypal, there should be something like Voucher: $7.88

        • Oh, I can see that now. They've only taken $1.99 from my bank account apparently.
          Thanks domingo. Much appreciated. :)

  • Did anyone else get an email saying the amount had been refunded through paypal?

  • +3

    got mine 750ml, but not a twin pack, only one

    • +2

      same here, just one bottle… I've sent COTD an email. We'll see… but lucky that the purchased ITEM description still says "You Get Two Bottles".

  • +4

    Just received one bottle today whilst rhe original description said "you get two bottles". Wrote email to them so lets see how it goes.

  • +2

    Same thing happened to me. Only one bottle received.

  • +1

    Only got one also.

  • Yep also only got one. Sweet.

  • +1

    Anyone got a response to their email yet?

  • +2

    Same here. Only got one. Have sent them an email - send another one or refund me half.

    Will give them until the end of the week before I escalate to paypal.

  • Haha. I only got one bottle as well. Not laughing at the fact we all got duped, but glad I wasn't the only one. I'd rather my shipping cost be removed instead of another bottle, (I bought it via their website and had to pay shipping) but doubt they'd do that :P

  • Only received one bottle as well. Listing clearly shows "A Cyclist Must-Have | You Get Two Bottles". Have sent them a message via the ebay listing. Let's see where this goes.

  • yup. I also got one only.
    Currently sending an ebay message.

    • I got $6.10 refunded. I am happy with that as I paid near $10 for postage.

  • I only got 1/2 my order. Wrote to them also!

  • +1

    Got refunded the full amount. FREE BOTTLE! xD

    • How did you get that? What did you say/when?

      I'm still awaiting a response.

      • 1 bottle here aswell. Emailed COTD but no response so I escalated it to a Paypal claim……6 more days to go until I get a refund.

        • Emailed them on the 15th, received email this morning. Their reply:

          Thanks for your message and your patience.

          We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. It seems that there was a listing error with this product incorrectly showing as two instead of one, this has now been fixed. As a result, I'm pleased to advise that your purchase has now been refunded in full to your Paypal account used at the time of purchase. Although this may happen sooner, please allow 2-3 business days for the funds to appear in your account.

          We hope you are happy with the outcome today.

        • @iceblock333:
          Got my full refund today too :)

          Submitted a paypal claim last night…got the refund this morning.

          Might be something you need to do to make the case more urgent for them.

        • @plasmapuff: I'm getting a full refund for all the tacx water bottles I ordered which is very generous of them. Quite happy with free water bottles. They are good quality too and a perfect fit on my bikes holder.

        • Full refund coming my way also. We go through a lot of water bottles. I ordered 4 lots = 8 bottles. I received only 4 bottles and sent them a message I was expecting 8.

          I think I paid about $8 with the shipping cost reduced. They are refunding me $15.

          "We hope you are happy with the outcome today."

          Yer I am pretty happy with the outcome!!

        • Ur not that lucky. You only get the $8 back. The shipping gets refunded to eBay - regardless of what the message says. Check your "refund to credit card amount".

        • @ultramic: pretty lucky getting some free water bottles though. I have been trying to spot people with them out riding with limited success!

        • @ShamelessBargains: Took mine along the Gardiner Creek trail and Yarra trail in Melbourne on Sat

        • Got a refund too. Gave it a spin at the gym the other day - seems to be of quite good quality!

        • @Domingo: Damn that sounds good, I just take them on all my rides now. Won a free powerade bottle from a ozbargain mentioned competition so hard choice now haha

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