Can get another $10 off with this coupon code DS29520 < code valid till 13th Aug.
Seems like a good deal!
Destiny PS4 Deal at Dick Smith $59.98 plus shipping

Last edited 13/08/2014 - 16:14 by 1 other user
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Starts tomorrow
showing as $69.98 online.
i think the 59.98 preorder price is instore only
edit: ah, starts tomorrow, we shall see…
Yup. Appreciate you holding your positive vote until we actually get the deal. Too many peopl easily upvote deals on ozb these days
The post should advise of the start date when you can get the $49.98 online price, since the post is quite confusing and a bit misleading. PS4 Destiny but with a xbox catalogue link, does not advise of start date and it will avoid comments like above. Just saying….
It will start tomorrow. 12th August.Cannot use with Pick and Collect. By the way, Dick Smith offers free freight friday every week. I managed to get Last of us at 49.95 delivered last week using the coupon code and free freight.
10 off code is only valid until weds though according to your post
Yeah, have to buy by tomorrow and wednesday if wanna use coupon code. Thx.
This is the PS4 link to Destiny:
I'm pretty sure the $59.98 price pre-order is for store only. Online price is $69.98, with the code it's to $59.98.
Wait and see if the price drops online tomorrow by $10 then apply the code.
P.s the code works today (Monday). Checked it.
I went to Rhodes DSE in Sydney and asked about in store price, they said the computer was showing 99 for X1 and 79 for PS4, I've read many times here that in store the price is 59.98, is there an actual confirmation of this somewhere?
Doesn't really matter too much though, ordered for delivery anyway!
Great price,looks like I will be playing this on release
Check this link out:…
Offer ends on 25th August 2014. Can't be in-store. Release date is 9th Sept.
Well, I guess we will see tomorrow.
But you can pre-order an item in store too, so we can't be certain.
I'm optimistic that it will be online, but we won't know til tomorrow.
Damnit, I want that white PS3 Destiny bundle deal back on again. Missed it :(
Lol@ dicksmiths game pre-order. I still haven't received my game 'The last of us' from my pre order :/
Really? But it has been released since 30th July. You should get it by now?
Yep i ordered in store and they said that shipment never came. Went yday still hadnt so i cancelled. Online and in store prices are usually different and i highly doubt it will drop to $50
I pre-ordered The Last of Us and went to the shop on the 30th before they notify me and picked it up.
I guess you just need to go early and get it before they ran out.
I'm weary of the same.. I had a botched ordered from DSE with a ChromeCast; unsure whether to just buy instore and pay the extra $10 vs them f'ing everything up
I've sent a message to EB to see if they can match this on my preorder with them. Will let you know how it goes.
No dice from EB. They say they can't confirm price matches until release. So I've ordered from DS instead and will cancel my EB order. Came to $54.93 including shipping.
Yea EB prices are ridiculous, I was lurking around the mall yesterday and 99 for Destiny at EB while just a few meters away DSE and JB selling for 69, does EB even care anymore? How do they expect to survive without being competitive.
EB pray on parents that either don't have time or knowledge to shop around anywhere else.
They'll price match if you mention it to them (after release obviously, as stated) but will happily sting you full retail if you are none-the-wiser.
Note the ltd ed from EB includes the 40 dollar expansion pass. Also the upgraded speeder bike that you can still buy in game is a pre order bonus no other retailer gets.
The $99 price EB are quoting is for the regular edition, not the limited one. Only reason I had a preorder with them is because of store credit from a trade in. I almost never pay cash for anything at EB anymore.
Cool. Let us know mate..:)
Also, just came across this in the coupon T&Cs: Minimum transaction amount is $50 (fifty dollars). this would fall just short of that, assuming the 'transaction amount' is the final total.
when you assume something you make an …error
Fair call, so I added $53 worth of product to my cart and the code works. <$50 and the code falls off. So looks like the code will work even if the total w/ shipping falls below $50, it's just a minimum subtotal of $50.
Let's see whether it works tomorrow. Pretty sure there will be a delivery fee of 4.95 on top of the item.
Don't think the code will work like it didn't work on Last of Us :( Hope it does though
wtf pre ordered it the other day @ $69.98 with coupon code down to $59.98, since the pre order hasn't shipped I wonder if they would refund the $10 difference of the new price?, can't see anywhere on the web site to cancel a pre order…hmm
Same I pre-ordered it $59.98 + shipping few weeks before :(
I was in the same ship as you. I emailed them this morning asking to cancel my order and just about half an hour ago I get the notification email saying that refund has been done. I went straight to pre-order again using this better price, all good.
Fingers crossed the price comes down. Have been considering getting Destiny since I only have Titanfall for the Xbone currently.
Still don't get what this game is. Halo like fps MMO, that isn't a MMO?
Think more like Borderlands with some MMO elements thrown in (AFAIK). I don't really see what it has to offer tbh, just looks like it borrows from many games that came before it. Jack of all trades, master of none.
Having played the crap out of the beta, I can't wait for this to arrive.
Admittedly the beta was only a fraction of the full game, but from what it offered it was halo-borderlands-mass effect kind of mash up, but done well, with MMO thrown in in sections and random group missions.
Also there is standard multiplayer, ie. death match, capture the flag etc. with the guise of it being training for the 'guardians'
Overall, it's very easy to see it is a bungee game, but has a lot of other things going for it as well.
I can confirm the price has dropped online today, and the $10 off code works on it until at least tomorrow.
Woohoooo!!It does work!Grab a bargain…
The description/title should state the price is plus shipping. Still a good price though. Thanks for sharing OP
I wish I could pick it up. Really want to grab it on release day :(
I know what you mean, I want it bad! I was thinking of emailing them and saying just let me come in store and pick it up, but its probably a warehouse scenario type of thing going on here so I doubt there any way to avoid the 3-4 days!
Thanks OP!
Delivery is $4.95 but if you add a free delivery item it ships for free with it. These are the lowest priced items I could find with free delivery at $4.98 each:………It's 3 cents more than just purchasing the game by itself with shipping, but some might prefer to shell out 3 cents more for an extra item. :)
Nice finds, for 3c extra and no postage I grabbed the camera cloth thing!
me too ;)
me too…:)
No worries. Good catch jippy. Might as well get something rather than paying delivery. Cheers!
This is the version with the additional content yea? what is the resolution on version of the game? 1080p?
I think it runs at 720p and yeah if you buy the xb one version I think it has some extra stuff.
There is no mention of this having the Vanguard Armory bonus, you would have to check but all the bonus stuff is still unlockable in the game anyway.
The PS4 version is confirmed to be 1080/30 while Bungie have said they are aiming at the same on the XB1 but it's not confirmed.
I was just trying to troll the troll suicine knows the ans to his questions. Bought the ps4 vers
Ps4 has exclusive content deal in place.
By exclusive, I'm guessing it's the usual time-delayed exclusive as is the norm these days.
Bought, Thanks!
Now to cancel my other preorder.FFS. Code said it worked, I had the game (and a 5 item for free shipping) in my cart with code applied. I go to checkout and price is back up to $59 for the game. I go back to find the code is no longer applied. Try the code again, and now saying it's not a valid code.
Maybe they have pulled the code?
Seems that way. So frustrating that it happened just at the time I was going through checkout!
try again on the code and make sure there is no spaces. It just worked for me. Just bought it.
Don't log in to your account when checking out and it should work. Enter your e-mail as normal - but just continue without logging in.
That worked for me,
Entered my Email but chose to CONTINUE without logging in
Then entered my details manually
After the order was completed
It offered to add the order to my account
just had to enter my password and it was addedCheers
Otherwise the promo code was reset if I logged in from the start
That's retarded, but it worked! Thanks dude :)
Thanks OzB. Love, Putnum.
thanks bought! $55 dollars for a new release, cant complain and got myself that extra cleaning cloth haha
Just did the same thing - hoping we get a similar great pre-order deal for FIFA15!
do you have to pay now, or when it ships?
Just placed my order and canceled my previous order :)
The code can be used once per account, pls make sure u didn't use the code before (this code has been used for a while); otherwise, register a new account and it should work
How do you search through the free delivery items?
I wanna buy this, but it annoys me that I can't use the Dick Smith giftcards for online purchases, and since 90% of their game sales are online only, chances are I'll never be able to use it :(
Are you sure? I believe I saw a slot at the end of the purchase that lets you input gift card code, but perhaps it was for something else, I may be mistaken.
I saw one on the payment screen, a selection dot/box thingy that said "I want to use a gift card"
Huzzah! Thankyou, I don't think I've ever seen that before, but that maybe because I always went through guest checkout. $45 all up :)
So I'm guessing WISH Gift cards can no longer be used for Dicksmith correct?
Nice! Exactly what I was after, Thanks OP!!!!
It is showing 69.98 on the website ??
When you put it in the cart it goes down to $59.98, then add the code for $49.98
@kingzac - It's not working for me, the discount code works but the game once added to the cart stays at $59.95 (with code applied). So no pre-order reduction for me =-(
The code expired today =(
@DrStinge: Code still works for me, but the Pre-order deal part doesn't though. So can't get it for 49.95. Game stays as 69.95 when added to the cart.
Nice, was going to wait until this came down in price but don't have to now. Thanks.
I went in store and they have it priced at $69.98 with $10 off when pre-ordered.
But here's the kicker, the edition they had was the Vanguard edition which I assume comes with the DLCI think that's standard for all AU pre-orders. Dick Smith are just lazy on there website.
googling says all pre-orders (from participating retailers) will offer vanguard edition. basically any preorder gets the early access.
Though DSE is not listed as a retailer on for the standard edition - they are only listed for the White PS4 bundle.
In any case, I'm not bothered about the early access if it's going to cost me $15 more at JB. (Even tho when I preordered there they were @$79)
Its just a few free starter weapons, not early access to the game or anything.
The same thing happened with Watch_Dogs @DSE. There was no advertising for the ANZ Edition but that ended up being what they stocked anyway, not saying this will be the same but it's a possibility.
Vanguard is just some extra starter weapons. Not the dlc, ltd ed bonuses or the speeder bike.
I just got an email letting me know my cleaning cloth just shipped lol
me too, can't wait.
Just ordered mine. Thanks OP!
Does anyone know how long Dick Smith normally ship after release date for pre-orders?
I know some places ship the day before so you may get it on release day.
It varies. I have received a couple of pre-orders on release day and others a day later.
I don't think they're supposed to ship them until the day before release, in case you are only 1 day postage distance from their warehouse.
This is to prevent them from breaking street date embargoes.Unfortunately it means a lot of us will get it a day after release or more.
The code works for discount, but the normal price is listed as $69.98 and it doesn't reduce to $59.98 as normal price (I.e. When the code reduces the price, it's now $59.98 not $49.98??
I get this as well, is the deal incorrectly flagged?
Store only for 59.98 or 59.98 for online with use of code.I think the price was set yo $59 online yesterday, so the code would reduce it further, today it seems back up to $69 + coupon = $59.98; seems like yesterday was the sweet spot for the online deal?
@Hippy - You are most likely right. Was hoping to get Destiny for 49.98, but it seems it wasn't meant to be…
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Xbox one is in the picture but I can't seem to see the cheaper price for it? Can click and collect? Thanks