The mrs and I went out on the weekend to look at fridges as ours is currently way too small (250L).
We narrowed it down to one we liked, which is the LG GN515GW
Has anyone has experience positive or negative with LG fridges? I've only found a small number of reviews online but they are all positive. have them for $920 delivered, installed and the box taken away (also removal of old fridge, but we want to keep ours).
The usual bricks and mortar stores ranged from $949 to $1099 that we looked at on the weekend, but nobody had stock but promised they had some coming in mid week. I came home yesterday and jumped online and ordered it from AppliancesOnline only to find out that they also didn't have stock and after a phone call today was advised the next batch is 5 weeks away. Don't really want to wait that long so have requested a refund.
Anyone know of alternatives where I could get it online, or do you think I would have any luck taking a print out to The Good Guys or someone like that and seeing if they will price match AO and chuck in the delivery & installation?
I just bought an LG after being very happy with my last LG fridge (we had it 8 years and it ran without missing a beat - sold it working, we just wanted to change over to a bottom mount). Very happy with the new one too (have only had it about a month).
Bought this one for about $1150 delivered ( from Joyce Mayne.
I would definitely take in the print out and ask them to price match, I'd see if they could go lower first (without seeing your print out) as I don't find AppliancesOnline very competitive on the stuff I look up - the price was $1286 (from memory) last month when we were buying, so a fair amount more than we paid.
We found it depends on the individual salesperson, we actually went to two different Joyce Maynes and had completely different experiences at them both, on the same day.